Parent resources and Encouragement nature Play

100 Ways to Enjoy the Moments that You Spend in Nature

The Love the Moments Challenges for families were developed back in January 2011, I have found many ways to enjoy moments both with, and without my kids.  It’s less about doing things and more about being aware; weaving moments into to the day as it happens creates a rich texture to life that brings much enjoyment and satisfaction.  When I put this list of 100 love the moment moments together, many of them seemed so small, even too small to include.  But then, these little things do matter and they add up.  In a way, putting these small joys in a list gives them a voice which helps me to recognise and look for them so they don’t get drowned out in the loudness of…busyness, stuff, things.

love the moment picture-1

100 Love the Moment Ideas

  1. Smell a flower

  2. Take 1 min to look in your child’s eyes to see all the different colours

  3. Hold hands and jump around the kitchen

  4. Get down on your child’s level and smile for no reason

  5. Kiss your child between their eyes

  6. Hit two spoons together to make a song

  7. Run outside together

  8. Have a family group hug

  9. Read a favourite book

  10. Snuggle your child on your lap

  11. Listen to the birds for 1 minute

  12. Watch for where the wind touches

  13. Kiss your child on the nose and eyelids

  14. Look at the stars

  15. Tell your child a story from your childhood

  16. Sit on the floor and watch your child play for 5 minutes

  17. Find a special rock

  18. Go outside and look at the sky

  19. Feel the bark of a tree

  20. Stroke your child’s hair

  21. Laugh

  22. Peel and cut up an apple and eat it together outside

  23. Rub noses with your child

  24. Pick your child up and just hold him/her

  25. Breathe deeply

  26. Skip to the letterbox

  27. Say “I love you” just one more time

  28. Look at the reflection in a window

  29. Make up a new word

  30. Look at bugs

  31. Do butterfly kisses

  32. Listen for animal sounds at night

  33. Crouch down and stroke your child’s cheek

  34. Twirl

  35. Shake hands

  36. Walk outside in bare feet for a minute

  37. Throw a little water in the air and watch the drops fall

  38. Tickle

  39. Role play with your child for 5 minutes

  40. Lie down on your child’s bed with them and talk or sing

  41. Hold hands and make a family circle

  42. Collect leaves

  43. Eat ice from a cup

  44. Draw colourful squiggles on a page

  45. Make pictures in the dirt with a stick

  46. Chase a butterfly

  47. Trace your child’s eyebrows with your fingertips

  48. Put a flower in your hair

  49. Write a special note to someone

  50. Eat fresh bread, butter and honey

  51. Start a sentence: “I like____ about you.”

  52. Have a race

  53. Throw a pebble in a bucket of water

  54. Sit your child on the kitchen bench and kiss their knees

  55. Get 3 stories and read a different line of each to make up your own

  56. Squeeze oranges to make a cup of juice

  57. Help your child swing on a tree branch

  58. Look up the name meaning for the members of your family

  59. Do a piggy back

  60. Blow up 5 balloons

  61. Look at the moon

  62. Go outside when the sun sets

  63. Leave a bit of honey bread for the ants

  64. Colour in together

  65. Make a cubby under the table

  66. Write your child’s name 5 times on a piece of paper

  67. Be still and listen for 2 minutes

  68. Find an interesting looking stick

  69. Sprinkle flower petals in a bowl of water

  70. Walk on tippy toes

  71. Read a book outside

  72. Pick wild flowers

  73. Draw a rainbow

  74. Look at the clouds

  75. Watch moths on an outside light

  76. Light a candle

  77. Study raindrops or dew

  78. Visit a garden

  79. Take an umbrella outside, rain or shine

  80. Find a bendy road

  81. Watch your child sleep

  82. Stand in the sun and feel the warmth for a few minutes

  83. Draw a heart: one for each of your children and leave it on their bed

  84. Draw a picture with different colours of blue and green to represent the sea

  85. Wear a necklace

  86. Walk hand in hand with your child

  87. Collect shells or pebbles and put in a glass of water

  88. Play peek-a-boo or hide and seek

  89. Look at the shadows

  90. Have a picnic on the grass outside your house

  91. Do something out of the ordinary

  92. Greet your loved ones exuberantly

  93. Tell a story while you are driving in the car

  94. Make a rhythm with two sticks

  95. Smile

  96. Look at my child directly for 10 seconds when they speak

  97. End a sentence: “______ makes me happy.”

  98. Use expression

  99. Do a High-Five

  100. Stand under a large tree (and look up)

How to Get Outside and Embrace the Outdoors with Your Kids when You are Not Outdoorsy

The benefits of getting outside are undeniable. We can all agree that playing outside is great for children. We tend to downplay how important it is for adults as well. Spending time outdoors reduces anxiety, improves overall health, and helps anyone feel more connected to the world and community.

You can seek nature experiences for your kids, but you can also take it to the next level and seek nature experiences with your kids. This can happen even if you are not outdoorsy or a natural-born nature lover, even if you are itching just thinking of walking in the woods with bugs, even if the thought of hiking is exhausting. You can work to overcome those negative associations and embrace the wonder of the world with your kids. Here are some tips on how.

Find inspiration through education

Inspiration and education tend to go hand in hand. If you’re not outdoorsy, it may just be because you don’t know much about nature or the amazing things going on right outside your door! The more you know about nature, the more you can learn to appreciate and respect it. The beginning of overcoming any fear or limitation is wanting to overcome that restriction. So, if you think the outdoors are horrible, you have no motivation to push you out of your comfort zone.

On the flip side, if you are flooded with inspiration on how beautiful the world is and how much people enjoy it, your FOMO (fear of missing out), will motivate you to explore ways to obtain the experiences and views that others say are not to be missed. 

After you feel motivated to get outside, learning about nature and the earth will snowball your motivation and lead you to take concrete steps to engage in nature. 

There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.” Scandanavian saying

Prepare Only the
experiences that you want

Being prepared will play the most significant part in becoming outdoorsy and having successful outdoor adventures with your kids. That means not only being prepared physically with the right gear and snacks, but being mentally prepared and having realistic expectations.

Going back to inspiration and education, you can find the best ways to prepare for any outdoor adventure. It is also essential to consider what you are concerned about and prepare yourself for that experience. For example, if the mosquitos love to feast on you, being prepared with repellent, anti-itch, Benedryl, etc., will make your experience much more enjoyable and less irritating. 

Preparation extends beyond the “things” you will need. Making sure that you are physically and mentally ready is also vital. Here are some considerations for preparing for a successful outdoor experience with your kids.

1. Mental preparations for getting outside

Sometimes the first step to becoming more outdoorsy is a mental mindset shift. Overcoming mental blocks, changing negative associations to positive, and healing unhealthy associations will take some work and isnt’ always easy or quick. The amount of work and time depends on your experiences and how deep the associations go.

But, just because you may have had past experiences that made you dislike or uncomfortable in nature doesn’t mean you’re doomed to be a homebody the rest of your life. The following activities can help you promote a healthy and positive connection to the earth and help you get more comfortable being outdoors.  

  • Grounding – Grounding is the act of connecting your physical body with the earth. The act of grounding (also called earthing) is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. Meaning, when you physically touch the ground electrical charges are transferred from the earth – providing positive effects to your body. In simple terms – go outside, take your shoes off, and make direct contact!

  • Yoga – Practicing yoga is about physical and mental grounding. Some benefits will help you physically, however, yoga teaches you to control your breathing and connect your mind to how your body moves. This can be enormously helpful when engaging in outdoor activities.

  • Meditation – Much like yoga, learning to be more aware and present will prepare you to take in and love all that nature has to offer, especially when you reach the point in a hike where cell phones are no longer working. 

  • Sit spotting – Similar to meditation, sit spotting involves the natural world around you and it becomes incorporated into your mindful meditation. The idea of sit spotting is simple: find a special place in nature and then become comfortable with just being there, still and quiet. In this place, nature will surround you, soothe you, entertain you and seep into you. Sit spotting gives you a personal and intimate place in nature which will soothe, comfort and relax you, as you get to know the location.

  • Therapy – Depending on your past experiences, level or fear/dislike, and negative associations with the great outdoors, therapy might be an excellent option for working through mental blocks and creating strategies to shift the narratives you hold about nature.

how to become outdoorsy

2. Physical preparations for getting outside

Physical ability to sustain outdoor activities is usually a huge deterrent for most adults. If you are physically uncomfortable or in pain, of course you’re not going to enjoy the activity. Eliminating any physical discomfort can help you reframe your mindset around spending time outdoors. For example, if you are preparing for a longer hike or adventurous and physical outdoor activities (like downhill skiing or climbing), you can train your body so that you can approach these activities relaxed and ready to enjoy the time in nature with your children. Here are few ways to help eliminate the physical discomfort around being outside:

  • Start taking frequent walks. Choose to walk instead of driving. The the stairs instead of the elevator. Move your body more every day.

  • Take on elevations. Start gradually adding some higher elevation hikes to what you’re already doing. Increase the elevantation and difficulty very slowly. 

  • Strength training can help you in a variety of ways. Not only will it make you feel more confident in your abilities, but will be beneficial when your toddler decides mid-hike that they no longer want to walk.

  • Increase your water intake. This is an easy one that you can do well before you go outside. Hydrate ahead of time while you have easy access to bathrooms while your body adjusts.

3. Medical preparations for getting outside

Slightly different from physical preparation, medical preparation is necessary for anyone that has a medical issue that is keeping them from getting outside. This preparation is very specific to what medical needs you have. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your plans and concerns before making any changes to your medical regime. A doctor can help give you suggestions on how to manage the issue outdoors, prepare you for various scenarios and help you get more comfortable getting out of your comfort zone.

For example, if you are prone to allergic reactions or dehydration, your medical fears about what could happen might be keeping you from spending time outside. Talk to your doctor to see if there are options for you to find some relief or even underlying causes to treat.

dad, two kids and dog sitting on the rocks at sunset with a boat in the distance

4. Having the right outdoor gear

Having the right gear can really help a “not outdoorsy” parent feel more comfortable and confident being outside. Where your budget allows, purchase high-quality durable items and find room for items on your wishlist. Having the right equipment, and the gear that makes you feel good will make the experience of the outdoors feel more like an extension of who you are.

While a lot of what you need will depend on where you are going, here are some quick gear items to think about adding to your outdoor gear stash for nature adventures with kids:

  • Waterbottles

  • Weather-appropriate clothing – for travel or hikes, layers will keep you prepared to change at a moment’s notice. This includes rashguards, hats and sunglasses for outdoor play in the summer, as well as wool layers, hats and gloves for wintertime play. 

  • A great camera or phone with a great camera

  • For younger children, a compact baby carrier so that you can walk but be prepared to hold them and keep your arms free.

  • A great backpack for ALL the water, diapers, and snacks!

5. Setting realistic expectations for outdoor activities

Setting realistic expectations about getting outside with your kids might be the hardest part of the adventure, but it will set you up for the best experience. Going into any activity that you previously found difficult and expecting to love it is not realistic. Shifting your mindset can be a gradual experience and it may take a bit of time. Start by taking notice of the things that you liked, enjoyed or appreciated during the activity. Focus on the good and try to hold on to those feelings and let everything else go. 

The goal is to curate love and embrace nature as a beautiful part of your life. There is time to let that love grow, and if you are frustrated because you didn’t love it, you are less likely to try it again. It’s ok not to love it. But do try to appreciate the good and be willing to try again. The more you do something, the easier it will become and you may just find yourself enjoying the activity. 

So, go into a new activity open-minded but know this relationship will grow over time and not need to be an instant connection.

How to spend more time outside with your kids when you're not outdoorsy

Now, go play outside!

Once you’ve addressed the ideas and issues discussed above, it’s time to get outside and learn to embrace nature and the outdoors. There’s so much out there waiting for you. So many adventures to be had and memories to make. Let’s get started embracing nature and becoming more outdoorsy. 

1. Create a plan and stick to it 

Start planning your experiences. Make a list of the things you’d like to do. Include realistic things that you can do now that are comfortable and easily accessible. But, also include a few things that are stretch goals that you’d like to be able to do someday. Those will keep you motivated to keep going.

For each outdoor adventure you take, get yourself comfortable with the outing before you ever leave the house. Map out where bathrooms are, think about any snacks and meals, consider what gear and clothing you’ll need. Then do it! Eventually, you will find things won’t take as much planning, but being over-prepared ensures that you won’t run into as many unexpected problems.  

2. Start small and work your way up to bigger adventures

If you’re not outdoorsy, but want to spend more time in nature, taking baby steps will ease you in and create a snowball effect for embracing the great outdoors. It will also help you narrow down which experiences you really like and which ones are just not for you.

For example, before you go camping for a whole weekend, do an under-nighter outside. Sit by a fire, cook outdoors, sing songs and tell scary stories, all with the expectation that you are going home at the end of the night. (This can also be done in your backyard.) Once you are comfortable with that, try camping overnight somewhere familiar and close to home (so you can bail in the middle of the night, if you need to).

Same with hiking. Start with a walk in a flat nature preserve. Then seek out longer hikes with more inclines. Just like setting realistic expectations, you are building a foundation and nurturing your relationship with nature. Start small and build the trust over time. Jumping into something well beyond your comfort zone is dangerous and a sure-fire way to make you never want to try that activity again. 

two kids on a boat with binoculars - best outdoor activities and adventures for kids

3. Say yes to adventure

As adults, we often find that saying no to non-preferred activities becomes a habit. Particularly, if you are not outdoorsy, saying no to a hike, canoe trip, or camping weekend will come out without even considering the experience. But sometimes there are opportunities to get outside all around you if you just start looking for them and saying “yes” when they come up. Friends are more likely to start asking you to do outdoor things if you make a habit of saying “yes!” to experiences you previously said no to. The more you agree to being outdoors, the easier those yesses will come and the more opportunities will arise. 

4. Move your favorite activities outside

Do you love to read? Are you a fabulous cook? Do you enjoy working out? Is your home filled with plants? Do you paint or draw? Start with the things you love and enjoy and slowly shift them outside. Ttaking the things your family already does inside to the outdoors will add a whole new level of excitement and help you get more comfortable being outdoors. Piggybacking things you already enjoy to unknown experiences will give you a head start knowing you will enjoy it.

How to hold yourself accountable for spending more time outside

If you’re intimidated by the outdoors or need some additional motivation to get outside, one of the best things you can do is to find ways to hold yourself accountable to your outdoor goals. Sometimes this means enlisting help! Here are some ways that you can help hold yourself accountable to your goals of getting outside more often with your kids. 

1. Tell your kids

Nobody on earth will hold you more accountable than your kids. They are watching you. They probably want to go outside! Make it a family goal to get you to love the outdoors as they do. Let them call you out when you aren’t meeting your goals. Let them show you how much they love the outdoors and how much fun they’re having. They will be empowered as human beings and will be your best cheering section when you show them how much you want to embrace changes.

2. Use a tracker

If you’re someone that loves seeing your progress or finds comfort in trackers and lists, consider using a fitness tracker, step tracker, or even just a calendar for goals you want to reach. Create a goal that you can reach and find tangible ways to measure your outside time. Having concrete goals will keep you accountable while you are forming a new habit. And make sure to celebrate when you hit that goal! 

3. Do it with friends

There’s nothing like having a friend to get you through some of the initial hurdles and make it less scary. Find friends with similar goals and friends who are natural-born outdoorsy people. Set up playdates with mom friends outdoors and let the kids explore together. Picnics, hikes, and camping are all great activities to do as a group.  Take turns checking out new parks, new trails or new activities. Or you could even start your own forest playgroup with some local like-minded friends!

4. Start a social media account or a blog

Small or large following, having a social media account is a fun way to keep people updated with what you are doing and hold yourself accountable. Post a photo and caption about all of your adventures and create an online community of people to cheer you on! Share your experience and what you learn. Not only will it help motivate you to continue trying new things and getting outside, but you may also inspire others to do the same! 

5. Challenges and paid activities

Spending money is one of the most potent tools we have to help hold us accountable. There has been a lot of research on how paying for something gives us a sense of obligation. Sign yourself up for a paid challenge to get outside more. We have a great one that’s designed for parents of little kids with 7 themed days of fun (and easy) outdoor activities called The Wildhood Challenge. Paying for a curated experience will motivate you to follow through and help you be prepared for a great experience.

Enjoy the process of
becoming outdoorsy

So, are you feeling “outdoorsy” yet? We hope these ideas and advice will help get you over any hurdles you might have to embrace the outdoors and get more confident and comfortable outside. Bookmark this post and refer back anytime you need some extra motivation or encouragement.

Now, take a deep breath and get ready for a new, nature-loving you. Find those adventures that feed your soul and bring your family closer together. The kids will love having you present in their world and you will love feeling on your way to becoming outdoorsy. 

Building Language Skill With Nature's FREE Small Parts 

Montessori Language Miniatures:

What Are They And How I Use Them For One AND Two Year Olds

(Other people refer to them as Props OR Loose Parts) 

Montessori offers a great tool for busy parents trying to teach their kids the skills of letter sounds and vocabulary: Montessori language miniatures.

Montessori language miniatures are small, realistic replicas of everyday objects that often come in sets. Here’s an example of a Montessori miniature set you can use with your children. Just as the name suggests, Montessori teachers and parents use the miniatures to teach language concepts, including expressive language and letter sounds.

These skills prepare children for writing and reading. Language miniatures are best suited for children ages 3 to 10. Because of their versatility and simplicity, language miniatures are a popular choice for Montessori homes and classrooms. They can greatly simplify your life as a parent — say goodbye to getting a new activity, game, or toy to teach every new language concept. You can use language miniatures to teach a variety of concepts to children of all ages.

Let’s explore how to use them.

Montessori Language Minis

Learn Through Play

Introducing the miniatures to your child is the fun part. They get to explore and play with the toys, which may include objects like a hat, button, or rolling pin. As they play, they can learn the letter sounds.

Here’s how to start:

  1. Sit beside your child and name each object as your child explores it. Use rich language to describe the object’s characteristics.

  2. Ask your child questions about what they notice about the object and what they think it might be used for. Invite them to use the name of the object as they describe it.

Children learn best when they’re following their own interests and don’t feel pressured to make elaborate presentations or interrogate your child about the object.

They are learning as they play. Play is the easiest and most effective way for children to learn. Let your child play for as long as they would like. Then put the miniatures away to practice more another day.

Montessori Language Minis Close Up

This simple play can build both receptive and expressive language skills. Receptive language is the ability to comprehend the language one hears from others. Expressive language is the ability to use language to communicate wants, needs, and ideas. The development of both receptive and expressive language depends on a child first knowing the right words to describe the people, places, and things that make up their world.

Montessori language miniatures are an excellent tool to help your child expand their vocabulary. As you build your child’s vocabulary, you strengthen the foundation that will one day help them read and write. And unlike flashcards or tablet games, language miniatures are engaging, tactile, and a bonding experience between parent and child.

Hide and Seek

As your child becomes more familiar with the vocabulary associated with the miniatures, switch up how you use them — but keep it simple! Many children enjoy a classic scavenger hunt. Start by hiding some of the objects in a room of your home. At first, you can play with a smaller set of 5-10 objects. As your child gets the hang of the game, you can gradually add more.

Once your objects are hidden, give your child the name of the object they need to find and set them loose. If they bring back the incorrect item, name the item they brought back. Give them a hint about what the requested item looks like so they can try again. Up the ante by timing how quickly they can find the miniatures. Challenge them to get faster and faster each time you play.

Learning Letter Sounds

As your child grows, the fun with language miniatures continues — you don’t need to spend money on something new. Knowing letter sounds and hearing the different sounds in spoken language are key skills that children need before they can learn to read and write. You can use your language miniatures to practice letter sounds and help your child begin to recognize them in speech.

Start off by inviting your child to play with the miniatures again. Sit beside them and again name the objects. This time, comment on the sounds that you hear in the vocabulary words.For example: “The turtle is swimming! Turtle – /t/, /t/, turtle! I hear the /t/ sound.” Relate the sounds to other common words your child knows, such as another miniature (“top hat”), a friend or family member’s name, their favorite characters from a book or TV show, or a word from a familiar letter sounds song.

As your child grows, you can play Montessori sound games with your language miniatures and their corresponding letter sounds. One way to play sound games is with a version of “I Spy.” You can set out a language miniature, like a turtle, and say something like, “I spy something that starts with /t/.” When your child gives you the item, emphasize the sound again. Keep Montessori sound games simple when you first start by using just one obvious object. You can gradually add more items as your child becomes more confident.Pairing Language Miniatures with the Movable AlphabetOnce your child knows their letter sounds, they can begin learning the symbols that represent these sounds: letters.

The Montessori movable alphabet is a hands-on material that Montessori children use to master their knowledge of letters. Pairing language miniatures with the movable alphabet is an effective way to help children practice their early reading skills.

This activity is best completed with a child who is already familiar with each letter. Start with just a handful of miniatures and letters. Invite your child to place each language miniature with the corresponding letter of the movable alphabet. For example, they can match the strawberry language miniature with the “s” and the egg with the “e.” As your child masters this activity, you can increase the number of language miniatures and movable alphabet letters you present at a time.

With Montessori Language Miniatures, Practice Makes PerfectUsing language miniatures is an easy and stress-free way to teach your child letter sounds at home. You can use any words you and your child know. To engage your child even more, consider using words about objects they enjoy.

Montessori Language Minis Overhead

Once you’ve given your child lots of examples of words that start with the same sounds as the miniature, invite your child to think of their own — but don’t expect perfection immediately! Hearing different letter sounds is a skill that takes time to develop.

The more you practice with language miniatures and sound games, the better your child will get. You can refer back to the miniatures in any conversation you’re having with your child. Challenge them to identify other words in your conversation that start with the same sound as the miniatures. Because you can play this game anywhere, at any time, for as long as you want, this is an easy and fun way to help your child one day read and write.

These are just a few ways to nurture your child’s Montessori language development with language miniatures, but the possibilities are truly endless. You can practice rhyming, alliteration, inventive spelling, or simply use the miniatures to inspire your child’s imagination and let them create a game of their own.

Check out these Montessori language miniature sets ($$) for yourself. how you and your child use them in creative ways to have fun and build language. 

How to Introduce Loose Parts to Your Infants and Toddlers

Are you seeking a captivating and enriching way to foster the development of infants and toddlers in your care? 

Imagine a world where curiosity flourishes, imagination soars, and creativity knows no bounds. Introducing loose parts into their play environment can unlock a realm of possibilities.

Let’s face it, infants and toddlers are experts at tinkering and exploring. What better materials to tinker with than loose parts? Loose parts are essentially any open-ended material that can be used in a variety of ways. From natural elements like sticks and stones to everyday objects like fabric scraps and cardboard, the possibilities are endless.


However, as an early years educator, you may find yourself hesitant or even intimidated by the idea of introducing loose parts to infants and toddlers. 

The thought of managing potentially small or loose objects in a play environment might raise concerns about safety and orderliness. However, it’s important to remember that introducing loose parts doesn’t have to be daunting. With thoughtful planning, appropriate supervision, and clear guidelines, loose parts can be introduced in a way that ensures both safety and meaningful play experiences for the little ones.

But fear not! With three simple steps, we will break down how to introduce loose parts to infants and toddlers. By following these steps, you can create a safe, engaging, and enriching play environment that nurtures their natural curiosity, promotes exploration, and supports their holistic development.

1. Start small

When planning to introduce loose parts to infants and toddlers, plan to start small.  You don’t want to overwhelm them with too many options. A good rule of thumb is to start with 3-5 options for a classroom of 8-12 infants/toddlers. From there, you can slowly introduce more and rotate out as needed.

2. Think BIG!

Remember loose parts do not have to be small pieces.  For infants and toddlers, it is best to offer larger loose parts since they are still very oral and most objects are a choking hazard.

Large plastic cups are great loose parts for fulfilling toddlers’ love of stacking!

3. Provide a variety of textures and aesthetics.

Infants and toddlers thrive on sensory experiences. By providing loose parts that feed their sensory needs, you are allowing them to build deeper connections as they build their knowledge of the world around them.

This block area features a variety of textured loose parts: Soft cotton balls, rough wood cookies, shiny metal, and smooth blocks. The mirror also adds a reflective depth to add to the sensory experience.

Go forth with confidence

Incorporating loose parts into the play experiences of infants and toddlers can be a game-changer for their development. By embracing the concept of loose parts and following the three simple steps outlined in this article, you have the opportunity to unlock a world of wonder, creativity, and growth for the young minds in your care.

Remember, loose parts provide endless possibilities for exploration, problem-solving, and imaginative play. As an early years educator, you play a vital role in fostering their innate curiosity and laying the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

So, go forth with confidence, introduce loose parts into their play environment, and witness as they immerse themselves in captivating journeys of wonder and discovery.

Looking for ideas on what loose parts to introduce? 

Grab more ideas from these articles:

For more information on this topic, don’t miss this in-depth guide How to Get Started with Loose Parts.

Forest school outdoor learning ideas and nature activities for children of all ages.

Small Parts Play Vocabulary & Ideas

Tons of Tinkergarten Nature Activities And Parent Resources

TinkerGarten's Nature Enrichment-All Ages

Tinkergarten believes that children of all ages are able to engage with their play-based learning model. They offer outdoor activities that suit a wide range of ages, because we believe that everyone should get the chance to tinker outdoors. No child is too young or too old to do a Tinkergarten outdoor activity.

A child’s most critical development happens in their first two years. Their outdoor activities are meant to help the x months old, 1 year old, and 2 year old kids start exploring their surroundings and getting more acquainted with their sensory experiences. Tinkergarten loves having them use their hands and feet to touch and feel new sensations. Their play-based learning model means that our activities are both developmentally stimulating and just plain fun!

Thier website is easy to use- you can sort activities by age and what setting you are using. Making it a matter of minutes to print your activity and get right back to the kids. It also makes it easy to develop shared learning experiences that your early learner will love as they learn to follow directions 

Blogs By Tinkergarten


For families with young kids, spending purposeful time outside is more important than ever. To thrive in this dynamic world, children need outdoor play experiences that deliver the hands-on lessons, valuable social interactions, and restorative activity that can’t be gained from the tap of a screenAs parents, it’s our job to ensure they engage in these experiences early and often. But how?

While finding ways to create enriching outdoor moments is essential, it isn’t always easy. Getting outside might be a simple first step, but for a lot of us, knowing what to do next—and how to make it count— just doesn’t come naturally.

We’ve been there. That’s why they started Tinkergarten.

Tinkergarten helps families get outside to make the most of their kids’ early learning years. Designed by education experts and loved by all families, our play-based outdoor curriculum guides parents in raising healthy, confident, and capable kids. Tinkergarten makes purposeful outdoor play doable for every family.

& Highlights Available 24/7

Your guide to purposeful outdoor play. Try a free DIY activity or get parenting insights on their blog. At Tinkergarten, they provide classes and curriculum to make purposeful, outdoor play doable for teachers and families.

Try some DIY versions of our outdoor activities with your child, and join their community to get the full learning experience!

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How Can We Blend Mindfulness and Nature for Whole-Child Development?


Pre-Planned Play and Learn Nature Themes For Babies & Tots

Pre-Planned Play and Learn Nature Themes

Activities during walks

Explore legs and feet as little ones discover your neighborhood....


New ways of exploring blocks with very young children....

Birds are very interesting for babies and toddlers, especially si...

Birds and eggs
Spring is the ideal time to learn all about birds!...


Learning activities designed for young butterfly enthusiasts....

Communicating with our body
Explore nonverbal communication through imitation games....

Activities for toddlers and babies.This theme may make you think ...

Activities for toddlers and babies...

Exploring nature and the outdoors...
Activities for toddlers and babies. Help children develop their s...

Exploring objects with different senses
Simple ideas to play with children’s senses....

Exploring Old MacDonald had a farm with babies and toddlers
Bring this popular song to life in your nursery....

Exploring snow

Here are several ideas that will provide little ones with the opp…

These tiny visitors come with plenty of magical fun for little on...

Activities for toddlers and babies. Celebrate the arrival of fall...

Fall colors
The fall foliage is fascinating for young children. Imagine all t…


Teddy bears are the stars of this adorable theme!...

Fall-related outdoor activities for babies and toddlers
Fun and games involving leaves....

Farm animals
The perfect prelude to your local mall’s Easter farm....

Flower-filled exploration, crafts, and activities for young child...

Allowing babies and toddlers to explore flowers can develop their...

In the heart of spring
Activities for toddlers and babies.This theme will make exploring...

Insects during autumn
Even if insects are tiny, little ones are attracted to them. They...

It shines
Activities for toddlers and babies. Call upon little ones? sense ...

It's cold
This theme will give children the chance to explore cold items. T...

Moving and stretching
Activities for toddlers and babies. This theme will show your gro...

Musical cards
Knowing that a baby is capable of hearing certain sounds while in...

My boat
Activities for toddlers and babies.Encourage your little sailors ...

My little bunny
A cuddly theme for infants and toddlers....

My mouth
Explore this very intriguing body part with little ones....

My snowman
Activities for toddlers and babies. Snowmen are so cute and endea...

My stuffed animal
Gather as many stuffed animals as you can and have fun exploring ...


Activities for toddlers and babies. Nature represents an incredib…

Out for a walk
Presenting a theme related to taking walks with your group will h...

Outdoor activities-Festival
Activities for toddlers and babies. Now that summer and beautiful...

Outdoor motor skills
Activities for toddlers and babies.Decorate the ceiling.Hang beac...

Outdoor relaxation activities
Outdoor play doesn’t always have to rhyme with gross motor skills...

Parks and outdoor spaces
Finally! The end of March is approaching which means the snow wil...

Pencils and crayons
Explore pencils and crayons of all kinds with babies and toddlers...

Take lunch time outside to enjoy the last days of summer with lit...

This theme will give little ones the chance to explore the differ...

Pumpkin fun
Simple pumpkin-themed activities perfectly adapted to little ones...

Activities for toddlers and babies. Deposit several plastic pumpk...

Puppet-filled activities, crafts, and routines designed for young...

Push and pull
Activities for toddlers and babies.Babies and toddlers learn by r...

Pyramid (rolling a ball)
Here is a low-cost game which is very easy to make with little on...

Activities for toddlers and babies. Hang several small umbrellas ...


A list of activities that encourage exploration....


Introduce young children to these highly energetic animals....

A very sweet theme for infants and toddlers....

Activities for toddlers and babies. Summer is a wonderful season ...

Summer exercises for little legs and feet
Take advantage of the warm weather to explore these body parts!...

Summer reading
Outdoor book exploration for young children....

Summer vacation
This theme explores various activities babies and toddlers may ex...

The beach

Fun in the sun for little ones!...

The playground
Activities for toddlers and babies. During summer, trips to the p...

Things that fall
Simple ways to explore cause and effect....

Tiny fish
A long list of activities you can use to explore fish with toddle...

Treasure hunt
Develop children’s visual perception with a simple game....

Activities for toddlers and babies...

Up and down
Several activities to introduce little ones to the concepts “up” ...

Activities for toddlers and babies. Set a basket filled with plas...

Collect all the toys you may have which roll and use them in diff...

Verbal communication
Enrich children’s vocabulary through activities packed with sound...

Water games
Activities for toddlers and babies. Water is an element that babi...

What animals eat
Little ones get to play with food as they learn....

What we eat
Activities for toddlers and babies. Help little ones discover the…

Activities for toddlers and babies. Since autumn is a windy seaso...

Interesting activities for the last weeks of winter....

Wintertime hula hoop fun
Encourage active play with these “not just for summer” toys....

Baskets and eggs Provide several fairly large and very colourful ...

Encouraging independence
Activities for toddlers and babies.Use your daily games, activiti…

Nature Baby & Tot 
Pre-Planned Play and Learn Themes

Nature Baby & Tot  Themed Playtime

Summer Theme

It’s finally summer here in Wisconsin, and after the longest winter ever, it feel so good to get outside and enjoy the sunshine! So I guess it’s time to come to terms with the fact that our little baby Aubrey isn’t really a baby anymore… [read more]

Ocean Theme

We wrapped up our animal themed baby bins this week learning all about ocean animals.  We had lots of fun sorting, painting, and trying out lots of sensory experiences as we learned about sea creatures.  Here is a look at our 6 animal themed baby… [read more]

Farm Theme

This week we learned all about cows, pigs, horses and more with our farm themed baby bins.  We had so much fun with lots of sensory experiences this week as we learned about farm animals.  Here is a look at our 6 animal themed baby… [read more]

Zoo Theme

This week we learned all about elephants, giraffes, monkeys and more with our zoo themed baby bins.  We had so much fun exploring sensory bins and creating crafts this week as we learned about zoo animals.  Here is a look at our 6 animal themed… [read more]

Spring Theme

Spring may have “officially” started a month ago but it’s not quite spring here in Wisconsin! There may be a snow storm coming this weekend, but we didn’t let that slow us down this week as we learned all about plants, flower, rain and more with… [read more]

Earth Day Theme

This week we learned all about our Earth and ways that we can take care of it with our Earth Day themed baby bins.  We had so much fun exploring sensory bins and creating crafts this week as we learned about our special planet.  Here… [read more]

Butterflies Theme

This week we learned all about butterflies and caterpillars with our Butterfly themed baby bins.  We had so much fun exploring sensory bins and creating crafts this week as we learned about these beautiful winged insects. Here is a look at our 6 animal themed… [read more]

Frogs Theme

This week we learned all about little green hoppy friends with our Frog themed baby bins.  We had so much fun exploring sensory bins and creating crafts this week as we learned about froggies! Here is a look at our 6 animal themed baby bins:… [read more]

Insects Theme

This week we kicked off our animal themed baby bins learning all about insects.  We had lots of fun matching colors, painting, and trying out lots of sensory experiences as we learned about bugs.  Here is a look at our 6 animal themed baby bins:… [read more]

Winter Theme

Happy New Year everyone! We enjoyed our little break for the holidays but are ready to get right back into our school routine. It has been ridiculously cold and we have been hunkering down over here and not leaving the house, so I am glad… [read more]\

Spring Theme

Spring may have “officially” started a month ago but it’s not quite spring here in Wisconsin! There may be a snow storm coming this weekend, but we didn’t let that slow us down this week as we learned all about plants, flower, rain and more with… [read more]

Fall Theme

This week we took a quick break from our color themed baby bins to explore leaves with our FALL baby bin theme. Here is a look at what we have planned for our first 6 seasonal themed baby bins:   Here are the details for each… [read more]

MPK -Tot School Quick Links

Fall: ApplesAll About MeFallBat & SpidersWeather
Winter: WinterPenguinsFive SensesBearsSpace,
Spring: FrogsButterfliesEarth DaySpring, Dinosaurs,
Summer: ZooFarmOceanInsectsPlantsTransportation

Getting Started with Tot School

Happy New Year! One of my resolutions this year was to find a time each day where I really focus on quality learning with my 2 year old Madelynn.  With baby #2 arriving in just 3 months I knew I needed to get a good… [read more

Tons of frog themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, literacy, math, science, art, sensory bins, and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.

Tot School: Frogs

Are you ready for our last new tot school theme for the year? We are loving our spring themes so I added this frog theme to our calendar this year. Check out this week full of all kinds of frog themed learning and fun! And… [read more]

Tons of all about me themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, fine motor, gross motor, sensory bins, snacks and more! Perfect for back to school in tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.

Tot School: About Me

This year I am so excited to be starting tot school for the second time with my sweet little Aubrey! She is 2 1/2 now and loved our Baby Bins last year, but is SO ready for more than one bin/activity a day.  I won’t… [read more]

Tons of ocean themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, literacy, math, science, art, sensory bins, and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.

Tot School: Ocean

We are gearing up for summer this week with our ocean theme. Just 2 more full weeks of Tot School then we will be switching things up for summer, and we are so ready for some fun in the sun!     Here were our… [read more]

Tons of farm themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, literacy, math, science, art, sensory bins, and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.

Tot School: Farm

This week we had a little fun down on the farm in Tot School. This was such a fun theme with lots of engaging activities to explore! Here were our plans for Farm week: And here are the details of each activity: Our favorite farm… [read more]  

Tons of butterfly themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, literacy, math, science, art, sensory bins, and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.

Tot School: Butterflies

Tot school this week is all about butterflies. It’s been a rainy few days over here, so I am thankful we had a week full of fun exploration to keep us busy indoors.    Here were our plans for our butterfly theme: And here are… [read more]

Tons of Earth Day themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, literacy, math, science, art, sensory bins, and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.

Earth Day

  This week was jam packed with Earth Day themed fun We learned about recycling, planting trees, and of course, the planet Earth!   Here were our plans for our Earth Day theme:   And here are the details of each activity: Our favorite books… [read more]

Tons of zoo themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, literacy, math, science, art, sensory bins, and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.


I think it’s safe to say that ALL toddlers love a trip to the zoo. We are lucky to have a pretty fantastic zoo close to where we live so we take full advantage of that and visit every few weeks or so. Madelynn always loves seeing… [read more]

Tons of plant themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, literacy, math, science, art, sensory bins, and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.


Well it’s March which means we are thinking spring thoughts here is Wisconsin and hoping for warmer days soon.  So although it is too early to do any planting outside, we decided to start learning about plants so we’re ready to head outside as soon… [read more]

Tons of space themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, literacy, math, science, art, sensory bins, and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.

Sky and Space

When planning out our Tot School calendar I have to tell you that I was not really as excited for some themes as others… I mean pumpkins, apples and Valentines, YES! Bring it on! But space, cars and dinosaurs aren’t exactly my jam. I’m a… [read more]

Tons of bear themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, literacy, math, science, art, sensory bins, and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.


Do your kids LOVE Brown Bear, Brown Bear as much as mine? This story is such a classic I just had to plan a week theme around Bears and our favorite Brown Bear books.     Here were our plans for Bear week:   And… [read more]

Tons of penguin themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, literacy, math, science, art, sensory bins, and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.


We watched Happy Feet over the weekend so naturally Madelynn is a bit in love with penguins lately which made it the perfect time for our penguin tot school theme. We did a few of the same penguin activities that we tried last year, but… [read more]

Tons of winter themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, literacy, math, science, art, sensory bins, and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.


I love the holidays, but I am EXHAUSTED! I’m so over traveling, partying and never ending holiday to do lists and ready to get back into a bit of a routine around here. We had lots of snowy fun this week that I can’t wait… [read more]

Tons of transportation themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, literacy, math, science, art, sensory bins, and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.


Are you doing a tot school transportation theme? We finally finished up our transportation themed activities this week and had a lot of fun with all the different modes of transportation we explored. Here were our plans for Transportation Week: And here are the details… [read more]

Tons of dinosaur themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, fine motor, gross motor, sensory bins, snacks and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.


A dinosaur theme is a sure fire way to capture little one’s interest and curiosity. Just talking about dinosaurs with toddlers is so much fun! Our week was filled with names to learn, questions to answer and hands on activities to try. Here were our… [read more]

Tons of bat and spider themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, fine motor, gross motor, sensory bins, snacks and more! Perfect for fall or Halloween in tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.

Bats & Spiders

Teaching about anything creepy and crawly really isn’t my forte. Truth be told I kind of freak when I see any critters running around (let’s not even get into my fear of mice!).  But I do my best to suck it up and teach about… [read more]

Tons of weather themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, fine motor, gross motor, sensory bins, snacks and more! Perfect for tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.


Teaching about weather is always one of my favorite science topics because there are so many great experiments to try.  I wasn’t sure how I was going to teach about weather in a toddler friendly way without true science experiments, but I am really excited… [read more]

Tons of fall themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, fine motor, gross motor, sensory bins, snacks and more! Perfect for back to school in tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.


It is finally starting to feel like fall here in Wisconsin which means lots of fun traditions like apple picking, hay rides, and pumpkin patches.  This was the perfect week to do fall themed tot school activities and talk about the changing weather. Here were… [read more]

Tons of apple themed activities and ideas. Weekly plan includes books, fine motor, gross motor, sensory bins, snacks and more! Perfect for fall in tot school, preschool, or kindergarten.


We are SO excited to be back in our daily tot school routine.  Now I use that term loosely because our routine is a bit on the fly since adding little miss Aubrey to the mix in April.  Instead of having a set time for… [read more]


Here we are with our week 2 tot school wrap up and this week threw us a few curve balls. We decided to take an impromptu road trip to TN to visit my husbands Grandma this weekend so our Friday plans kind of got scrapped,… [read more]

Tot School Tuesday: SNOW

Well, we did it! We finished our first week of Tot School and it was full of fun, I am thrilled to be sharing my very first week of Tot School with you today, and can’t wait to use this brilliant curriculum.


Tailoring Activities to Children's Interests:

A Guide for Parents and Caretakers

Every child is unique, with their own interests, preferences, and ways of learning. As parents and nannies, recognizing and understanding these individual traits is crucial in planning activities that not only engage but also effectively contribute to their development. At The STEM Nanny Company, we believe that the best learning happens when it aligns with a child’s natural curiosity and enthusiasm. Here’s how you can observe and plan activities that resonate with the unique needs and interests of each child you care for.

Why Observing Interests Matters in Child Development?

Children engage more deeply when activities reflect their personal interests. Using these interests as a basis for planning activities enhances the learning experience, making it both enjoyable and impactful. Engaged children pay more attention, ask more questions, and explore more eagerly, creating an ideal state for learning and memory retention.

Identifying a Child’s Interests

To identify what captures a child's attention, observe them during free play. Notice which toys they choose frequently and what topics they discuss. Pay attention to the books they read repeatedly or characters they prefer. These preferences offer clear indicators of their interests. Additionally, having regular conversations with the child, asking open-ended questions like "What do you like about this?" can provide deeper insights into what they enjoy and why.

Planning Activities Around Interests

After pinpointing a child’s interests, tailor your activities to incorporate these themes. For instance, if a child is fascinated by animals, you might organize a trip to the zoo, engage in pretend play about veterinarians, or explore animal habitats through simple science projects. If they show an interest in trains, introduce counting and engineering concepts by building tracks or sorting trains by size and type.

Once you have identified a child’s interests, you can begin to incorporate them into educational activities at home.

Broad Activity Ideas

Explore these fun activity ideas that you can customize based on your child’s interest:

a. Physical Fun: Get active with simple sports or dance activities. Playing tag or following a dance routine can be fun ways to move and help improve coordination.

b. Mind Games: Keep the mind engaged with puzzles and problem-solving games. From classic jigsaw puzzles to more challenging games, these activities are a fun way to practice thinking skills.

c. Creative Projects: Dive into arts and crafts or make music together. These activities are perfect for letting kids use their imagination and express their creativity.

d. Play Together: Enjoy time with group games or sharing stories. These fun activities are great for learning to work together and understanding others.

Adapting to Changing Interests

Children’s interests often change quickly; staying flexible and observant is key. Regularly refresh your activity plans to align with their evolving interests fir continuous engagement and excited about learning.

Benefits of Interest-Led Learning

When learning activities align with a child's interests, it can enhance their self-esteem and motivation. This method demonstrates to children that their ideas and choices are important, which can inspire them to embrace learning as an ongoing journey. Additionally, tailoring educational experiences to their interests can make learning more engaging and impactful.

Engaging Parents and Families
nanny and parents

For nannies, particularly STEM Nannies, it's important to share updates and activity plans with parents. This collaboration ensures a consistent and supportive learning environment at home and during care.

Tailoring activities to a child's interests helps nannies and parents provide personalized learning experiences. This approach enhances education and strengthens the caregiver-child relationship, creating a nurturing

Early Learning-
Outdoor Play and Learn Tutorials

Early Learning
Nature Tutorials

Fairy Houses

We found the book "Fairy Houses" by Tracy Kane at our local library and decided to build one of our own.

This book tells the story of a young girl who vacations on an island off the coast of Maine for a week with her parents. They show her a little spot in the forest where people have been building houses for fairies. Kristen builds her own house and waits for the fairies to arrive...

The back of the book gives lots of great ideas for building your own fairy house in any season of the year. It also gives ideas for allowing creatures other than fairies to benefit from the "fairy houses" -- gathering berries and acorns for birds and squirrels, etc. Hopey was instantly inspired and wanted to get right to it, even before breakfast.

Check out The Crafty Crow's "Fairy Crafts Roundup" for more ideas...

We did break one rule of the fairy house, which was not picking or disturbing any living materials. Hopey wanted to pick some flowers to decorate the house. I figured that, since we were in our own backyard, this was okay.

Hopey spent a good hour that morning working on her house (yes, she looks a little eccentric here, since she was still in her pajamas and insisted on wearing her gigantic star-spangled sunglasses). Soren just tried to do everything she did. Bless his little heart.

She built a stick wall, "to protect the fairies from predators." She used a magnolia branch for the roof, and dry grass and clover to line the back of the house. She made a "driveway" out of rocks (do fairies drive?). :) Later that afternoon, I remembered our milkweed plant and brought her some milkweed pods. I showed her how to slice them open lengthwise with her thumbnail, and she thought they would make perfect fairy beds. She tucked them inside the fairy house.

The finished, decorated house:

Making a Worm House

This was a very popular activity with my daughter and her friends. How can you beat worms for easy-care, quiet pets?! :)

You'll need:

-- a clean, dry 2-liter plastic bottle (just rinse well; don't use soap)

-- an Xacto knife or razor blade to cut the top off the bottle

-- sand, dirt, newspaper for inside worm house

-- trowel for digging up wormy friends

-- plastic wrap to put across top of house

-- veggie scraps or rice cereal powder to feed your worms

Step One: Using your razor blade or Xacto Knife, cut the top rounded part off of your 2-liter bottle:

Step Two: Have your child help you shred up some newspaper. (Don't use any glossy inserts or magazine stuff; just the regular ol' newspaper). Put a couple of inches of newspaper in the bottom of the worm house.

Step Three: Layer sand and dirt, alternately, up to a few inches from the top of your worm house. A couple of inches of dirt, a couple of sand; and so on. I think we had space to do this cycle just 2 times. Somewhere in the middle of this, you can sprinkle a little baby oatmeal or rice cereal powder for the worms to eat; or toss in a few pieces of diced veggie like tomato scraps, a couple potato peels (diced very small) -- something the worms can eat.

Step Four: 

Find your worms! This may be easiest after a rain. We found one big nightcrawler, which we gave to our friend, and then a bunch of teeny tiny worms. (I read later that nightcrawlers feel the vibrations when you are digging, and they hurry down deeper, which was probably why we only caught that one and no others. You have to be a little fast to catch them! The regular garden worms are easy, though.) My daughter got so into her worms that we actually bought a few more nightcrawlers from a pet shop the next day, so she could see them better.

Step Five: 

Place a layer of plastic wrap across the top of your worm house and poke a few small holes in it. Keep it in a cool, dark place for up to 10 days. Check on your worms a few times a day, and you will see them dig tunnels, gradually mixing the sand and dirt together. Sometimes they will even slide right alongside the plastic, and you can see their insides. Be sure to put the worm house back in its dark place when you are done (more than a few minutes of light at a time is bad for them). After a week or so, release them into your garden or compost pile, where they will live on happily, keeping your garden healthy.



We learned a lot about worms during our "worm week."

We read the books Diary of a Worm and Bob and Otto. Both very good!

We enjoyed the narrative and videos at The Adventures of Herman the Worm, a great web site for kids from the University of Illinois extension. (We especially were interested in learning about the worms' anatomy -- did you know they have a gizzard, like a chicken does? It's a little organ right behind their mouths and it's filled with teensy rock particles. When a worm ingests food, it can't chew, so the gizzard grinds up the food into smaller particles that the worm is able to digest. One of our worms slithered right along the plastic container and we were able to see its gizzard in action!)

Worms also have five hearts! We learned this on the great web site Wendell the Worm. You can see a little video of a worm's five hearts pumping blood. You can also see a video of a baby worm hatching from a cocoon smaller than a grain of rice. (I had trouble linking to these directly, so you can click on the "All About Earthworms" links to get there.)

Herman's "Worm Facts" are fascinating -- we learned that there are worms in Australia that regularly grow to 12 feet long! The longest worm ever found was in South America, and was 22 feet long! Aaaa! We pulled out the tape measure and tried to imagine worms as long as our whole house!

You can visit Wendell the Worm's cousins, including Larry Leech and Paulette Planaria.

You can eat a "worm snack" if you dare -- a cup of chocolate pudding with a gummy worm stuck inside, and cookie crumbs sprinkled on top. ;)

"Worm Art" -- glue lots of lengths of different colored string on sandpaper.

This link was really fun....have your child click on their state to see worm pictures sent in from kids in that state.

Can your child figure out what's funny about this poem?:

It's such a shock,

I almost screech

When I find a worm

inside my peach!

But then, what really

makes me blue

Is to find a worm

who's bit in two!

-William Cole

Making a Painted Stick Garden

When I saw this painted stick garden on the blog Sweet Thing(s),

I knew we had to make our own.

Isn't hers beautiful? I especially love the black-and-white striped one. Her children are older than mine, and she primed the sticks with primer first, so she took her stick garden project a bit more seriously than we did. But we still had fun with ours, and it does look pretty cool and artsy! We finished three sticks in an afternoon, and if Hopey asks to add more to the garden, we will.

You'll need:

-- driftwood or just dry, fallen tree branches

-- paint and brushes, smocks, etc.

-- spray shellac if you have used washable paint (to make the finished sticks waterproof)

1. Gather a few sticks -- let your child choose sticks with shapes that appeal to her

2. Cover a surface with newspaper, gather your paints and smocks, and paint the sticks. For younger children who may have trouble filling in a whole stick, Hopey recommends painting the stick a base color first, letting that dry, and then letting the child paint over it. You can see from her sticks that she and her kids applied a few coats of paint that they let dry, and then added to -- the sticks have distinct stripes and color areas. 

They look really nice that way. (Hopey wanted to paint hers all at once and she doesn't like to clean the brush between paint colors, so we ended up with a couple of lavender-blue-reddish sticks...they had more of that "painted by a three year old" look, which was fine by me!) Hopey wanted to add some feathers, so we did.

3. Allow sticks to dry. Since we used washable paint, I later sprayed the sticks with a light coating of shellac so that the paint wouldn't melt off when it rained.

4. "Plant" your garden! We planted our sticks in the decorative rock by the deck.


This sweet and simple suncatcher is a fun craft to make for spring. My daughter enjoyed it so much, we made another one the next day! This would also make a good Sunday school craft, or a gift from a small child to a teacher at the end of the year.

You'll need:

-- a sheet of wax paper

-- a sheet of white paper

-- dyed pasta (instructions below)

-- glue

1. Have your child draw the outline of a rainbow on a sheet of white paper (or draw it for them). (My 3-year-old was able to draw the outline, but I had to draw the inside lines for her.) Lay the white paper beneath the wax paper as a template.

2. Arrange dots or stripes of glue along each "color strip" of the rainbow.

3. Arrange pasta, color by color, along each strip. (You will see that my daughter insisted on making a "reverse rainbow," foiling what I thought was foresight in dyeing the most pasta red and the least pasta purple).

4. Let dry. When dry, punch a small hole between the red and orange strips of color and hang with ribbon, yarn, or string in a sunny window.

There you have it. A rainbow!


To make your own puffy clouds,

you'll need:

-- quilt batting or stuffed animal filler

-- blue construction paper

-- glue

Simply let your child squirt away with glue on the blue paper. Cut or tear the batting into various shapes, and make some fun clouds!

We printed out pictures of the three main types of clouds and chatted about how they looked different, and when you might see each one. Then, Hopey made her own clouds. We made each of the three main types, and then she decided she was fondest of Cumulus clouds (the big puffy ones), so she made a few more sheets of those. This simple little activity was a hit; we made more clouds again over the next few days!


When I read this one online, I knew I had to try it. (See Hopey above -- the anticipation was killing her!) :)

To make a cloud in a jar, you need:

-- a vase or jar

-- a match

-- a bag of ice (we used frozen hash browns)

Run your tap water til it's good and hot; fill the jar about half full. After a minute, pour out all but an inch or so of water.

Light a match. Hold it inside the mouth of the jar for about twenty seconds (or until you have to let go of it!). (You'll see I have black paper around our jar because I read online to do that, but it was an unnecessary step.)

Quickly put the bag of ice on the mouth of the jar to cover it. A small cloud should form inside your jar.

This did work, although the actual event was so thrilling that we didn't get any pictures of it. However, remember your audience: Hopey was slightly disappointed. "Is it gone?" she cried. "I wanted to let it out of the jar to play with me."


--"Clouds That Look Like Things" -- see pictures of clouds that look like animals, trains, and more! Fun!

-- "Pretty Clouds" -- same web site, different focus

-- NASA's web page about clouds for kids. Great photos; info is slightly more advanced, but you can choose what to read to your child from the web site if s/he doesn't read yet.

-- Did your child ask you a question about weather or clouds that you don't know the answer to? It's probably here.


-- Child Fun suggests letting your child finger paint in shades of blue, gray, and white on a two sheets of paper. Turn the sheets back-to-back and cut out a cloud shape. Staple around most of the shape, leaving enough room to stuff the cloud with tissue paper, batting, or crumpled newspaper. Then staple it all up. You can hang it with string/yarn/ribbon for a window. If your child did a few, I bet they'd look really pretty together!

-- Your child can make a "cloud" on the back of a spoon:

Have your child blow warm air into her hand. Explain that the air feels warm and moist because it is full of tiny water droplets, just like in a cloud.

Hand your child a cool spoon. Have her blow on the rounded back of the spoon. See how "fog" forms on the spoon.

Explain that this is exactly like a cloud you'd see in the sky. It's made when cool air and warm, moist air come together!

Flowering Cherry Tree Craft

So pretty and simple! Check out how to make this pretty tree with your child at No Time for Flashcards.



An Owl in a Tree

You'll Need:

Strip of cardboard

one piece of black construction paper

owl template

craft feathers

glue or tape

-- Print out owl template. Let your child color the owl template with paints, crayons, or pens. Cut out the shapes. (Or, you can use this owl template, printed out in color, and skip the coloring step -- just move to gluing/assembly.)

-- Cut a circle from the black construction paper, just a bit bigger than the owl (so it'll look like she's sitting in a hole in a tree).

-- Glue (or have child glue) the circle onto the cardboard, and the owl shapes onto the circle. Decorate with feathers if you've got 'em. Cute little owl in a tree!

Forest Mural

Forest Animal Coloring Pages
(which I cut out and glued onto black paper to make our mural):

Finch coloring page

Pine tree coloring page

Salamander coloring page

Owl coloring page

Sparrow coloring page

Badger coloring page

Quail family coloring page

Hedgehog coloring page

Chipmunk coloring page

Bear cub coloring page

Bear coloring page

Cartoon bear with daffodil coloring page

Upside-down opossum coloring page

Porcupine coloring page

Raccoon in a log coloring page

Howling wolf coloring page

Snake coloring page

Skunk coloring page

Mouse coloring page

What Lives in a Hollow Log?

It's a little alarming how fast our family (and by "family," I mean mommy) goes through hot chocolate. The up side is that we have lots of canisters for art projects. Just doing my duty...

This project was spur-of-the-moment, and fun. Hopey and I painted the canister brown (she loves to paint "things-other-than-paper" -- more interesting, somehow) and then went online together and looked for pictures of animals that might live in a hollow log. It was interesting how fast she caught on and didn't say things like "elephants" or "whales." :) It was intuitive somehow. What might it be like inside a log? Dry, cool, damp, smelly? How big would a log be, and what animals might hide there? Is there anything to eat in the log? Hamburgers? (ha, ha)

Hopey taped some animals and plants inside the log (spiders, roly-polies, etc.) and some outside (snake, squirrel, raccoon [on opposite side], frog, millipede, roly-poly, mushrooms, moss, etc.). She had fun playing with the log and putting her plastic animal figurines in it.


Other ideas:

-- Leaf Walk

Stroll the neighborhood with your child, gathering leaves, pine branches, seeds, flowers. Glue onto paper and talk about what you're found.

-- Leaf rubbings

-- Make a "bear cave" (like a fort) out of pillows, blankets, etc. and hide or hibernate in it.

-- Movies: Brother Bear, Bambi, Pocahontas (depending on child's age)

-- Watch/read "Trees Come in Different Shapes" online with your child (a story you read aloud as you click through the images). There's another story in the series worth watching, too: "Trees Are Terrific."

-- "Letter T is for Tree" coloring page

Forest animal masks

Okay, so these are a little weird-looking. No, Hopey and her stuffed friends were not off to rob a bank. Hopey really enjoyed dressing her animals other animals!


Bobcat Mask template

Eagle Mask template

Fox Mask template

Rabbit Mask template

Frog Mask template

Owl Mask template

Another Frog Mask

additional animal mask instructions and ideas


When you don't have a sandbox, you can use other materials to make "mini 'sand'boxes." Shown here: white sugar (Antarctica); brown sugar (desert); oatmeal (?? I think we called it "rocks"). Antarctica made an especially cool box -- it looked just like snow!

You can chat about what animal would really live where, and play a sorting game (scorpion in the desert, walrus in Antarctica). We did that for about 5 minutes, and then just went wild putting the animals wherever!

A word to the wise: don't put these sugar pans right on your lawn like we did. When the sugar spills (and it will), the sun can cause it to burn a hole in your grass. (Oops. Sorry, Daddy!) Next time, I'll do this on concrete or a deck, so I can hose it off.


Desert Mural:

Use some of the free, online coloring pages listed below to create your own desert mural for your child to color or paint.

Desert Coloring Pages:

Desert animal information and coloring pages

Desert animal coloring pages from (scroll partway down page)

Realistic desert animals and plants to color

Friendly Lizard coloring page

Coloring page: Roadrunner catching a snake (cartoonish)

Rattlesnake coloring page (realistic)

"Color" a desert online

Desert Diorama:

You can print out a diorama background, and then all of the plants and animals too, for your kids to assemble! Pretty cool -- and free!

Make Your Own Indoor Desert:

-- Fill a baking pan with sandbox sand or craft sand. If your child has a large collection of plastic animals (as my daughter does), help her find the desert animals and put them in the pan. Or, buy a couple of desert animals just for the occasion (a splurge, I know, but some kids play with animals a LOT, and then it's worth it). I'm not too strict about who "lives" in the desert after the first few minutes (our desert was soon inhabited, for example, by a Saint Bernard puppy).

Play-Doh Cactuses:

We just kind of thought this up as we were playing, and it was fun! Help your child make cactuses out of green play-doh, and then let her stick in toothpicks for the "spines." Talk about why some plants have spines as a defense mechanism. (Would your child want to eat something with spines? No way! Unless your child is like my infant son, who would probably try to eat that play-doh cactus anyway!)

Sand Art:

Show your child how to drizzle glue on paper, cover with sand, and then lift up the paper and tap the sand off to reveal "sand writing." Hopey liked seeing her name written in sand.


Dinosaur Crafts for Older Kids

There are some cool, more involved crafts here for older kids -- like making a pterodactyl out of a milk carton. Older kids could work on these for a couple of days while younger kids with shorter attention spans completed a couple of easier activities. The younger kids would really like seeing the older kids' finished products!

Labels: dinosaurs, nature

Dinosaur Feet activity

This is a fun and easy craft for kids. Better yet, they can actively play with their craft when they're finished!

Materials: shoe boxes, paint or spray paint, glue or glue gun, newspaper for stuffing, white paper (for claws), duct tape

1. Cut a hole in each shoebox just big enough for your child's foot to fit into.

2. have your child put foot inside box. Stuff newspaper around child's foot, leaving enough room for him/her to get foot back in again later. Tape the box closed with duct tape.

3. Paint/ spray paint boxes.

4. Cut "claws" from white paper or fun foam, and glue to the top front edge of the box.

Your kids can have a race in their dinosaur feet!

Dinosaur Mural

On the first day of any unit, I set up a mural for Hopey to color and paint. It's just a fun activity, and also serves as a good visual intro to the topic. To make murals, I just print out coloring pages from various web sites -- they are free, and since they're just outlines, won't take a huge toll on your printer cartridge. I've listed some links to dinosaur coloring pages below.

I included a foam "volcano" and some trees for scenery.

Michael's Crafts store also had a set in their dollar bin where you could buy a plastic volcano and 6 little plastic dinosaurs. Yep, only a buck, and Hopey still plays with those little things. She liked to move them all around the mural and have them "play" with the larger paper dinosaurs.

At Michael's, you can also get thin little balsa wood cutouts of dinosaurs. They are about a dollar apiece. They're fun to paint. Later, you could fill a small container (like a baking pan) with sand and these will stand up in them -- all the more fun because your child painted them herself and essentially made her own toys.<

Dinosaur Coloring Pages

You can use these as you would any coloring page, or print a bunch, cut them out, and arrange them as a mural, as I did (above). Kids love to color dinosaurs!

Dinosaur Coloring Book

Ivy's Dinosaur Coloring Pages

Dinosaur Coloring Book pages

Karen's Whimsy (cool, realistic dino coloring pages; click link on bottom of first page for more)

Dino Coloring Pages at

Parasaurolophus used the hollow "horn" on the top of its head to make noise -- the way an elephant uses its trunk to trumpet. Do your kids have instruments in the home? Trombones, in particular, make noise the same way.

Stegosaurus coloring page

T-Rex coloring page

Dino Art Project


Materials: cardstock

stegosaurus template: Stegosaurus Printable Coloring Page

green, yellow, or brown construction paper

paint, markers, or crayons


googly eyes

Use a stegosaurus template (or simply cut out a stegosaurus from a coloring page that you print off the internet). Heavier paper or cardstock always works best. Cut out a dozen or so yellow, green, or brown triangles from construction paper.

Your child can paint or color in the dinosaur, then glue the triangles on as "plates" along its back and tail. Attach googly eyes last of all, for fun. You can punch a hole in the top, put a string through it, and hang it to display it; or just tape it on the wall.


You can make dinosaur "eggs" out of Play-Doh for your child to play with, or if you're really artistic, make some dinosaurs themselves (older kids can do this too). My daughter enjoys using her little brother's training fork (we call it a "spork" -- it's like a plastic spoon with grooves, for kids who are just learning to feed themselves) to make "dinosaur tracks" in Play-Doh, and then she asks me to make a bunch of dinosaur eggs, and she loves to arrange them along the tracks. Just one of those quirks.

Dinosaur Stamp Activity

Playing with stamps can be a great way for kids to familiarize themselves with how different dinosaurs look. You can talk with your kids about why different dinosaurs have pointy teeth and claws; why others have paddlelike feet and what this might tell you about where they live; etc.

Other ideas:

Play a little game where you have drawn (or printed from the internet) different dinosaur "habitats" (a swamp, a deep lake, a tree-filled forest). They can stamp the dinosaurs where they think they might live. (Best for slightly older preschoolers who can understand this concept.)

Let them stamp the dinosaurs, then color or paint them in.

If the stamps have deep enough grooves, they can stamp them into Play-Doh to make "fossils."

Some stamps available from Oriental Trading (

Some Great Dinosaur Books for Preschoolers

Hatching Dinosaur Egg

This hatching dinosaur egg from Oriental Trading Company was a fun little part of the theme week. You submerge the egg in water and in 48 hours, it will hatch, revealing a squishy little baby dinosaur. My daughter loved getting the egg in the mail and waiting for it to hatch (although 48 hrs. is a long time for a 2-year-old -- I had to "assist" the egg's progress with a fork when she wasn't looking). And our new neighbor stopped by unexpectedly -- I didn't even think until later that he must have wondered what the heck this egg floating in a martini-like-glass on our countertop. Maybe he thinks we have exotic taste in food....

Dinosaur Theme Booklist for Preschoolers

Visit this page for a list of great dinosaur books for preschoolers:

Dinosaur Theme Booklist for Preschoolers

Story Craft: 'Owl Babies'

 Owl Babies is such a sweet and simple book. Three baby owls -- Hopey, Percy, and Bill -- wait anxiously for their mother to come home from a trip to fetch them food. When she does, it affirms their knowledge that Mommy will never leave them!

Your child can make her own little owlet just like the ones in the story. (Hopey wanted me to know that this one was "Bill.")

All you need is: A pinecone; a small stip of polyester fiberfill (like for filling stuffed animals); two googly eyes; and a scrap of yellow, orange, black, or brown construction paper. Also, glue or a glue stick.

First, have your child wrap the poly-fill around the pinecone. You don't even need glue for this part. Just help her tuck the poly-fill into the pinecone all snug and nice, so the brown part of the pinecone is covered.

Have your child glue on the googly eyes. Then, cut a teensy diamond shape from your piece of construction paper and fold it to make a beak. Put on a tiny dab of glue and have your child affix the beak.

 There! An owlet to read the story with you! Of course his mommy would come back for such a cute little thing!

Halloween Craft: Mummies!

Last week, Hopey had the week off school.  I was all excited and planned some activities for us: all kinds of crafts and baking and The Great Mulch Delivery (in our family, that is an activity). We only got to one craft and zero baking, somehow, but no big deal! Here's a fun little Halloween craft I thought I'd share .....


For 3 mummies you need:

  • 3 muslin dolls

  • 1 pkg cheesecloth

  • fabric glue (we used Fabri-Tac)

  • black embroidery floss

I found the muslin dolls at a local craft store. I am not sure what they are normally used for, but the second I saw them I thought: Those would make great mummies! They were $2.99 each.

Cut the cheesecloth into 1/2"-or-so strips. Working one section (or limb) at a time, scatter drops of glue across your mummy and then simply wrap the cheesecloth around. You don't need much glue -- the cloth sticks easily and is so thin that glue can stick through a couple layers. When you've covered the whole doll, you can stitch on a little mouth with embroidery floss -- and that's it!

Dried apples

Yikes, I'm trying to catch up on some of the stuff we did this summer. I'll file this one in "science" and "cooking" so it might be of use to someone later on....

We'd been studying weather and water; we started talking about air, too. We decided to make our own dried apples.

Slice 4-5 Granny Smith apples into rounds. I sliced them again in half.

Soak in pineapple juice for a day (prevents too much browning).

Put outside in the sun for about 2-3 days, covered with cheesecloth. Turn every few hours.

Then you'll have tasty, sweet, chewy dried apples to snack on!

From "Science Clarified": Here's an explanation of why the water evaporates from the fruit.

Newspaper Flowers

Below are simple instructions for lovely newspaper-and-button flowers, easy enough for a child to make with just a little help. I saw this craft on the blog Imagination Station.



An Owl in a Tree

You'll Need:

Strip of cardboard

one piece of black construction paper

owl template

craft feathers

glue or tape

-- Print out owl template. Let your child color the owl template with paints, crayons, or pens. Cut out the shapes. (Or, you can use this owl template, printed out in color, and skip the coloring step -- just move to gluing/assembly.)

-- Cut a circle from the black construction paper, just a bit bigger than the owl (so it'll look like she's sitting in a hole in a tree).

-- Glue (or have child glue) the circle onto the cardboard, and the owl shapes onto the circle. Decorate with feathers if you've got 'em. Cute little owl in a tree!

Forest Mural

Forest Animal Coloring Pages(which I cut out and glued onto black paper to make our mural):

Finch coloring page

Pine tree coloring page

Salamander coloring page

Owl coloring page

Sparrow coloring page

Badger coloring page

Quail family coloring page

Hedgehog coloring page

Chipmunk coloring page

Bear cub coloring page

Bear coloring page

Cartoon bear with daffodil coloring page

Upside-down opossum coloring page

Porcupine coloring page

Raccoon in a log coloring page

Howling wolf coloring page

Snake coloring page

Skunk coloring page

Mouse coloring page

What Lives in a Hollow Log?

It's a little alarming how fast our family (and by "family," I mean mommy) goes through hot chocolate. The up side is that we have lots of canisters for art projects. Just doing my duty...

This project was spur-of-the-moment, and fun. Hopey and I painted the canister brown (she loves to paint "things-other-than-paper" -- more interesting, somehow) and then went online together and looked for pictures of animals that might live in a hollow log. It was interesting how fast she caught on and didn't say things like "elephants" or "whales." :) It was intuitive somehow. What might it be like inside a log? Dry, cool, damp, smelly? How big would a log be, and what animals might hide there? Is there anything to eat in the log? Hamburgers? (ha, ha)

Hopey taped some animals and plants inside the log (spiders, roly-polies, etc.) and some outside (snake, squirrel, raccoon [on opposite side], frog, millipede, roly-poly, mushrooms, moss, etc.). She had fun playing with the log and putting her plastic animal figurines in it.


Other ideas:

-- Leaf Walk

Stroll the neighborhood with your child, gathering leaves, pine branches, seeds, flowers. Glue onto paper and talk about what you're found.

-- Leaf rubbings

-- Make a "bear cave" (like a fort) out of pillows, blankets, etc. and hide or hibernate in it.

-- Movies: Brother Bear, Bambi, Pocahontas (depending on child's age)

-- Watch/read "Trees Come in Different Shapes" online with your child (a story you read aloud as you click through the images). There's another story in the series worth watching, too: "Trees Are Terrific."

-- "Letter T is for Tree" coloring page

Forest animal masks

Okay, so these are a little weird-looking. No, Hopey and her stuffed friends were not off to rob a bank. Hopey really enjoyed dressing her animals other animals!


Bobcat Mask template

Eagle Mask template

Fox Mask template

Rabbit Mask template

Frog Mask template

Owl Mask template

Another Frog Mask

additional animal mask instructions and ideas

Story Craft: 'It Looked Like Spilt Milk'

The childrens' book It Looks Like Spilt Milk lets kids find all kinds of fun shapes in the clouds. What shapes can come about accidentally when kids make their own paint "clouds?"

This is a simple craft. Pour some white kid-safe paint into a paper or plastic cup. Add enough water, gradually, so that the paint is thin enough to dribble off the spoon, but still opaque.

Give your child a sheet of blue construction paper. Let her dribble and dab the paint wherever she wants. (This craft is more about the process than the result -- as all kids' crafts should be. Hopey got really into dabbing and dribbling the paint -- she wanted to do three of these. I'll admit, I tried it myself and there was something fun about it.)

When your child has dribbled and dropped to her heart's content, fold the paper in half and have her rub the sides together, then unfold. Does she see any shapes in her "clouds?"

Hopey saw "a dribbly dog."

"Fast Food"

In recent years, for whatever reason, funny little pictures made of produce seem to have become popular. I guess there are certain trends you just can't anticipate. Anyway, a friend gave us this book "Fast Food" from her donation pile.

 and the second Hopey saw it, she said, "We should make some 'fast food,' Mommy!"

She especially liked the little tangerine-in-a-banana-boat, shown in the middle of this page:

So that was what she asked to make first.

[As a side note, this book's reading level is more for ages 2 or so, but older children can enjoy the pictures, which are very cute. Also, many of the vegetable figures are actually not that complicated, like the cars shown below.

So your child can replicate them successfully, while adding her own touches.]

We didn't buy any "special" produce for this craft, we just used what we had on hand.

We started by splitting a poor banana down the middle.

Hopey added a face to the tangerine/clementine (are they the same thing?) with a Sharpie pen.

Hopey's imagination was piqued by this activity. I knew it would be a successful "craft" because she was so insistent on doing it, while I kept dragging my feet (not wanting to waste good produce!). The fact that the banana was half-dead and we only used carrot tops made it easier for me.

She wanted to make a canoe (banana), buoys (carrot tops), person (clementine), hat (bell pepper top), and a crab (slices of bell pepper). Then she asked to make a "celery man" with "ice skates" (strips of bell pepper). This concentrating face makes me giggle -- I think it's the face I make sometimes when getting shoes onto the kids:

Then her imagination kind of went wild and she wanted to make a "big field of grass" using broccoli stems and some old(ish) celery. That lime (below), which looks like an evil horned creature, was my own attempt at a I think I'll leave the "fast food" to Hopey.

Finished! A wacky craft, but fully compostable! Hopey started eating it halfway through -- the little crab disappeared first -- or, at least, its claws, but I wouldn't let her eat the body because she had drawn on it with Sharpie.

Ice Suncatchers how-to

1) Fill an ice cube tray with water and add food coloring in lots of pretty colors. Stir to mix, and set your tray outside in the cold world until it is well frozen.

2) When your colorful ice cubes are frozen, fill a pan with very cold water. Fill a cup about halfway with water, and set this cup in the pan (I moved mine to almost the halfway point; don't put it as close to the top as it is pictured below.) The water in your pan will freeze around the cup. When you remove the cup, you'll have a hole to put string through for hanging your ice catcher.

The water in your pan must be VERY cold -- set it outside or in your freezer for several minutes. Otherwise, when you add the ice cubes, they'll melt too much.

3) Alright, when the water is cold, pour in your colorful frozen ice cubes.

4) When your pan of water with ice cubes has frozen quite solidly, unmold it. (You might need to set the pan in warm water for a few minutes to make this easier.) Pop out the cup, leaving a hole to thread yarn through for hanging. (Water must have oozed under our cap; we didn't have an actual hole, but the ice was so thin there that just a few taps of a skewer gave us a hole to work with.)

5) Tie yarn or rope through the hole, and hang your suncatcher outside, where your kids can see it from the window. It makes a beautiful and unique ornament!

trapped in the ice!

My husband teases me that the kids and I do every possible activity we can involving ice and snow. I can only blame my California childhood and the fact that snow is an exciting novelty for me.

One night, we set out some pans of water with a few toys in them. The kids' mission: to rescue their friends from the ice! It took a considerable amount of work!

We even tried drilling:

The kids sprinkled salt, chipped and dug, and sprayed and poured warm water on the ice, finally freeing each and every toy. (Their motto: "No toy left behind.")

How does water freeze?

The other day Hopey asked, "Does water freeze from the top down or the bottom up?"

We put a bowl of water outside for an hour and a half to see.

Hopey wrote up her hypothesis, and she was right: "From the top, down!" she cheered. We talked about how this allows fish to survive all winter.

Salt and ice

The other morning, Hopey saw her dad salting our icy driveway, and asked why. I asked her, "Why do YOU think we spread salt on an icy sidewalk? Can you guess?" She guessed, "The salt melts the ice?"

We decided to see if this were true. I said, "We'll see if ice added to water makes it harder for the water to freeze."

-- We filled two small glass bowls each with 1/2 cup water. To one of these, we added 1 Tbsp salt, and stirred it in. The other, we left plain. We put them both in the freezer for an hour.

-- An hour later, the bowl of plain water (on the right) was frozen about halfway through. The bowl with salt water (on the left) was still mostly liquid, with just a small coating of ice on top. (When I tilted the bowl, the water sloshed all around.)

I explained (after quickly Googling this to make sure I didn't spread misinformation) that salt speeds up the melting of the ice because it can make ice melt at a lower temperature.  Salt also helps keep the ice from refreezing.....which we saw when we put the salt water in the freezer!

I later came across an experiment where kids can use salt to "glue" an ice cube to a string, and then lift it up. This is exactly the sort of thing that sets my geek heart aflutter.

(I may be a geek, but I'm not a science whiz, so preschool science experiments may be as good as it gets for me. I plan to enjoy this while it lasts, and before I become unable to comprehend any of it.)

Handprint Octopus

 This was a fun, quick little craft for a rainy morning. I thought it would be the perfect level for both kids, but Soren (17 mos.) just wanted to eat paint that day. So I distracted him with cars while Hopey finished her handprint octopus.

Basically, all you have to do is paint one of your child's hands orange -- except for the thumb. (Hark! Paint not the thumb!) Have her make a handprint on paper; then repaint the hand and press another handprint right on top of the first, at a slight angle. There you have it -- an 8-legged octopus!

Making Fairy Houses

We found the book "Fairy Houses" by Tracy Kane at our local library and decided to build one of our own.

This book tells the story of a young girl who vacations on an island off the coast of Maine for a week with her parents. They show her a little spot in the forest where people have been building houses for fairies. Kristen builds her own house and waits for the fairies to arrive...

The back of the book gives lots of great ideas for building your own fairy house in any season of the year. It also gives ideas for allowing creatures other than fairies to benefit from the "fairy houses" -- gathering berries and acorns for birds and squirrels, etc. Hopey was instantly inspired and wanted to get right to it, even before breakfast.

Check out The Crafty Crow's "Fairy Crafts Roundup" for more ideas...

We did break one rule of the fairy house, which was not picking or disturbing any living materials. Hopey wanted to pick some flowers to decorate the house. I figured that, since we were in our own backyard, this was okay.

Hopey spent a good hour that morning working on her house (yes, she looks a little eccentric here, since she was still in her pajamas and insisted on wearing her gigantic star-spangled sunglasses). Soren just tried to do everything she did. Bless his little heart.

She built a stick wall, "to protect the fairies from predators." She used a magnolia branch for the roof, and dry grass and clover to line the back of the house. She made a "driveway" out of rocks (do fairies drive?). :) Later that afternoon, I remembered our milkweed plant and brought her some milkweed pods. I showed her how to slice them open lengthwise with her thumbnail, and she thought they would make perfect fairy beds. She tucked them inside the fairy house.

The finished, decorated house:

Making a Worm House

This was a very popular activity with my daughter and her friends. How can you beat worms for easy-care, quiet pets?! :)

You'll need:

-- a clean, dry 2-liter plastic bottle (just rinse well; don't use soap)

-- an Xacto knife or razor blade to cut the top off the bottle

-- sand, dirt, newspaper for inside worm house

-- trowel for digging up wormy friends

-- plastic wrap to put across top of house

-- veggie scraps or rice cereal powder to feed your worms

Step One: Using your razor blade or Xacto Knife, cut the top rounded part off of your 2-liter bottle:

Step Two: Have your child help you shred up some newspaper. (Don't use any glossy inserts or magazine stuff; just the regular ol' newspaper). Put a couple of inches of newspaper in the bottom of the worm house.

Step Three: Layer sand and dirt, alternately, up to a few inches from the top of your worm house. A couple of inches of dirt, a couple of sand; and so on. I think we had space to do this cycle just 2 times. Somewhere in the middle of this, you can sprinkle a little baby oatmeal or rice cereal powder for the worms to eat; or toss in a few pieces of diced veggie like tomato scraps, a couple potato peels (diced very small) -- something the worms can eat.

Step Four: Find your worms! This may be easiest after a rain. We found one big nightcrawler, which we gave to our friend, and then a bunch of teeny tiny worms. (I read later that nightcrawlers feel the vibrations when you are digging, and they hurry down deeper, which was probably why we only caught that one and no others. You have to be a little fast to catch them! The regular garden worms are easy, though.) My daughter got so into her worms that we actually bought a few more nightcrawlers from a pet shop the next day, so she could see them better.

Step Five: Place a layer of plastic wrap across the top of your worm house and poke a few small holes in it. Keep it in a cool, dark place for up to 10 days. Check on your worms a few times a day, and you will see them dig tunnels, gradually mixing the sand and dirt together. Sometimes they will even slide right alongside the plastic, and you can see their insides. Be sure to put the worm house back in its dark place when you are done (more than a few minutes of light at a time is bad for them). After a week or so, release them into your garden or compost pile, where they will live on happily, keeping your garden healthy.



We learned a lot about worms during our "worm week."

We read the books Diary of a Worm and Bob and Otto. Both very good!

We enjoyed the narrative and videos at The Adventures of Herman the Worm, a great web site for kids from the University of Illinois extension. (We especially were interested in learning about the worms' anatomy -- did you know they have a gizzard, like a chicken does? It's a little organ right behind their mouths and it's filled with teensy rock particles. When a worm ingests food, it can't chew, so the gizzard grinds up the food into smaller particles that the worm is able to digest. One of our worms slithered right along the plastic container and we were able to see its gizzard in action!)

Worms also have five hearts! We learned this on the great web site Wendell the Worm. You can see a little video of a worm's five hearts pumping blood. You can also see a video of a baby worm hatching from a cocoon smaller than a grain of rice. (I had trouble linking to these directly, so you can click on the "All About Earthworms" links to get there.)

Herman's "Worm Facts" are fascinating -- we learned that there are worms in Australia that regularly grow to 12 feet long! The longest worm ever found was in South America, and was 22 feet long! Aaaa! We pulled out the tape measure and tried to imagine worms as long as our whole house!

You can visit Wendell the Worm's cousins, including Larry Leech and Paulette Planaria.

You can eat a "worm snack" if you dare -- a cup of chocolate pudding with a gummy worm stuck inside, and cookie crumbs sprinkled on top. ;)

"Worm Art" -- glue lots of lengths of different colored string on sandpaper.

This link was really fun....have your child click on their state to see worm pictures sent in from kids in that state.

Can your child figure out what's funny about this poem?:

It's such a shock,

I almost screech

When I find a worm

inside my peach!

But then, what really

makes me blue

Is to find a worm

who's bit in two!

-William Cole

Hopey painted a background sheet of blue paper with her famous glitter-water-glue concoction, and we learned that blops of glue, which dry clear, look awesomely like bubbles. That could come in handy for a future art project....

Rockin' out!

Funny-Face Pet Rocks(invented by Hopey)....she even drew her own plans:

They just make me smile. (This is a pair of whales.)

We just painted rocks with acrylic paint; varnished them; and hot-glued the rocks together the way Hopey instructed. We did not have nice, smooth river rocks in our vicinity, so I confess that I bought a bag at Michael's for $2.49. But if you have beautiful rocks near you, by all means, just use them instead! (The paints, we already had on hand in our giant paints box.)

Don't worry....he's friendly.

Dried apples

Yikes, I'm trying to catch up on some of the stuff we did this summer. I'll file this one in "science" and "cooking" so it might be of use to someone later on....

We'd been studying weather and water; we started talking about air, too. We decided to make our own dried apples.

Slice 4-5 Granny Smith apples into rounds. I sliced them again in half.

Soak in pineapple juice for a day (prevents too much browning).

Put outside in the sun for about 2-3 days, covered with cheesecloth. Turn every few hours.

Then you'll have tasty, sweet, chewy dried apples to snack on!

From "Science Clarified": Here's an explanation of why the water evaporates from the fruit.

Sink or float?

A simple, ongoing science experiment can be to see what items around the house sink or float. Hopey loves to make charts about this. Quirky kid.

On this day, we tested a plastic snail, and a Lego man.

homemade rain gauge

Over the summer, we did a little theme unit on water and weather. One easy project is to make a simple homemade rain gauge. You can use any plastic bottle and write on it with a Sharpie. A 2-liter bottle works well because you can invert the lid and duct tape it on, keeping out bugs and debris.

Whenever it rains, Hopey cries, "MOM! We need to put out the rain gauge!" It's exciting for her to see how much rain we got, although she always expects a lot more. I guess one or two inches of rain doesn't really LOOK like much to a 5-year-old!

How does water freeze?

The other day Hopey asked, "Does water freeze from the top down or the bottom up?"

We put a bowl of water outside for an hour and a half to see.

Hopey wrote up her hypothesis, and she was right: "From the top, down!" she cheered. We talked about how this allows fish to survive all winter.

Salt and ice

The other morning, Hopey saw her dad salting our icy driveway, and asked why.

I asked her, "Why do YOU think we spread salt on an icy sidewalk? Can you guess?"

She guessed, "The salt melts the ice?"

We decided to see if this were true. I said, "We'll see if ice added to water makes it harder for the water to freeze."

-- We filled two small glass bowls each with 1/2 cup water. To one of these, we added 1 Tbsp salt, and stirred it in. The other, we left plain. We put them both in the freezer for an hour.

-- An hour later, the bowl of plain water (on the right) was frozen about halfway through. The bowl with salt water (on the left) was still mostly liquid, with just a small coating of ice on top. (When I tilted the bowl, the water sloshed all around.)

I explained (after quickly Googling this to make sure I didn't spread misinformation) that salt speeds up the melting of the ice because it can make ice melt at a lower temperature.  Salt also helps keep the ice from refreezing.....which we saw when we put the salt water in the freezer!

I later came across an experiment where kids can use salt to "glue" an ice cube to a string, and then lift it up. This is exactly the sort of thing that sets my geek heart aflutter.

(I may be a geek, but I'm not a science whiz, so preschool science experiments may be as good as it gets for me. I plan to enjoy this while it lasts, and before I become unable to comprehend any of it.)

Magic Crystal Ornaments

These ornaments grow as if by magic!!

(as seen on Ordinary Life Magic)

You will need:

Pipe Cleaners

Glass Jars


(Borax is a natural can find it at most grocery stores, Wal-Mart, etc.)

To start, bend your pipe cleaners into shapes that will fit into the mouths of your glass jars (with a tiny bit of room to spare, as the crystals will slightly increase the size of the ornaments.) Bend a loop of pipe cleaner at the top, to hang from the tree.

Use a small piece of pipe cleaner as a "hook" for dangling the ornament over the size of the jar. (This can be removed later.)

On the stovetop, heat some water....for each glass jar you have, you will need 1 cup water and 3 Tbsp. Borax.

Just heat the water until it is pleasantly warm. Stir in your Borax til dissolved.

Place your jar somewhere nice, where you can watch the "magic" happen. Then hang your pipe cleaner shape -- whatever shape you have made --

(which may be a little crazy if you are 5 years old).....hang that inside the jar.

Nothing will happen for the first hour or so. Distract your concerned little crystal artists. A couple of hours later, when you peek in at your ornaments...magic crystals will have begun to grow! Over the course of 24 hours, your ornaments will be nicely covered with beautiful "snow" crystals. Remove the ornaments after about 24 hours -- they will feel dry to the touch almost immediately. Hang them on the tree, in a window, or somewhere they can sparkle!

Science Project:
Homemade Lava Lamp

Well, if my child does not remember that "oil and water don't mix" by NOW, there's nothing I can do for her....

You will need:

a plastic 2-liter bottle

food coloring

a cup

vegetable oil

Here's how to make your own lava "lamp":

1. Fill any cup, like a large plastic party cup, with water.

2. Add food coloring of your choice until you have a nice, vibrant color.

3. Take a nice, clean 2-liter bottle. Fill it a little over halfway with vegetable or canola oil.

4. Add your cup of colored water to the oil.

5. Add more oil if necessary, to fill about to the top.

6. Put the cap on your 2-liter bottle. Gently tilt the bottle onto its side. What do the oil and water look like now? (We drew a picture in our workbook, for future reference.)

You can roll that bottle around all you want,

you can even shake the thing like a maniac; while the oil and water may temporarily look like they have combined, just give them some time.....they will always separate out again!

Even if you shake it up this much!! (We called in the big guns, my husband, and had him shake it up for us. I thought he was going to pull something. The oil and water later separated into 2 totally different layers, even after appearing combined.)

If you leave your lava lamp out for any length of time, you will notice that the oil and water molecules separate almost completely. Interestingly, the water is denser than the oil, so it will sink to the bottom; the oil will rest on top.

(Density is how much an object weighs compared to the space it takes up. So if you have the exact same amount of water and oil -- say, 2 liters of each -- the water will weigh more than the oil. It is denser.)

How many eyes?...

While doing our "vision / the eye" theme, we did this little activity to work in some math with learning about eyes...

I printed a few pictures off the internet of various animals with more-than-the-usual amount of eyes. Then I gave Hopey a big ol' pile of googly craft eyeballs. Her "job" was to decorate the critters however she liked, and then put on the number of eyeballs that each animal has. Together, we counted them.

Here are some animals you can use for this activity.....

Spiders: 2 -8 eyes (most have 8)

Box Jellyfish: 24 eyes

Scallops: can have 100 eyes (okay, don't really make your child glue 100 eyes onto a piece of paper!!) :)

Flies: Actually have 5 eyes -- two huge (relatively speaking) compound eyes and three simple eyes

Giant squid: Two eyes -- the largest eyes on earth!

Crabs: Two eyes

European wasp: Five eyes

Starfish: Most have 5 eyes, one on the end of each arm


My daughter was exactly 4 1/2 when we did this activity. It seemed to be a good level for her. Counting out items above 20 was a good way to help bigger numbers become more concrete. It was a nice little mix of science, math, and art all in one simple activity.

Of course, we usually finish off by getting goofy!

Science Activity: Magnifying Glass

For part of our unit on eyes and vision, we took several nature walks "armed" with magnifying glasses and kid-sized binoculars. Both items take some practice for young viewers, but can be rewarding. The kids enjoyed getting "super powers" via the simple aids of binoculars and magnifiers!

Our second nature walk took place when it was much warmer. Look, we even had a tomato!

This time of year, there were ants aplenty on the peonies.

You may not think it, but small children will have to be taught how to use a magnifying glass. Their tendency is to put it to their eye, not over the object they want to see. So they may be oohing and ahhing and acting all thrilled -- while really seeing only a blur! Their excitement reaches a whole new level when they actually figure out that placing the glass just above your object will help you see in much more detail!


On our first (late-February) nature walk, we found some hopeful signs of spring...signs you really did need a magnifying glass for!

Crocus emerging

We found a poor, frozen little ladybug. She made good viewing, though (and I thank her for her donation to science).

Even the little guy could get in on this activity...

We discovered that there is lots to see, but sometimes you have to look hard for it!

Science Lesson:
Eyes Made for Day and Night

For part of our "Vision" theme, we talked about how eyes look, and how the way they look tells us something about what they do.

-- We looked at pictures of different animal eyes (I had printed them off the computer and cut some from our monthly zoo mailing). Some animals have big, round eyes with very round and large pupils.

-- Other animals have almond-shaped eyes with smaller, or even horizontal, pupils. Why is that?

Here's a very basic answer for young children: The huge, round pupils of nocturnal animals help them to gather more light. The long, flat pupils of animals like deer and horses give them better depth perception on rocky, uneven ground. Such pupils also help them to see more around them, such as a lion crouching in the grass.

-- Some animals who live underground or in caves have no eyes at all! Can your child think of an example? (Worms are animals without true eyes!)

Simple Activity:

After talking for a day or so about animal eyes and how we can tell the special things they can do by looking at them, I printed several pictures off the Internet and had Hopey sort them by whether they belonged to Day-seeing or Night-seeing animals (diurnal or nocturnal animals!). She didn't find this activity difficult. It was a concrete way for her to evaluate the things we had been talking about. Plus, it's just cool to look at all those different animal eyes!

There are so many other aspects of vision that could be taught...but due to my young audience, I kept it simple.

Here's a "master list" of vision / eye activities you might want to do with young children:

EYE ACTIVITIES for preschoolers:

-- Take a few minutes to pay attention to your eyes.  How far can you move them?  Do you "see" anything when your eyes are closed?

-- Let kids explore their world with magnifying glasses, binoculars, and a simple microscope if you have access to one.

-- Let kids look at their eyes in the mirror.  Point out a few basic parts of anatomy.

-- Use this unit as an opportunity to talk about eye care: not scratching or rubbing the eye; using cool water to help an itchy/inflamed eye; being careful never to spray anything in the eye.

-- Look at photos of your pets and other animals in the dark.  Why are their eyes shiny and glowing? 

-- Look at pictures online of various animals and their weird, wonderful eyes!  (See my links list at the end of this unit for a few good places to start.)

-- Give your child a small, safe handheld mirror and let her draw her eye on paper, using her reflection as a guide.

-- Play the ol' Halloween game.....feeling various objects in bowls...blindfolded!  (Spaghetti, peeled grapes, baby carrots, Oobleck, etc.) 

-- In the car or out the window, play "I Spy." 

-- let your preschooler observe eye dilation

-- Play "Pin the Tail on the Donkey."

-- Play hide-and-go-seek.

Try bringing snow indoors

Baby, it's cold outside. When the weather's in the single digits, don't make your kids suffer (and possibly lose their OWN digits. ha, ha). Just bring the snow inside!

You can scoop it, bury stuff in it, spray or paint it with food coloring, bring out the kitchen utensils and sand toys...and, of course, you can always just eat it.

Coffee filter butterfly

You'll need:

-- 6 - 7 coffee filters, stacked

-- a clothespin

--a pipe cleaner

-- a few watercolor paints

1. Let your child paint the watercolors all over the coffee filters (oh, put down some newspaper first). The bottom layers of the filters will catch most of the paint and keep it from soaking through.

2. Peel off the top 3 or so coffee filters (discard the rest). Scrunch the filters into the top of the clothespin, then fan them out a bit to make "wings."

3. Wind the pipe cleaner around the top of the clothespin (for antennae) as shown below:

4. Draw a face on the butterfly; or, if your child is old enough, let him or her draw the face. These are cute enough to be a simple Mother's Day gift from the child -- maybe to an aunt or grandparent? 

Easter Bunny paper doll and clothes

Thanks to Danielle's Place for this fun template.

Bunny template

Clothes Pattern 1

Clothes Pattern 2 with Easter basket and hat

Simply print out templates (heavier paper, if you have it, will last longest), let your child color/decorate them, and then cut them out. Your child can dress the bunny paper doll and/or use it as an Easter decoration. Simple, fun, and free -- that's how I like my kids' crafts. ;)

Spring vase craft

This is an easy craft you can do with things you have lying around. Good for pretty much any age, 18 months and up (with varying levels of assistance).

You'll need:

a plastic container (we used an empty plastic bottle of those Gerber "Puffs" snacks)


paints or pens

stickers and any collage materials you might have

1. Have child paint (or color) a piece of paper wide enough to wrap around your chosen "vase."

2. Tape the paper to the vase, adding glitter, pom-poms, feathers, etc. as desired.

3. An open mouth helps greatly with concentration. :) When vase is decorated to child's liking, let dry, then fill with flowers and water. Voila! Ours has been on the kitchen table for a week, and I actually think it looks kind of pretty!

Make maple syrup candy

We've been looking up old recipes made with ice and snow. Apparently, folks used to make this simple candy by throwing boiled maple syrup onto fresh snow and letting their kids pick up the candy strands.

It had been a couple of days since the snow fell, so we made this on crushed ice instead. It's easy:

-- Heat a half-cup or so of maple syrup to boiling. Then, pour it over ice or snow. A couple of minutes later, it will have hardened somewhat into chewy strands that taste just like, well, maple syrup. Yes, it looks a bit like boogers on ice, but the kids thought it was fun and tasty.

Salt and ice exploration

The other morning, Hopey saw her dad salting our icy driveway, and asked why.

I asked her, "Why do YOU think we spread salt on an icy sidewalk? Can you guess?"

She guessed, "The salt melts the ice?"

We decided to see if this were true. I said, "We'll see if ice added to water makes it harder for the water to freeze."

-- We filled two small glass bowls each with 1/2 cup water. To one of these, we added 1 Tbsp salt, and stirred it in. The other, we left plain. We put them both in the freezer for an hour.

-- An hour later, the bowl of plain water (on the right) was frozen about halfway through. The bowl with salt water (on the left) was still mostly liquid, with just a small coating of ice on top. (When I tilted the bowl, the water sloshed all around.)

I explained (after quickly Googling this to make sure I didn't spread misinformation) that salt speeds up the melting of the ice because it can make ice melt at a lower temperature.  Salt also helps keep the ice from refreezing.....which we saw when we put the salt water in the freezer!

I later came across an experiment where kids can use salt to "glue" an ice cube to a string, and then lift it up. This is exactly the sort of thing that sets my geek heart aflutter.

(I may be a geek, but I'm not a science whiz, so preschool science experiments may be as good as it gets for me. I plan to enjoy this while it lasts, and before I become unable to comprehend any of it.)


Train Cars activity:

You can print out fun, realistic train pictures online and arrange them to form a train. We put little construction paper squares in the boxcar, for "cargo"; black "coal" sequins in the hopper car; and little people cut from the newspaper in the passenger car. You could also have fun and make a circus train with pictures of all sorts of animals!


Engine template

Another engine template

Hopper car template

Tank car template

Caboose template

Crane template


Save some small cardboard boxes, let your child paint them, and then have him or her glue or tape on black construction paper wheels. Toys can enjoy a wild ride.


An old-fashioned train, "The Rocket"

Train crossing a bridge

Waiting for the train

Flag signal

Steam train coloring page

Kids and dog on a train

Another train on a bridge


Wooden boats, planes and cars to paint, available at craft stores like Michael's or from Oriental Trading Company for about a dollar apiece:

We used this build-your-own sailboat kit. We also painted a glider and "flew" it around the house. (Well, it sort of fell dramatically and slowly, but that was good enough for us.)

Theme: Vision / The Eye

One day, my daughter started asking me all about our cat's vision.  Could our cat see color?  Could she really see in the dark?  Her curiosity made me think that we should do spend a little time learning about eyes and vision.

Given that my daughter had just turned 4 1/2 at the time, we did not get too technical about eye anatomy.  But we explored our own vision in simple ways, and learned a lot about the vision of animals.  (Animals are always a hit around here!)

The whole theme took about 2 weeks. We usually do one activity a day, depending on what's going on and how everyone is feeling!


The Weird and Wonderful World of Animal Eyes

Animals With Stunning Eyes

Simple Diagram of the Eye

A to Z's Cool Homeschool: Eye Activities


Collages are some of the easiest, most versatile, and thrifty crafts you can do with your kids. They can explore any theme; use up spare/leftover materials; or be totally freewheeling and fun. Of course, everyone knows how to make a collage, but sometimes you can get ideas from what other people have tried, so here goes...


These can be super simple (for toddlers just learning their shapes) or more involved (like tesselations). Last summer, we did these a lot. I'd cut out lots of squares and triangles and whatnot, and let Hopey glue them all over black paper. She doesn't really make scenes with them yet (or, she didn't last summer), but older kids could use the shapes to make more representational things (sailboats, people, whatever).


(or, as Hopey likes to think of it: Glue Fest)

These usually require a heavier surface, like those papier mache boards from Michaels (shown above; 50 cents to one dollar each. I think I just made up how to spell "papier mache," too -- forgive me, I never took French). 

Now, it might seem like one should paint first and glue second, but when making a collage you can actually get some pretty cool effects by slopping glue and paint all together and then sticking various materials all over the surface. (Just make sure to wash your brushes promptly, or they will never recover.)

The collage at the top left of the first photo in this post is my favorite that Hopey's ever made -- and one of the few I haven't let her give away or cut up to make something else. She's working on it in the picture below. Some tips for getting this layered look in a collage:

1) Use a heavy surface (like cardboard, canvas, or papier mache)

2) Stick to a limited palette. I gave Hopey two paint colors: blue and red. (Usually, she would choose something like green, brown, and purple, which, to adults, just doesn't look too pretty. And usually I'd be cool with that, but we were making these for Christmas gifts, so I tried to sway her towards more complimentary colors.)

3) Supply materials with lots of different textures. 

We used lots of tissue paper and toothpicks. The tissue paper will become almost translucent on the glue-paint mixture, and dries almost like decoupage. You can crumple it up to make it 3-D, too.

4) Cover part of the project at a time for a layered effect

I learned this from an episode of Jon and Kate + 8, where they were making paintings on canvas. The artist who was helping them would cover parts of the painting with aluminum foil. That prevented the kids from turning the canvas into a single solid color, as kids sometimes like to do. The end results were amazing! (Again, I usually advocate giving kids total free reign with their creativity, but in that case they were painting canvases to hang on the wall, so they were more interested than usual in the final product.

Some great materials to keep on hand for collages include:

-- yarn -- scraps of fabric --tissue paper, in squares and crumpled -- newspaper -- strips of brown paper -- aluminum foil -- toothpicks -- Easter basket grass -- craft pasta --craft rice -- pom poms --craft feathers -- bits of sandpaper -- sponges -- glitter -- sequins --rubber bands -- magazine cutouts - - silk flowers, flower petals, or dried flowers and leaves -- sand, colored or plain -- ribbon -- stickers


-- Experiment with huge collages and tiny ones

-- Try theme collages. For example, supply your kids with magazine cutouts of various ocean animals; blue watercolor paints; a few seashells -- and let them make an ocean collage.

-- Try a collage bracelet. Use a strip of clear packing tape. Hold it for your child while s/he sticks various objects to it, and then wrap it around your child's wrist, sticky side out. It makes a charming, temporary bracelet! Hopey made me one for Mother's Day, out of nature items -- dried leaves, flower petals, seeds -- and I wore it all day.

-- For great Christmas ornaments, buy a few of the papier mache or wooden shapes sold at Michael's. There are even round ones that make great Christmas balls. Have your child decorate them in a collage style; varnish them when dry. They are beautiful and make the best gifts!

-- Keep a collage box available for whenever the collage mood strikes. We have a box filled with two dozen or so Ziploc baggies. Each baggie contains a different collage material: feathers, pom poms, you name it. I just set the bin on the table for Hopey and she'll whip up a collage whenever she's bored. And clean-up is easy; she can do it herself, because she just puts all of the leftover items back in their baggies and then puts the bin back in its cabinet.

-- Older kids can keep "collage journals" in spiral-bound notebooks or just on folded, stapled books of paper.

-- Used-up coloring books can be cut up to make collages.

-- To save a collage, cover it with a few light coats of spray varnish, and it will last a long time.

Dinosaur Theme Booklist for Preschoolers

Visit this page for a list of great dinosaur books for preschoolers:

Dinosaur Theme Booklist for Preschoolers

Includes links directly to Amazon to purchase books -- or just bring the list to your local library.

Science Lesson:
Eyes Made for Day and Night

For part of our "Vision" theme, we talked about how eyes look, and how the way they look tells us something about what they do.

-- We looked at pictures of different animal eyes (I had printed them off the computer and cut some from our monthly zoo mailing). Some animals have big, round eyes with very round and large pupils.

-- Other animals have almond-shaped eyes with smaller, or even horizontal, pupils. Why is that?

Here's a very basic answer for young children: The huge, round pupils of nocturnal animals help them to gather more light. The long, flat pupils of animals like deer and horses give them better depth perception on rocky, uneven ground. Such pupils also help them to see more around them, such as a lion crouching in the grass.

-- Some animals who live underground or in caves have no eyes at all! Can your child think of an example? (Worms are animals without true eyes!)

Simple Activity:

After talking for a day or so about animal eyes and how we can tell the special things they can do by looking at them, I printed several pictures off the Internet and had Hopey sort them by whether they belonged to Day-seeing or Night-seeing animals (diurnal or nocturnal animals!). She didn't find this activity difficult. It was a concrete way for her to evaluate the things we had been talking about. Plus, it's just cool to look at all those different animal eyes!

There are so many other aspects of vision that could be taught...but due to my young audience, I kept it simple.

Here's a "master list" of vision / eye activities you might want to do with young children:


-- Take a few minutes to pay attention to your eyes.  How far can you move them?  Do you "see" anything when your eyes are closed?

-- Let kids explore their world with magnifying glasses, binoculars, and a simple microscope if you have access to one.

-- Let kids look at their eyes in the mirror.  Point out a few basic parts of anatomy.

-- Use this unit as an opportunity to talk about eye care: not scratching or rubbing the eye; using cool water to help an itchy/inflamed eye; being careful never to spray anything in the eye.

-- Look at photos of your pets and other animals in the dark.  Why are their eyes shiny and glowing? 

-- Look at pictures online of various animals and their weird, wonderful eyes!  (See my links list at the end of this unit for a few good places to start.)

-- Give your child a small, safe handheld mirror and let her draw her eye on paper, using her reflection as a guide.

-- Play the ol' Halloween game.....feeling various objects in bowls...blindfolded!  (Spaghetti, peeled grapes, baby carrots, Oobleck, etc.) 

-- In the car or out the window, play "I Spy." 

-- let your preschooler observe eye dilation

-- Play "Pin the Tail on the Donkey."

-- Play hide-and-go-seek.


Most of the time, I am quite glad that it is the year 2009. The only thing that makes me wish it were 1960 is this: the baked goods. In particular, cupcakes.

Weird, lovely, possibly sickening or delicious, highly intricate cupcakes made with buttercreams and meringues and trompe l'oeil decorations of, say, the Statue of Liberty made out of egg whites and shredded coconut, or whatever.

Wouldn't Dave be delighted if he came home from work and saw that I had spent my day constructing this:

While that may not technically be a cupcake, it very well might save my marriage:

Ladies, take heed. (Do click on that to enlarge it: it's fascinating. He returns to his wife mainly for her gingerbread -- and her relieved response is, of all things, It's that plantation molasses he used to have when he was a boy -- thanks to Brer Rabbit!)

Truly, though -- cupcakes are fun. Kids love them. The possibilities are endless. So I've compiled a short list of cupcakes that meet my Official Criteria for being Very Good Cupcakes.


1. They are relatively simple to make.

2. They are blatantly thematic. I love themes, I love kids, I love parties. Put those three things together and you have some idea of how I hope Heaven turns out.

3. Here's the shocker: They must be prepared (or preparABLE) with boxed cake mix. I like to decorate the little buggers; I will not waste my time making cupcake batter from scratch. I'd rather spend four hours slicing licorice whips into tiny threads, thank you.

Here are some cupcakes suitable for birthday parties or just for fun. I've arranged them in four categories according to difficulty. I think you'll be delighted at just how EASY they are. And if you've got a cupcake up your sleeve (not literally, I hope) please do share. I may even start a Cupcake of the Week feature (although I'm leaning towards a Birthday Theme of the Week feature -- then I can combine my two loves).

And now, I am off to construct the Taj Mahal out of marshmallows, in the hopes of securing a happy marriage. Enjoy the cupcakes!

Hatching Dinosaur Egg

This hatching dinosaur egg from Oriental Trading Company was a fun little part of the theme week. You submerge the egg in water and in 48 hours, it will hatch, revealing a squishy little baby dinosaur. My daughter loved getting the egg in the mail and waiting for it to hatch (although 48 hrs. is a long time for a 2-year-old -- I had to "assist" the egg's progress with a fork when she wasn't looking). And our new neighbor stopped by unexpectedly -- I didn't even think until later that he must have wondered what the heck this egg floating in a martini-like-glass on our countertop. Maybe he thinks we have exotic taste in food....

DINOSAUR THEME: Dinosaur Crafts for Older Kids

There are some cool, more involved crafts here for older kids -- like making a pterodactyl out of a milk carton. Older kids could work on these for a couple of days while younger kids with shorter attention spans completed a couple of easier activities. The younger kids would really like seeing the older kids' finished products!


Desert Mural:

Use some of the free, online coloring pages listed below to create your own desert mural for your child to color or paint.

Desert Coloring Pages:

Desert animal information and coloring pages

Desert animal coloring pages from (scroll partway down page)

Realistic desert animals and plants to color

Friendly Lizard coloring page

Coloring page: Roadrunner catching a snake (cartoonish)

Rattlesnake coloring page (realistic)

"Color" a desert online

Desert Diorama:

You can print out a diorama background, and then all of the plants and animals too, for your kids to assemble! Pretty cool -- and free!

Build Your Own Indoor Desert:

-- Fill a baking pan with sandbox sand or craft sand. If your child has a large collection of plastic animals (as my daughter does), help her find the desert animals and put them in the pan. Or, buy a couple of desert animals just for the occasion (a splurge, I know, but some kids play with animals a LOT, and then it's worth it). I'm not too strict about who "lives" in the desert after the first few minutes (our desert was soon inhabited, for example, by a Saint Bernard puppy).

Play-Doh Cactuses:

We just kind of thought this up as we were playing, and it was fun! Help your child make cactuses out of green play-doh, and then let her stick in toothpicks for the "spines." Talk about why some plants have spines as a defense mechanism. (Would your child want to eat something with spines? No way! Unless your child is like my infant son, who would probably try to eat that play-doh cactus anyway!)


Sand Art:

Show your child how to drizzle glue on paper, cover with sand, and then lift up the paper and tap the sand off to reveal "sand writing." Hopey liked seeing her name written in sand.

Frosty Frolics: Easy and Exciting Winter Activities for Toddlers in the Snow

It’s winter! Snow and cold and ice and the possibilities of new and different play! Below you’ll find a list of all sorts of outdoor winter activities for toddlers and kids that you can set up right in your own backyard.

Top 10 easy outdoor winter activities for toddlers:

  1. Snow Shoveling – the best winter activity for toddlers!

  2. Go for a sled ride – my toddlers’ favourite winter activity!

  3. Which sled should you get for your toddler?

  4. Build a snowman

  5. Snow Paint and Painting on Snow

  6. Build a Fort, Maze, or Obstacle Course

  7. Be a Winter Wildlife Detective

  8. Have a Winter Time Tea Party

  9. Freeze Stuff

  10. Haul out the Toys (and raid the kitchen cupboards)

Read more below for additional ideas, tips, and suggestions for making outdoor toddler winter play fun for them and stress-free for you!

If you’re looking for indoor winter activities for your toddlers, jump to the bottom of this post.  I have a few quick ideas and a link to a great list for you!

a toddler holding a snow shovel with text overlay reading toddler play in the snow

My littles just loved the snow!

Oh, how I miss the days that my littles would wake up to a freshly white and snowy day… and the excitement in those eyes when they heard the snow plow coming down the road!

… they’d look out the window, see all those new possibilities and they’d suddenly not care about cartoons and cereal.  They just needed to get outside and try out their new Paw Patrol snow shovel, slide around in their sled, and eat some snow!

(Yes, let’s be honest, all kids eat snow.)

But, aside from shoveling, sliding, and eating snow, what other fun outdoor winter activities can you and your littles get up to outside on cold winter days? 

Toddlers and preschoolers have a natural curiosity and excitement about the outdoor world that just doesn’t compare to any other age group.  Often times we parents rush too quickly to make plans and create activities when really all they need is a little encouragement and confidence that their own play and explorations are great activities in and of themselves.

But, if you plan to spend hours outside, having a few snow activities and fun things planned or on hand will certainly help.

1. Snow Shoveling –
the best winter activity for toddlers!

Toddlers love to help out and they love to imitate.  So, if you are planning to make a wintertime toy purchase for your little one, I strongly suggest a kid-sized snow shovel!  And, if you happen to live somewhere where you get a lot of snow, there’s no harm in teaching them early!

I recommend you get your toddler an actual shovel sized for little hands.  I’m pretty sure we picked ours up at the dollar store.

a preschooler shoveling snow

My toddler helping us shovel the driveway!

Some little kids are even able to use smaller ‘adult’ snow shovels… like the emergency shovels for keeping in your vehicle.. some of these are the perfect size and actually work at moving snow around.

2. Go for a sled ride – my toddlers’ favourite winter activity!

Whether it’s just for fun or for practical purposes, having a good quality pull sled is very handy when you have young children.  You can pull them around the block, they can slide around in the backyard, or they can pull their own dollies for a ride!

a little kid pulling her doll in a sled through the winter snow

two kids playing outside in a snowy yard with sleds

Taking dolly out for a sled ride

Make it even more fun and find some hills to play on.  Remember, toddlers don’t need anything too big or scary and if you are going to go down some big hills with them, be safe and have them wear a helmet.

When my littles were really little, we had both a wooden baby sled and one of these plastic baby sleds.  Both supported our babies in a sitting position. Once they were a little older and sturdier we started using a plastic toboggan pull sled without a back support. 

Which sled should you get for your toddler?

I find the pull sleds are more stable and can manage rough snow and terrain better than the smaller wooden baby sleds. Our baby sleds tipped more on rough and hilly trails where our basic pull sleds did not.

Unless you’re getting a hand-me-down, I’d suggest purchasing a pull sled and skip the baby sized sleds since they’re pricy and not as useful as kids get older.

3. Build a snowman

Really, this one shouldn’t even need to be mentioned, right?  Kids of all ages love to build snowmen… but, don’t stop at snowmen!

a small snowman sitting on a wooden bench

Encourage your toddler’s creativity and pretend play opportunities by suggesting they build a family of dinosaurs, a castle, a baby turtle, or a sculpture of their own family!  Make it even more exciting by letting your toddler choose some clothing and natural treasures to decorate their snow creations.

4. Snow Paint and Painting on Snow

This one takes a tiny bit of preparation, but it’s still pretty quick and easy.  The main idea is to fill a watering can, spray bottle, empty dish soap jar, or even a pop bottle (with a hole poked into the lid) with coloured water. 

Tip: The slower the water empties from the container, the longer this fun activity will last!

I used an empty soy sauce jar when we tried this and the rate of water flow was perfect… not to slow, but not the whole bottle at once.

I just add a drop or two of food coloring to the water to make sure that the kids’ clothing don’t also get colored in the process.  If you want the colours to show up stronger on the snow, add more food colouring to your water.

using food color to paint in the snow

When you are outside, painting the snow with red and blue-colored water should should 

I would think water guns would work too… as long as it weren’t so cold that they’d freeze right up.

You could also let the kids bring out their water paints tray or tempera paint cakes to paint on the snow. I see this working really well when the snow has a hard crust on top that would act as a giant canvas for your kids.

5. Snow Art

This one works really well if you have a brick house or a wooden fence.  You can even do it on big tree trunks too!

Basically, with handfuls of snow, show your toddler how to make designs on your ‘canvas’.  The rough texture of the brick, wood, or bark will grip the snow. A wetter snow works better than the super light and fluffy variety.  And, if the snow is wet enough, you can even throw snowballs at the wall and fence to make a picture out of thrown snow balls.

For older kids: make a bullseye or target game for them to throw the snowballs at.

I also have memories of pulling off my soggy mittens and scarves and sticking them onto the brick walls too! … not sure if you want to encourage that or not!

6. Build a Fort

If you grew up in snowy, cold weather I’m sure you’ve built a fort or two!  Remember, 2 year olds aren’t very big, so this snow fort doesn’t have to be an over-involved process.  Just a small snow wall will be very exciting to hide behind and climb over for them.  I’m pretty sure all the forts I ever made were done with my hands and feet. 

However, I do have fond memories of my dad digging a fantastic tunnel fort one out of a giant snow drift!

You can purchase fancy snow brick molds, but ice cream containers, sand pails, and buckets work too, and it’s always better to reuse (in my opinion).

Super Snow Fort Building Tip: If you really want this fort to last, make bricks by filling cardboard boxes with snow and leave the snow-filled boxes to harden over night. Slide the brick out of the box form and fill the box with snow again. As you can imagine, this can be a long process, but you’ll end up with a very strong snow block.  The more boxes, the quicker this will go!

7. Build a Maze

This one will need a little more adult time.  In a large area of fresh snow use a shovel (or your feet) to cut paths in the snowy yard.  Make a maze for your toddler to find their way through.  Then, show them how to make their own maze to challenge you.

You can challenge older kids to write out their name or make a specialty course.

Check out this dog run…. but I know my littles would have loved this! So fun!!

8. Make an obstacle course

Obstacle courses are fun any time of the year, but in the winter, there’s the element of snow!  Read more at Paper Heart Family to see the snowy obstacle course they made for their kids and get some fun ideas for your own backyard course.  

Tip: If you have a few kids, your older kids might enjoy making courses for your younger kids to enjoy

children playing in a snow obstacle course

An obstacle course from PaperHeartFamily

My girls still make obstacles courses for themselves in the backyard. Over the years these have become increasingly more intricate and difficult to traverse. 

9. Watch the Snow Machines

Yep, this one is simple, but wow, if you happen to have a toddler that loves anything with wheels, then this is definitely going to be a hit!

We are lucky to live in an area that clears and picks up the snow on our roads.  My little guy would get so excited when that familiar beeping and grating sound came around!  He’d spend a whole hour just standing on the couch watching the grader, loader, and dump trucks do their thing (while giving me a running commentary the whole time!).  If I really wanted to treat him, we’d get all bundled up and head outside for some fresh air and to watch safely from the porch!  …and if the truck honked or waved, well, his day was made!

10. Go on a Track Hunt

Little kids love to stomp through the snow, play with their own footprints and follow other prints.  Pretend to be spies and head to the local park or around the block and see how many different vehicle, human, and animal tracks you can find.  For extra fun, choose some tracks to follow and see where they lead you both.

Or, make a game out it where you each have to follow each other’s tracks. Toddlers love these types of interactive games!

11. Visit the Playground

The park is an entirely different place when it’s covered in snow!

Just be careful that metal structures can be unexpectedly slippery when covered in frost.

12. Be a Winter Wildlife Detective

Head to a natural area and see how the animals are managing in the snow.  Make a little winter-time scavenger hunt before you head out, or just pretend to be nature detectives and look, listen, and feel with curiosity. 

Ask your 2 year old some of these questions:

  • What are the animals doing and saying?

  • Have they left any evidence in the snow?

  • Whose tracks are whose?

  • Can we figure out

squirrel prints in the snow

Take your toddler hunting for tracks in the snow

READ MORE: If your kids are ones that love to learn and explore when they’re outside, you’ll want to check out this great list of 13 easy ways to study nature in the winter!

13. Have a Winter Time Tea Party

If your little one is into tea parties, then go have one outside!  

(Depending on how cold it is where you live, you might need to reserve this activity for a sunny day in the warmer months of winter.)

Get all bundled up, bring out the cups, a blanket, and a few dollies… then enjoy a fun little tea party in the snow.  You could probably also whip up some snowy pies and cakes for the celebration too… such a wonderful way to enjoy some special time with your toddler.  

For an extra treat, fill the “tea” thermos with hot chocolate or warmed apple juice!

And a great tip for encouraging outdoor time, invite some friends to the tea party… the more, the merrier!

14. Freeze Stuff

This is a two-part activity that needs a little preparation on your part.

First, one day, you’ll fill a container with natural treasures (leaves, berries, pine cones) and add a few inches of water.  Then, leave this outside to freeze overnight.

On the second day, go see what happened, take the frozen disks out of the contains and hang them in the trees as decorations.

Frozen Ice ornaments – such an easy winter activity for toddlers!

READ MORE: You can get the full instructions on making wintertime ice ornaments here.

Or, raid your recycle bin for some empty yogurt or milk containers and fill these with coloured water. Your toddlers will definitely help with this!

Then, leave these outside to freeze. Once they’re frozen, pop them out of their containers and your littles can play with these in the snow.

frozen ice blocks filled with colored water sitting on the snow

Freeze coloured water for a fun winter activity

15. Haul out the Toys

Sandbox toys are just as fun in the snow!  Fill the dump truck and use the sand shovels to build a snow city complete with roads, tunnels, apartment buildings, and even snow bridges!

a toddler wearing a green one-piece snow suit playing with toys in the snow

Or, instead of sand toys, try some kitchen tools like muffin tins, cookie cutters, scoops, and rolling pins.

a toddler playing in the snow with muffin tins and cookie cutters

16. Make Snow Angels

Oh the fun on flopping down into the fresh snow and making snow angels!  

Just remember that if your toddler isn’t bundled up well there is the risk of getting snow down their jacket at their neck or waist… 

For more tips of dressing warmly for a snow day, check out this post here.

17. Catch Snowflakes

If it’s snowing, show your toddlers how to catch snowflakes on their tongue and mittens.  Show each other the tiny flakes you’ve both caught.  If you have a hand held microscope or magnifying glass bring those out with you to look at your tiny discoveries.  

18. Draw in the Snow

Have your toddler use a broom handle or stick to draw designs and shapes in the snow.  You could use this time to practice some letter writing if they’re ready for that… or even writing out words if they’re older.  

When I homeschooled one of my daughters we’d stop and spell out words or stop and do math equations in the snow for some added excitement in learning those skills. 

19.  Toddler Skating

If your little one ready, you could try skating!  Or, if they’re not ready to don skates themselves, you could do the skating and pull them behind in the sled.

If you plan to be out for a while and they’ll be riding in the sled, remember to dress them super warmly and bring some blankets because they won’t be moving much and will get chilled faster.

READ MORE:  Tips for a fun and safe skating trip on frozen lakes and ponds. 

20.  Go for a night time walk

Often the cold winter months also mean it gets dark earlier in the evening, making night time walks a bit more accessible for families with young kids.  My toddlers loved going for short before bed walks to look at the lights around the neighbourhood.  

If you don’t live in an area with a lot of decorated houses, just going out for a night with a full moon or lots of stars can also be exciting for toddlers… especially if you’ve had a recent snow fall and the snow is all sparkly and fresh! 

And a few indoor snow play activity ideas
for the winter season

​1. Bring the snow inside!

Yes, I’m serious, this is so fun… especially for those super cold days or for toddlers who don’t enjoy being outside long in the cold temperatures.  

​Find a large bin, bucket, or tub and fill it with fresh snow.  Bring that inside, and hand your toddler a few kitchen utensils. When I would do this I often put down a few large beach towels to keep the melting water mess contained.  

toddlers playing in a bin of snow with measuring spoons

Playing with snow inside

2. Snow Sensory Bin

You could make this even more enticing by creating a small arctic small world sensory play bin with penguins and a polar bear!

3. Snow in the bath tub

I’ve also brought a bin of snow to the tub during bath time to have my toddlers enjoy mini science experiments melting handfuls of snow into the warm water.

4. Paint the Snow

Fill a backing tray or large dish with fresh clean snow and give your toddler a tray of dry watercolours and some paintbrushes. As the snow melts their paintbrush will get wetter and they’ll start picking up more colour to transfer back over to the snow.

If you’re comfortable, you can also let them drop food colouring onto the snow and mix and play with that too!

3. Sculpt with Snow

Depending on the consistency of the snow you bring inside, your kids might enjoy playing with it like clay.

Here is a photo of my littles making tiny indoor snowmen!

small child's hand holding a measuring spoon, playing with a tub of snow

Really, finding an outdoor winter activity for toddlers and you to do together should be easy.  Just remember to dress well so you’ll both stay warm, be enthusiastic, and let them guide your snow play.

…and if you tire them out, it’s totally okay for nap time to happen outdoors too!

a toddler wearing a ski helmet asleep outdoors in the winter

For more outdoorsy winter reading, check these out next:

Or, click here to return to the Main ‘Nature Play’ Page

toddlers playing outdoors in the winter



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Nature Play For Families by the Month

Make Every Month More Memorable

Make Every Month More Memorable

Are you looking for activities that will foster family togetherness? Trying to find fun and meaningful ideas to help you bond with your loved ones? Searching for ways to make every month more memorable? Our free printable of fun annual traditions offers lots of great ideas for inspiration!

If your children are anything like mine, they love a good celebration. Even my adult children get excited about eating green food on St. Patrick’s day or dying eggs for Easter. Fun family traditions add spice to life while simultaneously providing a comfortable sense of rhythm and repetition.

Here’s a sampling of some of the things our family has enjoyed doing on a seasonal basis (plus a few new ones we plan to add in the future). Feel free to use our free printable version as a checklist for your own merry memory making. Or treat it as a starting place to come up with a more personalized list.

Either way, you’ll want to print out your final version and post it in a prominent place. Because, with kids, anticipation is half the fun!

Activities that Foster Family Togetherness

Ideas for making every month more memorable:

Click on linked text to access more FREE printables, download family recipes, or view purchase information (via affiliate links) for any of the books or movies mentioned.


  • Pray for God’s guidance & blessing in the New Year

  • Eat black-eyed peas

  • Write thank you notes

  • Begin a new Bible-reading plan or a family-friendly devotional book

  • Build a snowman

  • Drink hot cocoa

  • Cut paper snowflakes

  • Read a great book aloud

  • Work a jigsaw puzzle

  • Plant onions

  • Pop some popcorn

  • Pull out the sleeping bags for an indoor campout

  • Roast marshmallows in your fireplace and make s’mores


  • Make a bird feeder

  • Watch Groundhog Day

  • Eat groundhog cupcakes

  • Recite 1 Corinthians 13

  • Host a mother/daughter Valentine’s Brunch

  • Weave paper hearts

  • Share a box of chocolates

  • Have an all-red meal

  • Sing US Presidents song

  • Go daffodil hunting

  • Do random acts of kindness

  • Go ice skating



  • Make resurrection cookies

  • Buy an Easter lily

  • Dye/decorate Easter eggs

  • Host an Easter egg hunt

  • Watch The Passion

  • Make homemade pretzels

  • Take a walk in the rain (umbrellas optional)

  • Plant a tree

  • Read a book of poetry

  • Play Scrabble

  • Plant new annuals

  • Stage a cherry pit spitting competition with prizes

  • Draw family chalk portraits on the sidewalk or driveway


  • Leave May baskets on neighbor’s doors

  • Hunt wild blackberries

  • Bake blackberry cobbler

  • Break open a piñata for Cinco de Mayo

  • Play Putt-Putt golf

  • Go on a family bike ride

  • Sign your kids up for a summer reading program

  • Pick your mom a bouquet for Mother’s Day

  • Write Limericks as a group

  • Do the chicken dance

  • Attend a Memorial Day wreath hanging ceremony

  • Have a crawfish boil with cob corn and new potatoes


  • Play a game of baseball

  • Pack a picnic

  • Go blueberry picking

  • Make blueberry muffins

  • Hunt lightning bugs

  • Take Dad breakfast in bed

  • Host an ice cream social (have friends bring their favorite toppings)

  • Make “Sun Tea”

  • Eat strawberry shortcake

  • Have a hula hoop contest

  • Can pickles and preserves



  • Play water volleyball

  • Make cherry turnovers

  • Visit a science museum

  • Conduct an experiment

  • Eat fondue

  • Go to the beach

  • Build sand castles

  • Collect seashells

  • Break open your banks to count and roll loose change

  • Team up for 3-legged races

  • Break out the water colors and paint some pictures

  • Enjoy ice cold watermelon

  • Make banana splits

  • Have a tea party

  • Shop for school supplies

  • Watch Davy Crockett wearing coonskin caps


  • Make homemade pizza

  • Play some flag football or ultimate Frisbee as a family

  • Pick apples

  • Bake apple dumplings and serve them with ice cream

  • Stock your closets with sweaters and other cool weather clothing

  • Go visit the grandparents (or adopt new ones from a local nursing home)

  • Make hats out of felt or newspaper for National Hat Making Day (Sept. 15)

  • Make homemade play-doh

  • Watch Mary Poppins

  • Eat ice cream cones

  • Go to the lake and have a stone-skipping contest


  • Attend the State Fair

  • Enter cooking or craft contests there

  • Camp out

  • Gaze at the stars

  • Admire the fall foliage

  • Have a log-splitting contest

  • Build a bonfire

  • Visit a pumpkin patch

  • Go on a hay ride

  • Conquer a corn maze

  • Play charades

  • Make/update a family tree

  • Play “fictionary” or “pictionary” on Oct. 16 (Dictionary Day)

  • Pass out gospel tracts with candy to trick-or-treaters


  • Go to an airport and watch the planes take off

  • Make pinecone turkeys

  • Read Pilgrim Stories

  • Stuff a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child

  • Make button crafts (11/16)

  • Play Monopoly (11/19)

  • Start a gratefulness journal

  • Count your blessings

  • Run in a 5K Turkey Trot

  • Bake sweet potatoes

  • Rake leaves

  • Play in the piles before bagging or composting

  • Put on a recording of “The William Tell Overture” and dance with your kids


How to Enjoy Being Outside Even If You Are Not Outdoorsy

How to Enjoy being Outdoors when You’re Not Outdoorsy

Mom and kids walking on the beach

Embracing the Outdoors when You’re Not Outdoorsy

Getting outside and enjoying nature doesn’t come easily to everyone. Some people are more comfortable inside. Others are intimidated by nature and think that to be “outdoorsy” you have to be climbing mountains and own expensive hiking boots. But, anyone can be outdoorsy – it just takes a mindset of enjoying and appreciating the outdoors. Today, Tiana Kubik, Creative Team member and Chicago mom of two, is here with some advice on how to embrace the outdoors when you’re not outdoorsy. She’s sharing some really fantastic tips for how to get yourself more comfortable and confident spending time outside with your kids. We hope this inspires you to try some new things and want to learn to embrace the outdoors. 

How to Get Outside and Embrace the Outdoors with Your Kids when You are Not Outdoorsy

"Some parents introduce a love of nature to their kids because they were raised outside and love spending time outdoors immersed in all things nature. However, some of us went our whole lives avoiding the woods until we had children.

Maybe you did not necessarily love (or hate) going outside, but it wasn’t a priority. Maybe we just always felt more comfortable indoors?

For whatever reason, it was our children who introduced (or reintroduced) us to the beautiful connection we can have to the earth. You can work on appreciating nature, but it doesn’t come naturally." 

What does it mean to be outdoorsy

There is no one all-encompassing definition of what it means to be outdoorsy. I think that being outdoorsy just means that you enjoy the outdoors, in whatever capacity you want that to include. Maybe it means that you enjoy sitting around a campfire, telling stories and roasting marshmallows. Maybe it means that you like taking walks in the park, listening to the birdsong, and feeling the breeze. Or maybe it means you love to camp, fish, hike, kayak, climb, ski, bike, or run outside. Being outdoorsy can mean whatever you want it to mean. It’s embracing nature and enjoying spending time outside. 

The good news is that you don’t have to be typical “outdoorsy” to get outside with your kids and enjoy nature. You don’t have to be into mountain climbing or thru-hiking. You don’t have to like bugs or own a bunch of fancy gear. All you need is an appreciation for the beauty of nature and what nature can do for you and your kids. 

The benefits of getting outside are undeniable. We can all agree that playing outside is great for children. We tend to downplay how important it is for adults as well. Spending time outdoors reduces anxiety, improves overall health, and helps anyone feel more connected to the world and community.

You can seek nature experiences for your kids, but you can also take it to the next level and seek nature experiences with your kids. This can happen even if you are not outdoorsy or a natural-born nature lover, even if you are itching just thinking of walking in the woods with bugs, even if the thought of hiking is exhausting. You can work to overcome those negative associations and embrace the wonder of the world with your kids. Here are some tips on how.

How to become more outdoorsy

Find inspiration through education

Inspiration and education tend to go hand in hand. If you’re not outdoorsy, it may just be because you don’t know much about nature or the amazing things going on right outside your door! The more you know about nature, the more you can learn to appreciate and respect it. The beginning of overcoming any fear or limitation is wanting to overcome that restriction. So, if you think the outdoors are horrible, you have no motivation to push you out of your comfort zone.

On the flip side, if you are flooded with inspiration on how beautiful the world is and how much people enjoy it, your FOMO (fear of missing out), will motivate you to explore ways to obtain the experiences and views that others say are not to be missed. 

After you are motivated to get outside, learning about nature and the earth will snowball your motivation and lead you to take concrete steps to engage in nature. 

1. Documentaries

Documentaries are a great family activity for inspiring and educating. Often these documentaries can lead to philosophy shifts and encourage everyone to engage more with the earth. A documentary can motivate you to be eco-friendly and do simple things around your house to be more sustainable. A documentary can inspire you to travel, raise awareness about topics, and give you a glimpse into other cultures. The wonderful thing about documentaries is that you don’t have to wish you were in a location. You can set goals and plan to visit them.

Some of our favorite documentaries to inspire a love of nature and travel?

  • DisneyNature Series — This is a stunning and heartwarming “Time in the life of…” series for a ton of different animals (penguins, elephants, butterflies, and so many more).

  • Down to Earth with Zac Efron – This is a fantastic journey around the world with Zac Efron (yup, THAT Zac Efron). He takes you on trips to explore sustainable and innovative communities across the globe.

  • National Geographic – Available on Disney+, NatGeo has an extensive library of documentaries on everything in nature, from animals to the ocean to space exploration!

2. Books

Books are another great source of information for learning to love and appreciate nature. The options are endless between kid-friendly storybooks and books focused on adults. Either way, reading about nature, animals, and topics such as sustainable living, will leave a lasting impression that will push you closer towards a goal of getting out there.

Want some recommendations for books about nature? Here are some of our curated book lists for nature books for kids:

3. Make friends

“Just go make new friends!” I know easier said than done, but this truly is the best way to be inspired. Find friends with children of similar ages and interests as yours that love being outdoors. Not only will this inspire you to get out, but you will also have buddies to be your co-conspirators. If they already adore the outdoors AND they adore you, they will naturally want to be a resource for you. You can all explore and learn together and from each other about nature and be more willing to try new things.

You can find friends from your kids school or daycare, from local mom groups on social media, from apps, from visiting local parks or playgrounds, or attending outdoor events. Making new friends as an adult can be hard, but it’s worth it! Sometimes you just have to put yourself out there and give it a try. 

4. Social media

Curating your social media feeds to include accounts that are living the life you are working towards is a great way to stay inspired and learn a lot about the real deal of that lifestyle. For getting outdoors, Instagram and Youtube have the most prominent communities and wealth of information for living, traveling, or just playing outside with kids. Not only will you be able to follow accounts to get an accurate snapshot of what life is like for them, but you will also have constantly NEW inspiration with minimal effort. Follow accounts that will introduce you to guides, tutorials, challenges, and resources to help you in your journey to embrace the outdoors.

Tips for not outdoorsy parents on how to get comfortable being outside
There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.” Scandanavian saying

Prepare for the experiences you want

Being prepared will play the most significant part in becoming outdoorsy and having successful outdoor adventures with your kids. That means not only being prepared physically with the right gear and snacks, but being mentally prepared and having realistic expectations.

Going back to inspiration and education, you can find the best ways to prepare for any outdoor adventure. It is also essential to consider what you are concerned about and prepare yourself for that experience. For example, if the mosquitos love to feast on you, being prepared with repellent, anti-itch, Benedryl, etc., will make your experience much more enjoyable and less irritating. 

Preparation extends beyond the “things” you will need. Making sure that you are physically and mentally ready is also vital. Here are some considerations for preparing for a successful outdoor experience with your kids.

1. Mental preparations for getting outside

Sometimes the first step to becoming more outdoorsy is a mental mindset shift. Overcoming mental blocks, changing negative associations to positive, and healing unhealthy associations will take some work and isnt’ always easy or quick. The amount of work and time depends on your experiences and how deep the associations go.

But, just because you may have had past experiences that made you dislike or uncomfortable in nature doesn’t mean you’re doomed to be a homebody the rest of your life. The following activities can help you promote a healthy and positive connection to the earth and help you get more comfortable being outdoors.  

  • Grounding – Grounding is the act of connecting your physical body with the earth. The act of grounding (also called earthing) is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. Meaning, when you physically touch the ground electrical charges are transferred from the earth – providing positive effects to your body. In simple terms – go outside, take your shoes off, and make direct contact!

  • Yoga – Practicing yoga is about physical and mental grounding. Some benefits will help you physically, however, yoga teaches you to control your breathing and connect your mind to how your body moves. This can be enormously helpful when engaging in outdoor activities.

  • Meditation – Much like yoga, learning to be more aware and present will prepare you to take in and love all that nature has to offer, especially when you reach the point in a hike where cell phones are no longer working. 

  • Sit spotting – Similar to meditation, sit spotting involves the natural world around you and it becomes incorporated into your mindful meditation. The idea of sit spotting is simple: find a special place in nature and then become comfortable with just being there, still and quiet. In this place, nature will surround you, soothe you, entertain you and seep into you. Sit spotting gives you a personal and intimate place in nature which will soothe, comfort and relax you, as you get to know the location.

  • Therapy – Depending on your past experiences, level or fear/dislike, and negative associations with the great outdoors, therapy might be an excellent option for working through mental blocks and creating strategies to shift the narratives you hold about nature.

how to become outdoorsy

2. Physical preparations for getting outside

Physical ability to sustain outdoor activities is usually a huge deterrent for most adults. If you are physically uncomfortable or in pain, of course you’re not going to enjoy the activity. Eliminating any physical discomfort can help you reframe your mindset around spending time outdoors. For example, if you are preparing for a longer hike or adventurous and physical outdoor activities (like downhill skiing or climbing), you can train your body so that you can approach these activities relaxed and ready to enjoy the time in nature with your children. Here are few ways to help eliminate the physical discomfort around being outside:

  • Start taking frequent walks. Choose to walk instead of driving. The the stairs instead of the elevator. Move your body more every day.

  • Take on elevations. Start gradually adding some higher elevation hikes to what you’re already doing. Increase the elevantation and difficulty very slowly. 

  • Strength training can help you in a variety of ways. Not only will it make you feel more confident in your abilities, but will be beneficial when your toddler decides mid-hike that they no longer want to walk.

  • Increase your water intake. This is an easy one that you can do well before you go outside. Hydrate ahead of time while you have easy access to bathrooms while your body adjusts.

3. Medical preparations for getting outside

Slightly different from physical preparation, medical preparation is necessary for anyone that has a medical issue that is keeping them from getting outside. This preparation is very specific to what medical needs you have. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your plans and concerns before making any changes to your medical regime. A doctor can help give you suggestions on how to manage the issue outdoors, prepare you for various scenarios and help you get more comfortable getting out of your comfort zone.

For example, if you are prone to allergic reactions or dehydration, your medical fears about what could happen might be keeping you from spending time outside. Talk to your doctor to see if there are options for you to find some relief or even underlying causes to treat.

dad, two kids and dog sitting on the rocks at sunset with a boat in the distance

4. Having the right outdoor gear

Having the right gear can really help a “not outdoorsy” parent feel more comfortable and confident being outside. Where your budget allows, purchase high-quality durable items and find room for items on your wishlist. Having the right equipment, and the gear that makes you feel good will make the experience of the outdoors feel more like an extension of who you are.

While a lot of what you need will depend on where you are going, here are some quick gear items to think about adding to your outdoor gear stash for nature adventures with kids:

  • Waterbottles

  • Weather-appropriate clothing – for travel or hikes, layers will keep you prepared to change at a moment’s notice. This includes rashguards, hats and sunglasses for outdoor play in the summer, as well as wool layers, hats and gloves for wintertime play. 

  • A great camera or phone with a great camera

  • For younger children, a compact baby carrier so that you can walk but be prepared to hold them and keep your arms free.

  • A great backpack for ALL the water, diapers, and snacks!

5. Setting realistic expectations for outdoor activities

Setting realistic expectations about getting outside with your kids might be the hardest part of the adventure, but it will set you up for the best experience. Going into any activity that you previously found difficult and expecting to love it is not realistic. Shifting your mindset can be a gradual experience and it may take a bit of time. Start by taking notice of the things that you liked, enjoyed or appreciated during the activity. Focus on the good and try to hold on to those feelings and let everything else go. 

The goal is to curate love and embrace nature as a beautiful part of your life. There is time to let that love grow, and if you are frustrated because you didn’t love it, you are less likely to try it again. It’s ok not to love it. But do try to appreciate the good and be willing to try again. The more you do something, the easier it will become and you may just find yourself enjoying the activity. 

So, go into a new activity open-minded but know this relationship will grow over time and not need to be an instant connection.

How to spend more time outside with your kids when you're not outdoorsy

Now, go play outside!

Once you’ve addressed the ideas and issues discussed above, it’s time to get outside and learn to embrace nature and the outdoors. There’s so much out there waiting for you. So many adventures to be had and memories to make. Let’s get started embracing nature and becoming more outdoorsy. 

1. Create a plan and stick to it 

Start planning your experiences. Make a list of the things you’d like to do. Include realistic things that you can do now that are comfortable and easily accessible. But, also include a few things that are stretch goals that you’d like to be able to do someday. Those will keep you motivated to keep going.

For each outdoor adventure you take, get yourself comfortable with the outing before you ever leave the house. Map out where bathrooms are, think about any snacks and meals, consider what gear and clothing you’ll need. Then do it! Eventually, you will find things won’t take as much planning, but being over-prepared ensures that you won’t run into as many unexpected problems.  

2. Start small and work your way up to bigger adventures

If you’re not outdoorsy, but want to spend more time in nature, taking baby steps will ease you in and create a snowball effect for embracing the great outdoors. It will also help you narrow down which experiences you really like and which ones are just not for you.

For example, before you go camping for a whole weekend, do an under-nighter outside. Sit by a fire, cook outdoors, sing songs and tell scary stories, all with the expectation that you are going home at the end of the night. (This can also be done in your backyard.) Once you are comfortable with that, try camping overnight somewhere familiar and close to home (so you can bail in the middle of the night, if you need to).

Same with hiking. Start with a walk in a flat nature preserve. Then seek out longer hikes with more inclines. Just like setting realistic expectations, you are building a foundation and nurturing your relationship with nature. Start small and build the trust over time. Jumping into something well beyond your comfort zone is dangerous and a sure-fire way to make you never want to try that activity again. 

two kids on a boat with binoculars - best outdoor activities and adventures for kids

3. Say yes to adventure

As adults, we often find that saying no to non-preferred activities becomes a habit. Particularly, if you are not outdoorsy, saying no to a hike, canoe trip, or camping weekend will come out without even considering the experience. But sometimes there are opportunities to get outside all around you if you just start looking for them and saying “yes” when they come up. Friends are more likely to start asking you to do outdoor things if you make a habit of saying “yes!” to experiences you previously said no to. The more you agree to being outdoors, the easier those yesses will come and the more opportunities will arise. 

4. Move your favorite activities outside

Do you love to read? Are you a fabulous cook? Do you enjoy working out? Is your home filled with plants? Do you paint or draw? Start with the things you love and enjoy and slowly shift them outside. Ttaking the things your family already does inside to the outdoors will add a whole new level of excitement and help you get more comfortable being outdoors. Piggybacking things you already enjoy to unknown experiences will give you a head start knowing you will enjoy it.

How to hold yourself accountable for spending more time outside

Creative ways to hold yourself accountable

If you’re intimidated by the outdoors or need some additional motivation to get outside, one of the best things you can do is to find ways to hold yourself accountable to your outdoor goals. Sometimes this means enlisting help! Here are some ways that you can help hold yourself accountable to your goals of getting outside more often with your kids. 

1. Tell your kids

Nobody on earth will hold you more accountable than your kids. They are watching you. They probably want to go outside! Make it a family goal to get you to love the outdoors as they do. Let them call you out when you aren’t meeting your goals. Let them show you how much they love the outdoors and how much fun they’re having. They will be empowered as human beings and will be your best cheering section when you show them how much you want to embrace changes.

2. Use a tracker

If you’re someone that loves seeing your progress or finds comfort in trackers and lists, consider using a fitness tracker, step tracker, or even just a calendar for goals you want to reach. Create a goal that you can reach and find tangible ways to measure your outside time. Having concrete goals will keep you accountable while you are forming a new habit. And make sure to celebrate when you hit that goal! 

3. Do it with friends

There’s nothing like having a friend to get you through some of the initial hurdles and make it less scary. Find friends with similar goals and friends who are natural-born outdoorsy people. Set up playdates with mom friends outdoors and let the kids explore together. Picnics, hikes, and camping are all great activities to do as a group.  Take turns checking out new parks, new trails or new activities. Or you could even start your own forest playgroup with some local like-minded friends!

4. Start a social media account or a blog

Small or large following, having a social media account is a fun way to keep people updated with what you are doing and hold yourself accountable. Post a photo and caption about all of your adventures and create an online community of people to cheer you on! Share your experience and what you learn. Not only will it help motivate you to continue trying new things and getting outside, but you may also inspire others to do the same! 

5. Challenges and paid activities

Spending money is one of the most potent tools we have to help hold us accountable. There has been a lot of research on how paying for something gives us a sense of obligation. Sign yourself up for a paid challenge to get outside more. We have a great one that’s designed for parents of little kids with 7 themed days of fun (and easy) outdoor activities called The Wildhood Challenge. Paying for a curated experience will motivate you to follow through and help you be prepared for a great experience.

Enjoy the transformation to becoming outdoorsy

So, are you feeling “outdoorsy” yet? We hope these ideas and advice will help get you over any hurdles you might have to embrace the outdoors and get more confident and comfortable outside. Bookmark this post and refer back anytime you need some extra motivation or encouragement.

Now, take a deep breath and get ready for a new, nature-loving you. Find those adventures that feed your soul and bring your family closer together. The kids will love having you present in their world and you will love feeling on your way to becoming outdoorsy. 

Play and Learn Themed Play For 4 Year Olds and Up

Indoor Nature - bringing nature indoors for kids
  • The cold months are here and we don’t last long outside. While I strive to inspire you to get outside every day, no matter the temperature, these months can be tough even for the most outdoorsy families. That’s why I’ve decided to focus this installation of “What Nature Can Teach Us” on indoor nature ideas to get a connection to nature even when you can’t get outside.

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Fall Leave and Fall Play Ela Wilds What Nature Can Teach Us
  • Fall leaves are magical for so many reasons. There is something about a big pile of leaves that is irresistible to kids. They can bring out the kid in adults and always spell fun. There are so many learning opportunities for both kid’s bodies and minds hidden within this addictive fall play. Sure, kids will get dirty, but isn’t that what bathes are for, right?

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Stick play etiquette and benefits
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We're Going on a Bug Hunt!
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Composting with Kids: Ela Wild's What Nature Can Teach Us
  • We can learn from nature in many ways but getting hands-on experience is irreplaceable. That is one of the reasons I was so excited to start composting with my kids. The amazing thing about compost is that you can make it anywhere. Whether you live on a farm or in a small apartment, there are ways that you can learn to compost and teach your kids about composting.

  • Creek Play: What Nature Can Teach Us

Learning through Play: Creeks
  • When the weather warms up, kids naturally want to play outside more. This is the perfect time to go exploring and discover new things. Creeks are a great place for kids to play, explore, and learn. Spring is one of my favorite times to go play in a creek since they are bursting with life. 

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Learning From Clouds
  • If there is one aspect of nature that everyone can see and enjoy, no matter where you live, it is the clouds. It doesn’t matter if you live in the country or the city, as long as you can look out of a window, you are bound to see clouds. They can be different shapes and even different colors depending on the type of weather approaching. There is so much you can learn from simply watching the clouds.

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Ela Wild's What Nature Can Teach Us: Kindness
  • Nature is cruel. True or False? This is my least favorite saying since it is so incredibly false and leads to a lot of misconceptions about the natural world. The fact is that kindness is everywhere. Nature is not cruel. It is kind and through nature, we can teach our children a sense of empathy and kindness that is lacking in our modern world.

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Snow Play Benefits and Ideas for Playing in the Snow
  • There is something magical about the snow. It blankets the world in beauty and has this way of making you feel happy. There is something about snow that makes kids want to go out and play while making their parents feel like kids again themselves. Playing in the snow is not only fun, but it is also beneficial.

  • What Winter Can Teach Us

Ela Wild's What Nature Can Teach Us: Winter
  • Outdoor play doesn’t have to stop in winter. Just because it’s cold out does not mean that you have to stay indoors. There are a lot of benefits to getting outside in winter, and a lot that you can learn. As long as everyone bundles up, winter is a great season to explore outside. You get to experience places in a whole new way. There is so much fun to be had outdoors in the winter and so much that we can learn from the cold, snow, and ice.

  • Find your Favorite Nature Craft with Ela Wild

Nature Craft Ela Wild What Nature Can Teach Us
  • Nature learning doesn’t have to always be about being outside. At some point in the day, you need to come in and the perfect transition is a nature craft. It is a great way to bring nature learning inside. We love to collect things outside and then use those to create something inside. Whether it is painting rocks or making trees, I’ve found that creating a nature craft is a great way to bond and have fun together.

  • Earthworms: What Nature Can Teach Us

Ela Wild's What Nature Can Teach Us: Earthworms
  • Earthworms are fascinating creatures for children. My son is always looking for earthworms and I’m always looking for ways we can learn from them. Everything in nature can teach us something, and earthworms are no exception. This month we are going to talk about how to look at earthworms and what we can learn from and about them.

  • Child-Led Exploration

How to Practice Child-Led Exploration
  • Ela Wild here, back with another installment of “What Nature Can Teach Us.” This month, we are talking about the benefits of child-led exploration. How it develops observational skills and helps us slow down and connect with our children. It is a great way to get kids interested in natures by using their curiosity as the guide.

  • What Nature Can Teach Us: Introducing Ela Wild

Ela Wild's What Nature Can Teach Us
  • Hello Everybody! My name is Ela Wild. Have you ever noticed that there is something magical about kids in nature? Watching their curiosity blossom into learning is one of my greatest joys. It is amazing how much nature can teach us and our children. I have been fortunate to grow up in nature and to raise my boys in it as well. I know not everyone gets this experience so I wanted to help people understand how much our environment can teach us.