
Simple Outdoor Activities

DIY Animal Photo Book

When The Big Explorer started kindergarten some four years back, we created a nature ABC book. It was a simple way to combine his growing interest in letters and words with the time we spent outside in nature.With The Little Explorer set to start kindergarten himself this fall, we’ve been talking about what kind of book he wanted to make. His choice? An animal photo book using … [Read more...]

Getting to Know Critters:
First Animal Encyclopedia

by Debi Huang

At 4.5 years old, The Little Explorer is a big fan of animals. As you might imagine, I’m doing everything I can to support, encourage and further that interest. First up: Finding him a good book about animals. Enter DK Publishing. At 2, he loved My First Animal Board Book, so I figured the school-age version, First Animal Encyclopedia, wouldn’t disappoint. The book: First … [Read more...]

Sparking an Interest in Nature Explorations:
DIY Nature Walk Bags for Kids

Every one is more interested in nature when they have the right the gear.  

Giving our kids a few key tools to turn them loose exploring the natural world around them!


Get Outside! Explore and learn out in nature!

The great outdoors are so rich with opportunity.  Encouraging our kids to explore and delight in the world around us is a powerful way to set them on the course of life-long learning.  As I remember back to all of the years of hiking with my parents and having copious amounts of time to play and explore, I’m in awe at how something so simple can have such a profound affect on a person’s life.  There is something so restful and yet simultaneously invigorating about learning out in nature. And nature is all around us.  This means our kids will be learning through backyard explorations, walks around the neighborhood and of course trips into the wilderness.

So what better way to foster this in your kids than to put together a nature walk bag, so they have the tools to explore at their fingertips.

So what would you put in this bag?  Well the possibilities are endless.  I’ll give you some ideas here and then use your imagination to personalize it for your child.  You can give them the gift of adventure, scientific discovery and art all wrapped up in one bag!

Putting together a Nature Walk bag makes for a creative, fun, and engaging gift idea!

What You Need for a Nature Walk Bag

Your bag!  You’ll want to decide if you want to do a messenger style bag such as this Olive Green Messenger Bag. The size is perfect for stashing a few important things.  I like a messenger style bag because you have ready access to the contents while you are walking.  The important thing here is that it is dedicated to holding your nature walking materials.

My boys were easy Nature Identifacation book, bandana, hats, a whistle and containers for animal obervatories. Hope on the other hand wanted a whole set of clothing made for exploring wild places and gear that wasn't heavy. But she loved new gear so we gave it to her one piece at a time.  

Binoculars – for bird watching or scouting out the valley ahead on a hike.  I love this AdventurePak Binocular Set because it contains a good, kid-sturdy binoculars plus a compass, flashlight and whistle.  Having a whistle with you is always a smart move for kids getting out into nature.  That way if there is an emergency, they can use the whistle to call for help!  If you have older kids or simply want to invest in a better set of binoculars, I’d recommend these Bird Watching Binoculars.  It comes with a case to help protect them.

Magnifying Glass – If you are going to explore, you need a dedicated magnifying glass for your bag.  I’m torn between this great 5-Inch Lens or the idea of getting a folding pocket magnifier.  The benefit of a folding pocket magnifier is that it would be protected from scratches in your bag.  For this reason, even though it is half the size, I’d go with the folding option.

Sketch Book  –  Having a sketch book handy in your bag means your little nature explorer can journal their findings and draw pictures.  We’ve spent many a day out in our desert home sketching or water-coloring what we see.  It is relaxing and promotes our kids learning to pay attention to fine details!  I love this hardbound book set.  It is beautiful and looks so professional.  On the other hand, a spiral-bound journal would be easier to lay flat while they draw.

Colored Pencils – You should stock a regular pencil or two and then pack a set of colored pencils.  As you know, I’m a huge fan of our Lyra Ferby pencils.  I love the triangular shape that promotes proper pencil grasp and the color these babies produce is beautiful.  I will never hold a crayola colored pencil in my hand again.  It pays to buy quality art supplies.  Prismacolor is another top-notch quality colored pencil.  These artist quality colored pencils come in a tin and are much less expensive than the Lyra Ferby pencils.  The tin comes in handy providing storage and protection within your nature bag. Now that my kids are getting older and the triangular grip isn’t as vital, I’m considering trying these out.  My artists sister LOVES them.

Block Crayons – These are optional, but we’ve loved using these Stockmar beeswax block crayons for all kinds of leaf and bark rubbings.  They come in a tin which again makes it easy to store in your bag and they last forever!

Pencils, watercolors and a notebook make for a fun nature outing!

Watercolors – My boys (yes, my rough and tumble boys) love to go out and paint nature scenes.  {I wrote about it here!} In the craziness of raising boys, these moments with my water colors have calm moments too.  Again, quality matters.  While I know you can get water color sets for a dollar, paying a little bit more makes a huge difference.  I threw out my cheap water colors and we only use Prang now.  It’s only $2.99 and the brilliant colors produced make it totally worth paying more.

Watercolor Notebook – You need thicker paper when doing watercolors.  We’ve found upgrading to a watercolor paper really helps what we are able to create.  This notebooks is beautiful and it is the perfect size to not only fit in your bag, but for water-coloring in general.  I’ve found my kids usually don’t fill an entire full page with a watercolor design which leads to waste.  These smaller pages are perfect.  The cover depicted actually peels off revealing a solid brown hard cover underneath.

Flower & Leaf Press Our flower/leaf press is just like this one.  I love that there are no knobs poking around.  It is actually compact enough that you “could” take it with you on your walks if you want to press a beautiful flower or leaf along the way.

Zip Lock baggies – super easy to stash in your bag and then you can hold that special pebble, leaf or whatever else you want to inspect more closely later.

Bug Bottle – If you think you might find some cool bugs (and you have room in your bag), you could bring a bug jar.  As a kid, we just used a canning jar with fabric in place instead of the metal lid.  This high-quality plastic bug viewer could be an option if you don’t want to go the canning jar route. It even has a built in magnifying glass.

Leatherman Tool – Ok, this is cool enough to merit being it’s own special stand-alone gift.  And you’d never get my son to consent to keeping this in a nature bag because he insists on clipping it to his belt loop.  This little tool does not have a knife blade.  We bought it for a birthday gift last year and they have been constant partners since then.  The tweezers and pliers come in handy more times than we can count, including an episode where we were extracting a stray cactus spine or two…

Want to pair this with a book?  

Nature Anatomy is our absolute favorite to take out into the field.

Be sure to check out my other top recommendations for nature-inspired books!

Other things I’ve written on this wonderful topic of nature exploration!

Why Nature Walks {a 4 part series}
10 Reasons Why You Should Go Outside {Every day}
7 Creative Ways to Take a Walk
Nature Painting
Isn’t It Dangerous?
A {Saguaro} Forest Walk
Desert Explorations

Simple Outdoor Adventures:

For Home or your local Park

Catch and Release An Animal 
Day 6 Catch and Release An Animal Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys.jpg

Catch A “Wild” Animal to Observe…


The best pets are the ones you only have to keep for an hour or two!  ;)  And the chase is over half of the fun! We’ve had several temporary pets – a turtle, frog, lizard, crabs, and even a baby bunny rabbit.  An up close observation enables you to learn so much more than just reading about an animal.

And of course parting is such “sweet” sorrow when you release the animal back to its natural environment!

catch and release an animal

  Helpful Tips/Resources:

* Be sure to know the animals in your region for your own safety.  Never try to capture an animal you haven’t identified.


Get Ready for 31 Days of… Adventure. Simplicity. Boyhood. Outdoors. I’m taking the plunge.  I’ll be writing for the next 31 days of October on one topic.  Nester hosts 100’s of bloggers doing the same challenge of writing on one topic, every day, for one month. Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys – It’s a topic …Read More

Hope you are loving these ideas for Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys!  Can’t believe we are already a week in! In case you missed a day, here’s what we’ve covered this summer…

Simple Outdoor Adventures:
Play Flashlight Tag

We did it!  We did it! (We’re just a tad late to the party.) 31 Simple Outdoor Adventures Completed, Documented and Remembered! We hope you’ve gotten some great ideas along the way, and feel encouraged to get outdoors, stay active, enjoy creation, and allow boys to be BOYS!   Play A Classic Game of Flashlight …Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures:
Make a Homemade Slingshot

  How to Make a Homemade Slingshot…    Supplies: A Forked Stick Heavy Rubber Bands Electrical Tape Hand Saw Most every boy love to create ways to "shoot stuff". The sling shot is a classic and easy way to accomplish this. There are a million ways to make a sling shot, but I have found … Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures: Pan for Gold

How to Pan for Gold…    Supplies: Gold Pan (We got this one from Amazon for under $5) Running Water (Creak, Stream, River) Old Shoes   What could there be that would intrigue a little boys heart more than treasure? This adventure has nothing to do with actually finding real gold, although that is not …

Simple Outdoor Adventures:
Make a Homemade Sailboat

How to Make a Homemade Sail Boat…    Supplies: Log or Flat Piece of Wood Stick Sail (Leaf or Square Piece of Cardboard) Needle Nose Pliers Body of Water This outdoor adventure was a lesson in simple over complex.  Brad had a master plan in his head for a homemade boat made from string, sticks …Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures for:
Bundle Up on a Cool Day

Bundle Up And Get Outside When The Temps Start to Drop…    Supplies: Warm Layered Clothing {hats, scarves, gloves, coats, etc} Hot Chocolate or Cider When our temperatures start to consistently dip into the 40’s, my instinct is to hibernate indoors with the kids.  I’m prone to indoor (inactive) days that lead to the “winter …Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures: Watch a Sunrise/Sunset

Watch a Sunrise or Sunset Together…    Supplies: A beautiful setting (open field, beach, lake, etc.) Warm clothing (if needed for after the sun goes down) Camera There is something truly beautiful about starting a day or ending a day with the sun. How do we take for granted this spectacular sky event that happens …

Simple Outdoor Adventures: Skipping Rocks

How to Skip Rocks…    Supplies: Any Non-Shallow Body of Water Smooth, Flat Stones {I had the best rock skipper I know write this description… 😉 } Skipping rocks may seem like a very simple adventure, but as you probably already know, boys can turn such an activity into lots of fun. There are just …Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures:
Hands on Farm Day

Visit a Farm or a Farmer…    Supplies: A Working Farm Farm Equipment Farmer There is so much to learn about our land and food from some of the hardest working members of our nation. Every farmer we’ve been in contact with has been more than willing to take time with our boys to show … Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures: Build an Outdoor Fort

How To Build An Outdoor Fort…    Supplies: Logs/Branches Tarp/Old Sheet Rope/String Stakes Rubber Mallet As much as I like following step-by-step instructions {Lego Instruction Booklet OCD}, I love the freedom of creativity in the great outdoors.  And while indoor forts are life-savers for rainy days, they don’t hold a candle to building an outdoor …

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Simple Outdoor Adventures: Make a Homemade Fishing Pole

{Sorry for the delay in these posts.  Brad and I came down with strep throat this weekend and have been just plain miserable. The posts days will no longer coincide with the date, and this will run a tad into November, but I’m sure you will give me/us some grace!} How To Make a Homemade …Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventure: Search for Fossils

How to Search for Fossils…    Supplies: Paint Brush Small Shovel Butter Knife Magnifying Glass Billions of fossils have been found around the world, and each give us a clue about living things that lived long ago.  The word “fossil” comes from a Latin that means “to be dug up”, which is all the more ..Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures:
Build a Sandcastle

How to Build a Sandcastle…    Supplies: Sand Sunscreen Buckets Shovels Water Sand Castle Forms I {almost} didn’t post this one for all of us Northern cooler climate folks.  It’s a rough time of year to be looking at beach pictures, as we start wearing our Snuggies 24/7 and stockpiling for winter.  I get that. … Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures:
Camping in the Great Outdoors

Go Camping In the Great Outdoors…    Supplies: Sleeping Bags/Air Mattresses Food Tent (optional) Pillows Cooking Gear Lantern/Flashlights Bug Spray First Aid Kit Matches Firewood Old Clothes Old Shoes Extra Blankets Water Roasting Sticks Sweatshirts/Jackets S’more Materials (required) 😉 There is something so beautiful about spending a night or two under the stars camping.  Perhaps …

Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys:
Bird Watching

Go Bird Watching…    Supplies: Binoculars (optional) Field Guide for Birds (optional) Backyard, Woods, Field, Park, etc. Halfway through our 31 Days of Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys!  There are LOTS of great ideas left this month! I have been surprised at how fascinated my boys have been with birds.  We have a Ornithology Center …

Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys: Go On a Bug Hunt

Going On a Bug Hunt…    Supplies: Butterfly Net Magnifying Glass Small Container Bugs speak the love language of boys.  Yesterday, Clark tried to convince me to start decorating with bugs.  You’ll be amazed at how many bugs you can find right under your two feet!  In a short ten minute walk, we …Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures:
Make a Bow and Arrow

How to Make a Homemade Bow and Arrow…    Supplies:  Small Hand Saw Pruning Scissors  Live 1/2 Inch thick tree limb Strong, Thin String Electrical Tape  – 1/4 or 5/16 Dow Rod Feathers  X-Acto Knife  Super Glue This adventure is one that will make any boys heart excited! Grab a small hack saw or hand …Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures:
Building a Creek Dam

How to Dam a Creek…    Supplies: Old Clothes Towels Shoes That Can Get Wet  I used to LOVE to do this when I was a kid! Although the best place to do it is an actual creek with lots of rocks around, you can get creative with whatever you have near you. Drainage ditches … Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures: Hike a Trail

Hike a Marked Trail…    Supplies: Comfortable Clothing Comfortable Shoes Backpack {I love the drawstring ones} with Band-Aids, Water, Bug Spray, Cell Phone, Map, etc. One of our absolute favorite outdoor activities to do with our boys is probably the most simple! Hiking – it’s cheap, it’s great exercise, it’s relaxing, and it’s beautiful! Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures: Climb a Tree

Go Climb a Tree…    Supplies: Shoes (sandals were not a wise choice) A Good Climbing Tree Pants Climbing trees is a right of passage for boys.  However, there is some technique to the sport. You first want to find a sturdy tree that will support your child’s weight.  Find a tree with branches that … Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures:
Jump in a Leaf Pile

  Go for a Jump in a Leaf Pile…    Supplies: Lots of Fallen Leaves Rake(s) Comfortable Clothes The most rewarding part of raking a gigantic pile of leaves?  Jumping in with both feet!  The more hands the bigger the pile…and don’t be too shy to take the plunge yourself.  The joy you’ll share on … Read More

 Cook Over An Open Fire

  How To Cook Over An Open Fire…    Supplies: Fire Pit or Campfire Food Roasting Sticks Wood and Kindling Cast Iron Skillet (optional) Food cooked outdoors over a fire is some of the finest dining that exists.  When you share it in the company of family and friends, it just enhances the experience! There …

Simple Outdoor Adventures
Make a Lemonade Stand

  How to Make a Lemonade Stand…    Supplies: Lemonade/Water/Apple Cider/Baked Goods/Popsicles Cups Pitcher Change Table Signs and/or Sidewalk Chalk What I love about setting up a lemonade stand is it doesn’t have to be lemonade!!!  You can do what’s in season (hot chocolate, apple cider, popsicles, or even bottled water).  It can be as …

Simple Outdoor Adventure: Fly a Kite

How to Fly a Kite…    Supplies: Wind An Open Area (Field, Beach, etc.) A Kite with String Kite flying goes best in pairs.  You need a buddy and a windy day for this classic outdoor activity.  Unwind several yards of string. Have one child hold the string and then have another child or yourself … Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures:
Catch and Release An Animal

  Catch A “Wild” Animal to Observe…    Supplies: Critter Net Small Critter Container Sand/Dirt/Water for Habitat Magnifying Glass (optional) The best pets are the ones you only have to keep for an hour or two!  ;)  And the chase is over half of the fun! We’ve had several temporary pets – a turtle, frog, … Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures- Nature Scavenger Hunt – Free Printable

Going on a Nature Scavenger Hunt…    Supplies: Walking Shoes Bug Spray Magnifying Glass (optional) Field Guide (optional) Printable List   Nature scavenger hunts are a great way to enjoy the details of God’s creation.  Boys love a good search and challenge!  You never know what you’ll find each time. Feel free to print off …Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures: Wading a Creek

Going Creek Stomping…    Supplies: Old Clothes Sandals/Rain Boots (optional) Towel Change of Clothes It’s nearly impossible to take a boy to a creek and keep him dry, so why not go with it.  Creek beds are great for exploring rocks, tadpoles, fish, fossils, etc. So take a towel and a change of clothes, and … Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventure: Make a Tornado in a Jar

  How to Make a Tornado in a Jar…    Supplies: Glass Jar Water (3/4 jar full) 1 tsp of Dish Soap 1 tsp of Vinegar Glitter (optional) Butter Knife Tornadoes in the sky – not so cool.  Tornados in a jar – super fun.  The boys have been fascinated in studying weather, and of …Read More

Simple Outdoor Adventures: Geocaching

How To Go on a Geocaching Adventure… Supplies: GPS Device (such as a Geomate Jr.) or Smartphone A FREE Account with Small Treasure (see list suggestions) Pen/Pencil Never heard of geocaching?  It was a new adventure to me as well not too long ago.  Think of it as a real-life worldwide outdoor treasure hunt, … Read More

31 Days of Backyard Nature Fun

I know January is a time when many people make resolutions. And although I’m not one for doing so per se, I do welcome the opportunity to start each year with a clean slate.

I love the possibilities that a new year represents. It’s a time to dream of the way you’d like your life to look at the end of the year, then try to figure out how to get there.

If you’re at all interested in spending more time outside in nature with your kiddos, I’m hoping the “31 Days of Backyard Nature Fun” can help you do just that.


Although this series originally ran at the beginning of 2013, you can begin your 31 days of backyard nature fun anytime.

Each day features a simple, fun way to get outside exploring nature with kids. Activities are designed to be doable in 15 minutes or less in your own backyard, neighborhood or at a local park.

I’ve stored up a lot of ideas over the years that I’ll be highlighting during the month, but I’ve also enlisted the help of some of my favorite bloggers. There are ideas for things to do in all kinds of weather (even snow!), so I hope there’s something for everyone.

If you don’t already do so, now’s the time to subscribe to the posts I write either in an online reader or via email. That way, you won’t miss a thing!

Here’s the complete list of “31 Days of Backyard Nature Fun” activities at a glance:

Looking for more ideas for backyard nature fun? Start here:

Run Through the Sprinklers

It is hot here is Southern California. Like 90+ degrees Fahrenheit hot. Which makes going to school uncomfortable and spending time outside afterward just plain torture.Unless there’s water involved.Running through the sprinklers is one of our favorite ways to play with water in the backyard. We don’t even both to turn on our sprinklers; we simply add a sprinkler attachment to … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Spring Nature Photo Hunt

I love taking pictures of nature, even if my kiddos aren’t in the shot. Taking pictures helps me slow down, really focus on something and see beauty where I might not otherwise. It helps me connect with nature. Encouraging kids to take photographs gives them a chance to do the same thing. The bonus: You get to see the world through their eyes. With that in mind, I’m … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Nature Journals for Beginners

In an effort to record our many and varied nature experiences, we’ve created quite a few themed natural journals since I started this blog – including a backyard field guide, a bird book and a family adventure journal. But none have had much staying power. Which is why I’ve asked my nature friend, Barb of the Handbook of Nature Study, to stop in and share her sage advice on … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: ABC Nature Scavenger Hunt

In a couple of weeks, The Little Explorer will finish his first year of school. He’s learned his ABCs and 123s and isn’t afraid to use them. In fact, just a few weeks ago, I took his kindergarten class on a fun adventure in the school garden to put their skills to work. We went on an ABC nature scavenger hunt. An ABC nature scavenger hunt is a walk focused on finding natural … [Read more...]

Gift Ideas for
Nature Kids

These holiday gift ideas for nature kids are arranged into categories based on some of the ways The Explorers enjoy spending time in nature. And because I’m not a fan of overdoing it with gift giving this time of year, I’ve added something personal to each of the categories – an idea for gifting an experience instead of a store-bought item. While these goodies may be fun for … [Read more...]

10 Ways to Explore Nature at Night

Summer is full of warm days that blend right into slightly cooler evenings – most of which are perfect for being outside. Combine that with less pressure to get the kids to bed at a certain time and you’ve got a winning combination. Time to head outside and explore! A few tips for exploring nature at night with kids: Keep it short and simple. Since our kids are usually … [Read more...]

7 Ways Kids Can Help Save Trees

If you’re a fan of nature and the environment, you’re probably already doing things to take care of the planet – on Earth Day and every day. This month, I’ve shared ways kids (and families) can help protect wildlife and oceans. Today I’m focusing on ways kids can help save trees. Forests cover almost a third of the Earth’s surface, including some 700+ million acres in the … [Read more...]

10 Ways Kids Can Play Among the Trees

Happy Earth Day! I know this is the one official day the world celebrates the planet, but around here we’ve been celebrating all month long. So far, we’ve dedicated a week each to wildlife and oceans. This week: Forests. If I had to pick a place in nature where I feel most at peace, it is among the trees. When I head to the forest and am surrounded by them, I feel at home. I … [Read more...]

6 Things Kids Can Do to Help Our Oceans

by Debi Huang

As part of my month-long celebration of Earth Day, today I’m sharing things kids can do to help our oceans. (In case you missed it, last week was all about wild animals.) Later this week we’ll talk about ocean-themed books, then finish up with a list of the best beaches for families in Los Angeles.Whether you live by the coast like we do or you’re miles from the nearest ocean, … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Go on a Nighttime Creature Hunt

Your kids may be familiar with the animals they see around your front yard, backyard and neighborhood in the daylight. But what happens at night? Will you still see the same animals – or different ones? Time to go on a nighttime creature hunt to find out! Before you head outdoors at night, make sure to dress for the weather so everyone stays comfortable. All you’ll need to … [Read more...]

50 Ways to Connect with Nature This Winter (With or Without Snow)

In a perfect world, getting outside would be as easy as heading out your back door and following your kids’ lead. But for those days when you need a little more inspiration, here are a slew of ways to connect with nature this winter – with or without snow. And don’t forget that on the worst of days, there are plenty of ways you can connect with nature inside, too. 20 Things … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Backyard Beach

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. THE IDEA: Create a backyard beach nature play areaDuring the remodel of my step-mom’s secret garden, she found a family treasure – this bin that dates back to my great-grandfather’s family farm, which operated back in the '20s. It’s a family heirloom to say the least, but one I felt deserved … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Backyard Wildlife Watching

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard.  THE IDEALook for wildlife – and signs of wildlife – in our very urban backyard.This week is National Wildlife Week – a signature event of National Wildlife Federation’s Be Out There™ campaign. To celebrate, I thought it might be fun for the kids to see what type of wildlife lives in … [Read more...]

Backyard Play Spaces: Nature Play Station

Earlier this month, I shared some of the summer backyard play spaces we’re planning. Today I’m ready to unveil the first of these spaces, our nature play station. How it’s made: I took a couple of unused wood planks we had lying around the backyard and placed them across some tree stumps we inherited last fall. The result is a shelving unit that makes for a perfect nature … [Read more...]

Backyard Nature Fun at Your Fingertips

This post is part of “Your Green Hour Survival Guide,” a series which I hope will provide you with inspiration to make getting outside every day a habit. Fridays around here have long been home to my regular “Fun Friday” posts. In fact, in the two years since I started this blog, I’ve amassed close to 100 posts featuring simple ways to explore nature right in your own … [Read more...]

Your A-to-Z Guide to Summer Backyard Nature Fun

Today’s post is part of “Your Green Hour Survival Guide,” a series which I hope will provide you with inspiration to make getting outside every day a habit. I can’t be the only one who thinks there’s something special about summer – especially when you’re a kid. And although the weather is still gloomy around these parts, the longer days and (soon-to-be) warmer temps make it … [Read more...]

30 Ideas for Winter Backyard Nature Fun

This blog’s most popular post by far remains one of its simplest: 50 Ways to Explore Nature in Your Own Backyard. I’m glad to know that so many people are looking for ways to spend time in nature right outside their own homes.Since that post remains a hit, I thought it might be helpful to compile a list of ideas for backyard fun for every season – starting with winter.This list … [Read more...]

50 Ways to Explore Nature
in Your Own Backyard

Exploring nature doesn’t have to mean hitting the trail, heading to the mountains or going camping - though those are all fine ideas. Connecting with nature can be as simple as heading out the back door. If you're not quite sure how to get started with your kids, try one of these 50 ways to explore nature in your own backyard. Most require only a few minutes of time and a … [Read more...]


My list of Christmas nature activities for kids included more than a few ways to decorate with nature during the holidays – both indoors and out. Thought you’d like to see what the elves in our house have been up to. Choose a live tree. For the first time in the 22 years we’ve been together, my hubby finally consented to (even suggested, I might add) a live Christmas tree. … [Read more...]


If you’ve been following me on Facebook, you know we’re planning on camping out in our backyard this weekend as part of the Great American Backyard Campout. We’ve tried it once before and figured that since we have much camping on the agenda for the summer, it was time for another dry run. Perhaps the one big, obvious difference between backyard camping and camping in … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Rock Hunt

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. Rocks seem to be one of those items that manage to find their way into little pockets on nearly every nature walk we take. The big explorer is so enthralled by them that we even started a rock collection last fall.But it wasn’t until last week that we actually took a walk in nature … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Follow an Ant Trail

by Debi Huang

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. One thing we never have trouble finding in our backyard is an ant trail. And though it’s sometimes challenging to find a beginning and end to the trail, there’s usually something worth watching in between. Last week before heading off to Yosemite, we spotted something exciting going … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Summer Nature Scavenger Hunt

Gorgeous pomegranates Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. Treasure hunts are popular in our family – so much so that we’ve already taken winter and spring nature scavenger hunts. For our summer nature hunt this week, we took our adventure to grandma’s backyard for a change of scenery. Plenty of bugs … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Summer Adventure Journal

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. Ever since I first saw the REI Kids’ Adventure Journal, I’ve wanted to make one of our own.The REI booklet (which you can pick up for free at any REI store or download here) is a place to record your family’s outdoor adventures, including where and when you go, who joined you, the weather, … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Handprint Tree

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, you know that I’m not very crafty. But when I saw this idea for a Father’s Day gift that combined two things we love – paint and trees – I thought it might be worth a try.I managed to come up a with a decent-enough looking tree that even … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Pick Fresh Fruits

After an almost two year hiatus, Fun Fridays are back! Re-energized, re-envisioned and ready to go, Fun Fridays will feature simple, seasonal ideas for getting kids outside and into nature. Cherries, blueberries, strawberries and watermelons, oh my! Summer is the sweetest time to head out to a local farm and pick fresh fruits. To find a pick-your-own farm near you, head to … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Outdoor Tea Party

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. If you’re anything like us, you’ve eaten a fair amount of meals outside this summer. But have you had an outdoor tea party? During our two-week stay in Yosemite last month, my dear friend and I hosted our first annual tea party in nature on the porch of our cabin. We prepped and … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Chase Butterflies

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. When there’s a butterfly in sight, it’s hard to get the little explorer to focus on much else. He is captivated by the game that butterflies present; a chance to run around in the hopes of being lucky enough to capture one in his very own hands. Earlier this week, the little explorer … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Pressed Flower Keepsakes

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. When we were in Yosemite earlier this month, we were lucky enough to see some pretty amazing wildflowers. And as you might imagine, the kids were eager to gather bunches to share with mom.Of course, I had something more creative in mind for the many petals the explorers managed to accumulate … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Rock Necklaces

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. Am I the only feeling like summer is all about crafting? We’ve been craft crazy these past few weeks! One of the biggest hits so far has been our rock necklaces. (In fact, we received tons of compliments on our creations when we were in Yosemite!)Inspired by this idea I spotted in a recent … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Create a Fairy Garden
Do you know how to create a fairy garden? With just a few supplies and a little imagination, here's how your child can create a magical fairy garden.

It’s been nearly a year since The Big Explorer built a fairy house. But thanks to several visits from the tooth fairy since then, he hasn’t lost his belief in the magical world in which they exist. When I suggested it might be fun to build a fairy garden in our backyard, he jumped to it. He immediately started drawing a blueprint for the garden, which he called his “fairy … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Pinecone Hunt

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. I realize that discovering pinecones might not be that big of a deal for some of you. But for us urban dwellers, it’s pure excitement.And for the little explorer – at the tender age of 2 ½  – hunting down these treasures is great entertainment.For the past two consecutive weeks, the … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Plant Wildflowers

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. One wonderful side effect of this blog (and there have been many) is that we’re dipping our feet into the world of gardening. Last year we planted our first veggies (with little success, but we’ll be at it again this year, I promise). This year, we’re expanding our garden space to … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Cardboard Box Fort

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. I haven’t seen too much of the explorers this week. They’ve been too busy playing in their cardboard box fort. (Yay – our first fort!) It all started when our new backyard furniture set arrived earlier this week in an enormous box. It was too irresistible for the kids to ignore. They … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Make Mud Prints

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. I shared earlier this week how our nature play often develops organically over the course of the time we spend outside. This activity is a perfect example. It started when the explorers wanted to paint. While they painted, I grabbed a bucket and started filling it with dirt. Then I … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Search for Signs of Spring

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. I spend a couple of hours in the big explorer’s school garden each week helping the kids plant, explore and enjoy the 1-acre space. Last week, we couldn’t help but to take note of some major changes starting to take place.Our little magnolia tree has produced its first blooms of the season, … [Read more...]


Go Explore

Nature Activities Out and About

Exploring nature with kids doesn’t have to mean hitting the trail, heading to the mountains or going camping (though those are all fine ideas). Connecting with nature is as easy as heading out the back door. 

Glow Stick Walk

Winter’s shorter daylight hours come with at least one benefit: The chance to go exploring outside in the dark before bedtime.

There are all kinds of fun ways to explore nature at night, like going on a glow stick walk. (If you don’t have a glow stick, don’t worry. Try a flashlight walk instead.)

Winter Nature Fun: Glow Stick Walk

Before you head out, make sure everyone is dressed for the weather. Layer up and bring along hats and gloves if the conditions necessitate it.

Once you’re out the door, here are a few things you can do with glow sticks to turn an average walk around the neighborhood into a nature adventure:

  • Pretend to be captain of a grand expedition and use your stick to light the way.

  • Get up close and personal with the elements (for instance, the trees and ground). How close do you need to be to see clearly? What can you see?

  • Stop and listen for the sounds of the night. What do you hear?

  • Look up and count the stars.

  • Turn your glow stick into a magic wand. “Turn” items that are one thing (like a bush or tree) into something else (like a butterfly or dragon).

Of course, if you happen to have a sibling or friend along, glow stick sword fights are fun, too.

Looking for more ways to get the kids outside and into nature this winter? Check out 50 ways to connect with nature this winter (with our without snow).

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Backyard Nature Fun

 I hope this will give you some ideas to make exploring nature in your backyard simple and fun. And don’t worry if your backyard is tiny or even nonexistent – the ideas I share can be enjoyed at a local park or any other natural area in your neighborhood.

Where should I start?

If you only have a few minutes to peek around, bookmark this page! Then check out the top five Backyard Nature Fun reader favorites:

To get you started right here, I’ve featured the top three reader favorites in a variety of topic areas.


Gardens, flowers and trees can be usually be found in just about any neighborhood, making them a simple way to connect with nature.

Holiday Activities

Here’s where you’ll find ways for families to get outside and into nature during the holidays.

Idea Lists

I like making lists. All kinds of lists. Which is a good thing, because they seem to be pretty popular around here.

Imaginary Play

One part magic, one part imagination, this is where nature and imaginative play come together.

Nature Crafts

I make no claims to be crafty, but most kids are huge fans of crafts. Thankfully, nature and crafting go together nicely.

Nighttime Nature Activities

Sometimes it’s fun to explore nature when the sun goes down. See some of the activities we’ve tried.

Rainy Day Fun

Wondering what to do when it’s pouring outside?

Scavenger Hunts and Nature Walks

Here you’ll find plenty of ways to turn an everyday walk around your backyard, neighborhood or local park into an adventure in nature.

Simple Pleasures

It doesn’t take a lot for kids to have hours of fun outside. A little dirt, a little sand and a little water will often do the trick.

Snow Play

Winter’s snowy weather is no excuse to stay indoors. If you need some ideas for getting outside, we’ve got a few.


Short on time? Sometimes connecting with nature is as simple as taking a look up.

Wildlife Watching

Even our urban backyard is teeming with wildlife – birds, bugs and more.

Backyard nature fun


Winter Nature Photo Hunt

The nature photo hunts I create each season continue to be a big hit around here. So I apologize for the delay in getting this winter’s list together. Without further delay, I am pleased to announce that the 2014 Winter Nature Photo Hunt is now ready! (If you live in the southern hemisphere, you’ll want to check out the summer version instead.) Here’s how the winter … [Read more...]

Visit a Pumpkin Patch

If Halloween fever hasn’t struck your kids yet, it will. Which makes this week’s family nature challenge quite timely: Visit a pumpkin patch. Pumpkin patches have come a long way since I was a kid. Even today’s most urban patches are likely to offer lots in the way of outdoor fun. While you’re there, you and the kids may have a chance to: See pumpkins in all kinds of … [Read more...]

Go Apple Picking

The page is about to turn on yet another month. The excitement of Halloween, pumpkins, costumes, candy and more is looming. Which makes this the perfect time to go apple picking. Go for a few hours or make it a full day of outdoor fun. Relax and meander through the orchard taking in the sights and smells of fall. A few good things to know about apple picking with kids … [Read more...]

Visit a Farmers’ Market

From the rows and rows of fruits, vegetables, flowers and more, to the chance to meet local farmers face-to-face, farmers’ markets make great destinations for outdoor family fun. Not to mention that your kids are likely to see all kinds of foods they won’t find in the grocery store.Here are just a few ideas for fun when you visit a farmers’ market:Name the foods you see. Are … [Read more...]

6 Things Kids Can Do to Help Wild Animals

As part of my month-long celebration of Earth Day (April 22), I’ll be sharing ideas this week about things kids can do to help wild animals. When it comes to talk of kids and wild animals, the first thing that pops into my mind is the idea that most kids know more about endangered animals that live in far-off places they might never see than they do about the wild creatures … [Read more...]

Whale Watching Advice for Los Angeles
Every Southern California kid should go whale watching! If you’re wondering what it might be like, here’s some sage whale watching advice for Los Angeles families.

I wasn't always a fan of whale watching. For one thing, I get seasick - like really, really seasick. And the excursions I did manage to brave as a young adult resulted in few actual whale sightings. The weather was usually cloudy, cold and gray, and the enter experience left me rather unimpressed. Fast forward to last year when Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching … [Read more...]

Create a Wildlife Habitat in Your Yard

Earlier this week, I shared six things kids can do to help wild animals. One idea: To create a wildlife habitat in your yard. If you have no idea what that means – or feel overwhelmed at the prospect of having to create some kind of fancy garden in your backyard – don’t panic. The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) has got you covered. Here’s the Cliff Notes version of … [Read more...]

Decorate a Tree for Wildlife

Nature fun idea No. 5 on our Countdown to Christmas list was to decorate a tree for wildlife. This was a task a few days in the making. In preparation for our wildlife tree, we made birdseed ornaments and strung fresh garland – both activities that helped us slow down and focus on nature at an otherwise frenetic time of year. We decided to add some sparkly ornaments to make … [Read more...]

Backyard Wildlife Watching

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard.  THE IDEALook for wildlife – and signs of wildlife – in our very urban backyard.This week is National Wildlife Week – a signature event of National Wildlife Federation’s Be Out There™ campaign. To celebrate, I thought it might be fun for the kids to see what type of wildlife lives in … [Read more...]

Tips for Viewing Yellowstone Animals with Kids
Planning a Yellowstone vacation for your family? Get our best tips for viewing animals with kids in Yellowstone National Park.

While Old Faithful is probably the most famous icon of Yellowstone National Park, its wildlife is equally impressive. For starters, Yellowstone is home to the largest concentration of mammals in the Lower 48. Plus, there are more than 60 different types of mammals living in the park! Add to that birds, amphibians, reptiles and more and you can see why Yellowstone is a favorite … [Read more...]

Studying Backyard Animals: Roly-Polies

Both of The Explorers enjoy a good bug hunt. Not only do they like searching for backyard animals, they also love the chance to observe them up close for a while. Roly-polies are a fun backyard animal for kids to study. They are fairly easy to find – just check under rocks or potted plants – and slow enough for even the unsteadiest of hands to gently grab without … [Read more...]

Children’s Books About Animals

by Debi Huang

I think I’ve mentioned here before that The Little Explorer is a self-proclaimed animal rescuer. He’s also a kindergartener and quite serious about learning to read. Which means we are always on the lookout for children’s books about animals.Just as our search was beginning, Sylvan Dell Publishing contacted me about reviewing some books, quite a few of which are about animals. … [Read more...]

6 Things Kids Can Do to Help Wild Animals

by Debi Huang

As part of my month-long celebration of Earth Day (April 22), I’ll be sharing ideas this week about things kids can do to help wild animals. When it comes to talk of kids and wild animals, the first thing that pops into my mind is the idea that most kids know more about endangered animals that live in far-off places they might never see than they do about the wild creatures … [Read more...]

Fun Friday: Build Snow Animals

Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard.  My last post was about gearing up for snow play so what better to follow than a fun, simple activity to try once you get there? Not having actually been to see the white stuff with my little ones, I called in an expert -- Melynda Harrison over at Traveling Mel. She came up with a … [Read more...]

Toddler-Style Winter Beach Play

If you don’t live in Southern California (or Hawaii or maybe Australia), it might be hard to imagine 70 plus degree temps and sunny skies that go on forever. But that’s what winter has served up for us SoCal folks so far and I’m lucky enough to have spent last week vacationing in Oxnard, a beachside community about an hour north of Los Angeles. This was the first time my … [Read more...]

Children’s Books About the Ocean and Marine Life

One of the first ways many kids learn about the ocean and marine life is through books. We read to learn about places close by and far away. We read to learn about favorite marine animals and those we’ve never seen before. And we read to learn things we can do to help our oceans.Here are some of our favorite children’s books about the ocean and marine life. I Love Whales & … [Read more...]

6 Things Kids Can Do to Help Our Oceans

As part of my month-long celebration of Earth Day, today I’m sharing things kids can do to help our oceans. (In case you missed it, last week was all about wild animals.) Later this week we’ll talk about ocean-themed books, then finish up with a list of the best beaches for families in Los Angeles.Whether you live by the coast like we do or you’re miles from the nearest ocean, … [Read more...]

10 Ideas for Water Play at the Beach
These 10 ideas for water play at the beach will allow kids of all ages to connect with nature and have fun while they're at it!

Welcome to the second installment in this summer’s 3-part series on water play. (If you missed the first post, head over to 10 ideas for water play at the river. You can find the final post in the series here: ideas for water play in the backyard.) Staying safe at the beach Most simple water play at the beach takes place away from shore. But it doesn’t hurt to keep a few … [Read more...]

15 Ways to Connect With Nature at the Park

Today’s post is part of “Your Green Hour Survival Guide,” a series which I hope will provide you with inspiration to make getting outside every day a habit.When it comes to making time for our daily green hour, we usually keep it simple and head out to our backyard. But at least once a week, we spend time at our neighborhood park instead.I’ve admitted here before that I’m not a … [Read more...]

9 Tips for Bird Watching With Kids
My opening paragraph in this one says it all: “I can’t believe I’m writing this post. Before I started this blog, I had zero interest in birds. In fact, I used to joke that I loved watching wildlife – except when it came to the birds.” Now I’m hooked and apparently giving advice on bird watching with kids worth heeding.

A Post Whose Success Surprised Me: Fun Friday: Build a Fairy House

I’m certainly not the first person to have written about building fairy houses, nor the one with the prettiest, fanciest or most creative houses. Maybe it’s because I have sons – not usually known for their interest in fairies – that this post piqued an interest among readers.

A Post I Didn’t Feel Got the Attention It Deserved: 
How to Raise Kids Who Care About the Planet

Other than hoping to inspire people to let their kids discover the wonders of nature, I don’t get preachy around these parts. But this post became a logical extension of encouraging you to spend all that time outside. I think one of the numerous benefits of connecting kids with nature is that we’re creating future stewards for the planet.

The Post I’m Most Proud Of: The Healing Power of Nature

It’s the post that started it all. The one that took years to finally write and came from a very raw and open place. I still cry when I read my first post, knowing what a journey I’ve been on since then and how vital a role nature has played in all of it. I always knew I was a nature girl; now I’ve finally embraced it.

Simple Ways to Soak Up Summer

Sure, summer is often filled with family vacations, camp adventures, beach days, ice cream and sleeping in.But it’s also about slowing down and spending more time together. Enjoying the simple life.Trying to strike the perfect balance between these two ideas isn’t always easy. This year, our summer break is just seven weeks long and features four separate family vacations. … [Read more...]

10 Ways to Connect With Nature
When You’re Inside

I hope I haven’t given you the impression that the only way to connect kids with nature is to head outside. There’s actually quite a lot of exploring and learning to be done inside, too. Which comes in handy this time of year, don’t you think? Not only are there days when the weather severely limits (or prohibits) you from heading outdoors. But there are also those pesky … [Read more...]

Go on a Nature Art Walk

Welcome to Day 27 of 31 Days of Backyard Nature Fun, a month-long series offering simple ways to get outside exploring the natural world. To see activities from earlier this month, head here.I love it when art and nature mix. Add in kids and the possibilities for fun and creativity are pretty much endless.The good news is that nature provides all the materials you need to … [Read more...]

10 Ways Kids Can Play Among the Trees

Happy Earth Day! I know this is the one official day the world celebrates the planet, but around here we’ve been celebrating all month long. So far, we’ve dedicated a week each to wildlife and oceans. This week: Forests. If I had to pick a place in nature where I feel most at peace, it is among the trees. When I head to the forest and am surrounded by them, I feel at home. I … [Read more...]

7 Ways Kids Can Help Save Trees

If you’re a fan of nature and the environment, you’re probably already doing things to take care of the planet – on Earth Day and every day. This month, I’ve shared ways kids (and families) can help protect wildlife and oceans. Today I’m focusing on ways kids can help save trees. Forests cover almost a third of the Earth’s surface, including some 700+ million acres in the … [Read more...]

Top 10 Ways to Play With Sticks

I’ve mentioned before how much I love making lists. I thought it might be fun to share some of them with you on a more regular basis. Welcome to the first of what I hope will be many more “Top 10 Tuesdays.” Top 10 Ways to Play With Sticks If you give a kid a stick … you’ll be amazed how little else they need to entertain themselves. Here are a few inspiring ideas to prove … [Read more...]

10 Ways to Explore Nature in January

January is full of hope and potential for the year ahead. But spending time outside and in nature can get a little more challenging as temperatures drop. The trick is to make sure you and the kiddos are dressed for the weather, keep it simple and have fun! To make getting outside this month a little easier, I’ve created a free printable version of this list. Print it, … [Read more...]

Exploring Nature at the Beach

It’s June and things are warming up around here. Last weekend we saddled up for a bike ride to the beach, where we enjoyed a picnic lunch and some treasure hunting before heading home.There are seemingly endless ways to spend an afternoon at the beach. Here are a few of our current favorite ways to explore nature while we’re there - no tools required: Do some wildlife … [Read more...]

Snapshots of Joy

Tomorrow The Little Explorer turns 4. I’m not gonna lie to you. This past year has been a bit … challenging. The little guy is one of the most spirited people I know. He’s a wild child – full of boundless energy that is constantly pushing me to the edge of my comfort zone. And right on past.Thing is, that’s where life really begins, right – at the end of your comfort zone? I … [Read more...]


Teaching kids to care forAnimals

A varied list of ideas, activities, projects, and field trips for teaching kids to care for animals.

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7 Ways Kids Can Help Save Trees

If you’re a fan of nature and the environment, you’re probably already doing things to take care of the planet – on Earth Day and every day. This month, I’ve shared ways kids (and families) can help protect wildlife and oceans. Today I’m focusing on ways kids can help save trees. Forests cover almost a third of the Earth’s surface, including some 700+ million acres in the … [Read more...]

5 Favorite Park Activities for Kids to Parks Day
Favorite park activities for Kids to Parks Day 2015, featuring reader ideas for things to do at neighborhood and national parks.

Have you heard of Kids to Parks Day? It's a nationwide day of outdoor play organized by National Park Trust, a non-profit organization working to preserve parks today and create park stewards for tomorrow. This year’s Kids to Parks Day will be held on Saturday May 16 at local and national parks all over the U.S. Now in its fifth year, the Kids to Parks Day event encourages … [Read more...]

5 Tips for Getting Your Tween Outside

Could you use a few tips for getting your tween outside? If so, you've come to the right place. I've got my very own test subject in the form of a 10-year old boy, aka The Big Explorer. You see, my once ever-faithful, nature-exploring sidekick has recently begun to show signs that things ... well, they are a-changing. Let me set the scene for you: A few weeks ago, my 10 year … [Read more...]

10 Ways to Explore Nature at Night

Summer is full of warm days that blend right into slightly cooler evenings – most of which are perfect for being outside. Combine that with less pressure to get the kids to bed at a certain time and you’ve got a winning combination. Time to head outside and explore! A few tips for exploring nature at night with kids: Keep it short and simple. Since our kids are usually … [Read more...]

Book Review: Early Childhood Activities for a Greener Earth

In honor of Earth Day, I dedicated much of April to sharing simple things kids can do to help the planet. I’m excited to be continuing that focus today with a look at a book that fits right in with the theme: Early Childhood Activities for a Greener Earth.Early Childhood Activities for a Greener Earth features more than 100 classroom activities that are designed “to help … [Read more...]

Earth Day Activities for Kids

Every April, a special light seems to shine on all things planet Earth. That's because April features Earth Day (April 22) – a day dedicated around the world to environmental activities and celebrations. Of course, I’m a firm believer that Earth Day isn’t just one day. Or even one month. Caring for the planet is something we need to be doing every. single. day. How? The … [Read more...]

25 Christmas Nature Activities for Families

It’s official: Christmas is a mere 24 days away. In our house – semi-remodeled/semi-chaotic as it might be – the excitement is palpable. It’s everyone’s favorite time of the year. And with reason. We have lots of family traditions to look forward to. The challenge is to stress less and have more fun as we enjoy those traditions. That’s where these 25 Christmas nature … [Read more...]

Thanksgiving Nature Activities for Families

We haven’t even finished putting away our Halloween decorations yet, and Christmas is cropping up everywhere I look. What ever happened to savoring November? If you’re like me and refuse to talk about Christmas until Thanksgiving has passed, these Thanksgiving nature activities for families are right up your alley. Here are a few fun ways to enjoy the season with friends … [Read more...]

My Wilder Child Favorites

10 Awesome DIY Outdoor Explorer Packs10 Outdoor Rainy Day Activities for Kids!Decorating an Outdoor Edible Tree for the AnimalsDesigning an Outdoor Mud Pie Kitchen and Restaurant10 Things Every Child Needs in Their Outdoor Play SpaceHow to Dress Your Kids for Outdoor Winter Activities

2019 Lunar Gift Guide for Your Moon Child!10 Ways White Parents Can Help Black Families Feel Safe in NatureOur Wild New Year's Resolutions50 Nature-Inspired Kid's Birthday PartiesHandmade, DIY and More Gifts for the Nature-Loving ChildThe Garden Classroom Book ReviewInspiring Kids to Be Kind Using Love Rocks10 Ways Kids Can Thank Mother Nature This Holiday Season20 Nature-Inspired Mindful Moments Cards5 Things I Don't Say To My Daughter When We're Out in Nature10 Fall Inspired Journal Prompts for Older Kids

10 FALL INSPIRED JOURNAL PROMPTS FOR OLDER KIDSMy daughter is only two, so I tend to get somewhat caught up in activities that fit her abilities and age group. Sadly though, it's often...LEARN MORE

6 Ways to Get Your Kids Outside (When They Don't Want To Go)Intro to Moon Gazing + 2016 Full Moon Dates Printable!
  • INTRO TO MOON GAZING The moon is such a powerful, accessible tool for learning and growth. Here are a few moon activities, lessons and resources to help you a...LEARN MORE

The Secret to Loving Nature Unconditionally5 Ways Nature Nurtures Empathy in Children


Nourishing a child's sense of empathy and emotional intelligence is one of the most important things we can do as a p...

Wild Activities

Outdoor Activities For Kids

Children will love these outside activities so much–they won’t even realize they are learning. This list of nature activities for kids is brimming with some of the best outdoor activities for toddlers to teens–which of these classic outdoor activities is your favorite?

  • How to Skip a Rock – Learn all about the art and science of Skipping stones in this fun article. Can you beat the world record number of skips?

  • Birding for Kids – Bird watching, or birding, is a fun wilderness observation activity for children from toddlers to teens.

  • Squirrel Learning Ideas – Invite children to learn about squirrels with this list of facts, fun squirrel-themed teaching ideas, outdoor activities, and cute squirrel crafts for kids! Get the Printable Squirrel Behavior Tally Sheet and invite kids to count the common squirrel behaviors they notice.

  • Make Mud Pies – Playing with mud is an excellent sensory activity for the developing child. A classic old-school nature activity for kids!

  • 15 Reasons to Climb a Tree and Other Benefits of Risky Play – Tree climbing is an outdoor activity with many benefits for the developing child. Discover how to climb a tree, support your child’s first efforts to climb trees, and other benefits of risky play.

  • Create Nature Mandalas – Gather nature’s treasures to make a mandala with natural materials outside.

  • Explore a Shore – Take the time to explore a seashore, lakeshore, river shore, or creek shore–learning happens naturally when we get outside!

  • Go Bouldering – Find an area to let the kids scramble and climb around on small boulders for a fantastic outdoor gross motor activity with many physical, mental, and emotional benefits.

  • Hug a Tree – A fun outdoor activity for all ages.

  • Roll Down a Hill – Rolling down a hill is excellent for the developing sensory system.

  • Walk Across Fallen Trees and Logs – This outdoor gross motor balance challenge for Kids gives children the opportunity to develop their kinesthetic and vestibular sensory systems.

  • Make Sunprints – Invite children to place objects from nature on sun print paper and expose it to the sun for a fun way to keep kids busy learning outside.

  • 10 Ways to Have Fun Outside with Fall Leaves – Autumn is an excellent time of year to get outside to play in falling leaves. We have ten fun ways to make outdoor fall leaf play a little more exciting and fun!

  • Rainy Day Art – Put marker drawings and doodles outside to be transformed by the rain to create rain art with this fun rainy day STEAM activity for kids.

  • Fun Ways to Play in the Rain – Here are 20 outdoor rainy-day play activities that will have your kids running for the back door when it rains.

kid dancing in rain puddle barefoot outdoor rainy day activity with quote (by Nell Regan K, photo of C. Kartychok)

My daughter loves to go barefoot on rainy days with big puddles.


  • Fall Leaf Counting – Have you ever tried to catch autumn leaves as they fall to the ground? Here’s a gross motor movement and nature math game for the kids to enjoy in the fall or autumn.

  • Stone Skipping Games – Play some simple stone-skipping math games.

  • DIY Nature Memory Matching Game for Kids – Excercise the brain and boost memory skills with this fun twist on the classic game of memory. Using items found in nature adds a sensory component to the memory game, increasing its brain-building power.

nature memory matching game set up

Nature Memory Matching Game


Nature scavenger hunts appeal to the child’s natural interest in discovering the many clues that can be seen, heard, and felt in the natural world. Invite your children to discover the magic and wonder of the natural world with some of these creative nature scavenger hunt ideas for kids.

how to make a nature sensory bin

Nature Sensory Basket


A garden is also a fantastic place for children to plant the seeds of their learning. Early literacy, math, and science concepts are abundant in homegrown gardens. And, when children know how to grow and harvest the foods they eat, their minds, bodies, and the future of our planet will benefit immensely. Tending the cycle of nature in our backyards is becoming a lost art. Learn how to become one of the way-showers for the next generation in your neck of the woods, whether rural, urban, suburban, or city.

final image in fairy garden step-by-step DIY tutorial

DIY Fairy Garden

Related: 15 Ways to Raise a Helper


We have a few nature study ideas to use as a starting point in your outdoor learning adventures. Stay tuned for more ways to learn from and with nature soon! Learn more on our Nature Study Resource Page.

Child studying a caterpillar in a nature forest school kindergarten.

My daughter and a local caterpillar friend.



There are so many fun ways to learn and play with nature. Try some outdoor science, STEM, and STEAM ideas for children.

Related: Rainbow Science and STEAM activities 

Rock balancing stone stacking outdoor art

My daughter stacking rocks.


It’s important to challenge the minds and bodies of children with outdoor place spaces that support and benefit the development of a healthy vestibular system, cardiovascular system, and gross and fine motor muscle movements.

Below is a list of fun outdoor play areas for nature school and backyards everywhere that help do just that! Give your children the opportunity to get outside and learn through play in spring, summer, fall, and winter with any of these fun outdoor play spaces.


Go on a field trip with the kids for even more outdoor learning fun!