injured unwanted wildlife encounters Animal rescue

How to cope with
wildlife Concerns

Lets face it - wild animals can be a bit unpredictable and crossing paths with wildlife at the wrong time can be unsettling and scary. I am a seasoned nature buff and I always pray that my children and/or students don't see the food web in action. 
Getting outside and enjoying nature doesn’t come easily to everyone. Some people are more comfortable inside.
Others are intimidated by nature and think that to be “outdoorsy” you have to be climbing mountains and own expensive hiking boots.
But, anyone can be outdoorsy – it just takes a mindset of enjoying and appreciating the outdoors. 
We are sharing some really fantastic tips for how to get yourself more comfortable and confident spending time outside with your kids. We hope this inspires you to try some new things and want to learn to embrace the outdoors. 

Find inspiration through education

Inspiration and education tend to go hand in hand. If you’re not outdoorsy, it may just be because you don’t know much about nature or the amazing things going on right outside your door!

The more you know about nature, the more you can learn to appreciate and respect it.

The beginning of overcoming any fear or limitation is wanting to overcome that restriction.
So, if you think the outdoors are horrible, you have no motivation to push you out of your comfort zone.

On the flip side, if you are flooded with inspiration on how beautiful the world is and how much people enjoy it, your FOMO (fear of missing out), will motivate you to explore ways to obtain the experiences and views that others say are not to be missed. 

After you become motivated to at least get outside, learning about nature and the earth will improve your motivation and lead you to take concrete steps to engage in nature.... 

How to handle injured wildlife

Protocals for handling injured wildlife

Found A Bird Revised


I Found a Baby Bird


Found A Baby Mammal


I Found a Baby Mammal


5 Step Guide To Saving Wildlife Safely 01


5-Steps for Saving Wildlife


Additional resources may be found at the following websites:

These are downloadable apps for your smartphone that can often provide timely assistance:

  • Animal Help Now, a website and downloadable app that "leverages digital technologies to immediately connect people involved with animal emergencies with the most appropriate time- and location-specific resources and services."

  • Wild Help "a free mobile app to find help for a wild animal, fast"

Listings for Wildlife Rehab by state:

What to do if I encounter a ...

Wildlife Encounters While Camping

Imagine a world where you can escape the concrete jungle and immerse yourself in nature's embrace. Camping with wildlife is like diving into a vast ocean, where you become one with the waves and share your playground with magnificent creatures. It's a journey that beckons the free-spirited adventurer within you.

But with freedom comes responsibility. As you venture into the untamed wilderness, it's crucial to understand the delicate balance between coexistence and respect.

In this guide, we will explore the wonders and perils of camping with wildlife, from the creatures you may encounter to the precautions you need to take.

So gear up, fellow wanderer, and let's embark on a thrilling odyssey beneath the open sky.

Table of Contents

What Will Attract Wildlife?

To attract wildlife while camping, you should minimize food odors and store your food properly. This will help keep dangerous animals away from your campsite and ensure the safety of both you and the wildlife.

Avoid leaving trash or food items out in the open, as these can attract unwanted visitors. Instead, dispose of your trash in designated bins and keep your food stored in airtight containers or coolers.

Be mindful of your water usage and avoid contaminating natural water sources. By taking these precautions, you can help protect animal habitats and create a safer environment for both wildlife and humans.

What Are The Dangers of Attracting Wildlife?

Minimizing food odors and properly storing your food while camping is crucial to avoid attracting wildlife and the potential dangers they may pose.

When it comes to camping in areas with black bears, it's important to take extra precautions. Make sure to carry bear spray and know how to use it in case of a bear encounter.

Use bear canisters to store your food, as they're designed to be bear-proof. Avoid using trash bags as they can easily be torn open by curious animals. Instead, invest in a bear-proof cooler to keep your food secure.

Be aware of animal droppings around your camping area, as they could indicate the presence of wildlife.

Following these bear safety tips will help ensure a safe and enjoyable camping experience.

How Do You Keep Wildlife Safe from You?

When camping with wildlife, it's important for you to be mindful of how to keep them safe from your presence. Here are three essential safety measures to ensure a harmonious coexistence with the animals in their natural environment:

  • Maintain a safe distance: It's crucial to respect wildlife by keeping a respectful distance. Observing them from afar allows them to carry on with their natural behaviors without feeling threatened or disturbed.

  • Properly store food and trash: Animals are attracted to food smells, and leaving food or trash unattended can lead to unwanted encounters. Secure your food and dispose of trash properly to avoid attracting wildlife to your campsite.

  • Follow park regulations: National and state parks have specific rules and regulations in place to protect the environment and wildlife. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines and adhere to them to minimize any negative impact on the animals and their habitats.

What Wild Animals Are There In The U.S.?

What types of wild animals might you encounter while camping in the U.S?

The land of freedom and adventure is home to diverse wildlife. As you explore the great outdoors, remember that encounters with bears are possible, so practicing bear safety is essential. Be aware of your surroundings and secure your food properly.

Along the trails, you may encounter various wild animals, including snakes. While most snakes are harmless, watching your step is crucial, especially in snake-prone areas. Some venomous snakes, like rattlesnakes, can be found in certain regions.

Ticks can be present in wooded areas, so check yourself after hikes. Remember to stay hydrated and use water sources safely, avoiding contamination from wildlife and other sources.

Enjoy your camping experience and embrace the freedom of the wild!

Maintain Your Distance

To ensure your safety while camping, always stay safe from wildlife. 

  • Respect their space: Wild animals deserve their territory, just like you do. Keeping a respectful distance allows them to live peacefully in their natural environment without feeling threatened.

  • Avoid dangerous encounters: Approaching wildlife too closely can lead to unexpected and potentially dangerous situations. Animals may perceive you as a threat and act defensively, putting you and them at risk.

  • Protect their natural behavior: By maintaining a safe distance, you can observe and appreciate wildlife without disturbing their natural behaviors. 

It's important to remember that contact with humans can negatively affect their survival.

Always Avoid Feeding Wild Animals

To further protect yourself and the wildlife during your camping trip, it's essential to refrain from feeding wild animals in order to maintain a safe and respectful distance. While it may be tempting to offer them food, feeding wild animals can have dangerous consequences.

For instance, if a bear becomes accustomed to human food, it may start approaching campsites in search of a meal, leading to potential bear encounters. Additionally, feeding animals can alter their natural behaviors, causing them to become dependent on handouts and lose their ability to forage for themselves.

This can lead to animal charges, as they may become more aggressive in their pursuit of food. By avoiding feeding wild animals and following proper campsite precautions, such as storing food in bear-safe trash receptacles and cleaning up dirty items, you can help maintain a safe distance from wildlife and preserve their natural habitats.

What Are Some Ways To Make Noise To Alert Wildlife?

Remember, it's important to create noise while camping to alert wildlife of your presence. Making noise is important when camping in bear country to prevent surprise encounters with bears.

Here are three items to help you make noise and stay safe:

  • Bear Bells: Attach these small bells to your backpack or clothing to create a constant jingling sound as you move. The noise will let bears know you're coming, reducing the chances of surprising them.

  • Bear Horn: Carry a bear horn, a powerful noisemaker that can be heard from a distance. If you spot a bear or other wildlife nearby, use the horn to scare them away.

  • Bear Lockers: Familiarize yourself with nearby bear retreats, such as designated campgrounds with bear lockers. These lockers provide a safe place to store your food and bear-proof coolers, minimizing the chances of attracting bears to your campsite.

By making noise and taking necessary precautions, you can enjoy your camping experience while minimizing the risk of black bear attacks or encounters with bears.

Never Wander Or Leave Your Tent At Night

As you camp in wildlife areas and strive to stay safe, remember to avoid leaving your tent in big game areas at night.

Big game areas are often inhabited by grizzly bears and other aggressive animals. A bear encounter can be extremely dangerous, especially if you come between a mother bear and her cubs or inadvertently startle the bear. Bears have been known to charge when they feel threatened or when they're protecting their young.

Stay inside your tent during the night to minimize the risk of a bear encounter. Leaving your tent in big game areas increases the chances of coming face-to-face with a large animal due to human carelessness.

be bear aware sign reminds people to use proper food storage

Keep Your Food and Trash Properly Stored

Animals are attracted to the smell of food and can be easily tempted by the scent of your dinner or snacks. To prevent wild animals from approaching your campsite, store all food items in an airtight container and keep them away from your sleeping area.

It's also important to properly dispose of any trash you generate during your camping trip. Do not leave any leftovers or empty cans at the campsite as this only attracts wildlife to linger in the area.

Storing food properly is essential to keep it safe from bears and other wildlife while camping or hiking in bear country. Here are some tips to help you store food effectively:

  • Use bear-resistant containers: Invest in bear-resistant containers or bear canisters to store your food. These containers are made of sturdy materials that bears cannot easily break or open. Place all your food, cooking utensils, and scented items (toothpaste, soap, etc.) in these containers.

  • Hang food from a tree: If bear-resistant containers are unavailable, the next best option is to hang your food from a tree. Use a bear bag or hang to suspend your food at least 10 feet off the ground and 4 feet away from any tree trunk or branch. This method makes it harder for bears to reach the food.

  • Choose a proper hanging spot: Select a suitable tree that is strong enough to support the weight of the food bag and far enough from your campsite. Look for a tree with a sturdy branch, ideally one that is at least 15 feet off the ground and 5 feet away from the trunk.

  • Use bear lockers or poles: Some campsites provide bear lockers or poles for campers to store their food. Take advantage of these facilities if available. Lockers are usually metal boxes that bears cannot open, while bear poles are tall structures where you can hang your food bags.

Remember, keeping a clean campsite and properly disposing of food scraps or trash is crucial. Bears have a strong sense of smell, and any lingering odors can attract them to your campsite. By following these guidelines, you can minimize the risk of bear encounters and help protect both yourself and the bears.

By following these safety guidelines and taking the necessary precautions while camping in wildlife areas, you can enjoy a safe and exciting outdoor experience. Keep a respectful distance from wild animals to ensure an enjoyable trip for everyone!

Following these tips can help protect yourself and wildlife while camping in their natural habitats. Enjoy your adventures with peace of mind, knowing you're respecting their environment.

Always Use Natural Animal Repellants

To further protect yourself and your campsite from wildlife encounters, it's important to utilize natural animal repellants.

When camping in the great outdoors, you're sharing the natural habitat with a variety of furry creatures. While most animals will keep their distance, it's always better to be safe than sorry.

Natural repellants, such as citronella oil or peppermint, can act as a deterrent for animals without causing harm to them or the beautiful environment. Many animals dislike these scents and can help keep them out of your campsite.

Using natural animal repellants can create a barrier between you and potential encounters, reducing the risk of bear attacks or disturbing the animal space.

Keep An Eye Out for Animal Droppings and Tracks

Keep an eye out for animal droppings and tracks while camping to stay aware of wildlife activity in the area. Spotting these signs can help you take extra precautions and ensure a safe camping experience.

Here are three reasons why watching for animal droppings and tracks is a common concern for campers like you:

Animal droppings and tracks indicate the presence of wildlife in the area. By identifying these signs, you can determine if it's a suitable and alluring spot for camping or if you should find an alternative location.

Knowing the type of animals in the area can help you take appropriate safety measures. Certain droppings and tracks may indicate potentially dangerous animals, allowing you to take the necessary precautions and avoid any unwanted encounters.

Animal droppings can carry diseases, so it's important to know their presence. Avoid direct contact and practice good hygiene if you come across any droppings or tracks. In case of any unusual symptoms, seek medical attention promptly.

How Do You Protect Yourself From Wild Animals?

Take necessary precautions to protect yourself from wild animals while camping and hiking. Your camping adventure should be exciting and memorable, but it's important to stay safe in the wilderness.

One key step is to carry bear repellent with you at all times. This can help deter bears and keep them away from your camp.

Be mindful of any signs of bears around your camp, such as tracks or droppings. If you encounter a bear at camp, stay calm and slowly back away without turning your back.

Another potential danger is snake bites. Avoid tall grass and rocky areas where snakes may hide, and watch your step.

Lastly, while attacks by mountain goats are rare, it's best to keep a safe distance and not approach them.

What Do You Do If You Encounter a Bear?

If you encounter a bear while camping or hiking, it's important to know how to react to ensure your safety. Bears are beautiful animals, but they can be dangerous if they feel threatened.

Here are three essential tips to keep in mind if you come face-to-face with a bear:

  • Stay calm: It's natural to feel scared, but try to remain calm and avoid sudden movements. Bears are likelier to leave you alone if you don't provoke them.

  • Back away slowly: Slowly and quietly back away from the bear, giving it plenty of space. Never turn your back on the bear or run, as this may trigger its predatory instincts.

  • Make yourself big: If the bear approaches you, make yourself look as big as possible. Raise your arms, and if you have a jacket or backpack, hold it above your head. Shout loudly to intimidate the bear.

What Do You Do If You Encounter a Bobcat?

When encountering a bobcat while camping or hiking, it's important to know how to react to ensure your safety. Bobcats are powerful and unpredictable animals, so it's crucial to stay calm and avoid any sudden movements.

If you spot a bobcat, look as big as possible by standing tall and raising your arms. Maintain eye contact with the bobcat, but never stare directly into its eyes. Slowly back away, giving the bobcat an escape route. Don't turn your back or run; this may trigger the bobcat's instinct to chase.

If the bobcat approaches, throw rocks, sticks, or any other available objects while shouting to intimidate it. In case of an attack, use hot water, bear repellent, or any items you have at hand to defend yourself.

Remember to report any bobcat sightings to park authorities, as this information helps ensure the safety of other campers at popular campsites during the camping season. Avoid attracting bobcats by properly disposing of dirty water and keeping food away from camping cabins.

When camping or hiking in bobcat territory, wear brightly colored clothing to make yourself more visible and less likely to be mistaken for prey. Stay alert and be prepared to react confidently if you encounter a bobcat during your outdoor adventures.

What Do You Do If You Encounter Bison?

When encountering a cougar while camping or hiking, it's important to know how to react in order to ensure your safety. In a similar vein, if you happen to come across a bison during your outdoor adventures, it's crucial to be prepared and handle the situation with caution.

Here are three important things to keep in mind:

  • Maintain a safe distance: Bison may appear docile but can be unpredictable. Keep at least 25 yards away from them to avoid any potential threat.

  • Don't approach or provoke them: Bison are wild animals and should be admired from a distance. Avoid any sudden movements or loud noises that may startle them.

  • Use bear repellent as a last resort: If a bison charges towards you, use bear repellent spray as a deterrent. Aim for the eyes or nose to deter their aggression.

What Do You Do If You Encounter a Mountain Goat?

To ensure your safety when encountering a mountain goat while camping or hiking, it's crucial to understand proper protocols and behaviors.

First, it's important to remember that mountain goats are generally peaceful creatures, but they can become aggressive if they feel threatened. If you come across a mountain goat, maintain a respectful distance and avoid sudden movements. Keep calm and try not to show fear, as this could agitate the animal.

Remember, mountain goats are attracted to colored items, so it's best to avoid wearing bright clothing or carrying brightly colored gear.

If a mountain goat approaches your campsite, using a natural bear repellent is recommended to deter them.

Lastly, always remember to properly dispose of trash or food scraps, as a bear at camp can also attract mountain goats in search of an easy meal.

What Do You Do If You Encounter a Moose?

If you encounter a moose while camping, keep a safe distance and avoid sudden movements. Moose can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous, so it's important to know what to do if you encounter one in the wild.

Here are three essential tips to keep in mind:

  • Stay calm and quiet: Moose are easily startled by loud noises and sudden movements. Keep your voice down and avoid making any sudden gestures that could agitate the animal.

  • Give them space: Moose are large and powerful creatures who can charge if they feel threatened. Maintaining a safe distance of at least 50 feet or more is crucial, allowing them to move freely without feeling cornered.

  • Observe from a distance: Appreciate the beauty of these magnificent creatures from afar. Use binoculars or a zoom lens to get a closer look without putting yourself or the moose at risk.

What Do You Do If You Encounter Elk?

Maintain a safe distance and avoid sudden movements if you encounter elk while camping, as they can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous.

Elk are majestic creatures that roam freely in the wilderness and embody the spirit of freedom you seek in your camping adventures. However, it's important to remember that they're wild animals and should be respected as such.

If you encounter an elk during your camping trip, keep your distance and observe them from afar. Don't approach or try to feed them, as this can provoke aggressive behavior. Stay calm and quiet, and if the elk starts to approach you, slowly back away.

What Do You Do If You Encounter a Snake?

When camping with wildlife, always be cautious and prepared for a potential encounter with a snake. Snakes can be found in various habitats, and while most are harmless, it's essential to know what to do if you come across one.

Here are three vital tips to help you handle a snake encounter:

  • Stay calm: Panicking can escalate the situation and increase the chances of getting bitten. Snakes usually try to avoid humans, so stay still and give it space.

  • Back away slowly: Slowly and cautiously retreat from the snake, maintaining a safe distance. Avoid sudden movements that may startle or provoke the snake.

  • Seek medical attention if bitten: Don't panic if you get bitten. Stay calm and immobilize the bitten area. Call for emergency assistance immediately and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

What Do You Do If You Encounter a Raccoon?

Stay alert and prepared to handle a raccoon encounter while camping with wildlife. Raccoons are curious creatures and may be attracted to the smell of food or garbage at your campsite.

Secure your food and trash in animal-proof containers or hang them from a tree to avoid any potential issues.

If you do come face to face with a raccoon, remain calm and avoid sudden movements. Make yourself look big by standing tall and spreading your arms wide. Use a confident and assertive tone of voice to assert your dominance.

If the raccoon approaches aggressively, make loud noises or throw small objects toward it to scare it away.

What Do You Do If You Encounter a Deer?

To ensure a safe camping experience with wildlife, knowing how to manage a deer encounter is important. Deer encounters can be thrilling, but they can also be unpredictable.

Here are three tips to help you handle a deer encounter with confidence:

  • Stay calm and avoid sudden movements: Deer are skittish creatures, and sudden movements can startle them. If you encounter a deer, stay calm and move slowly so as not to alarm it.

  • Keep a safe distance: While deer may appear harmless, they can become aggressive if threatened. Maintain a safe distance of at least 50 feet to avoid potential harm.

  • Don't feed the deer: Feeding deer may seem fun, but it can lead to dependency and alter their natural behavior. It's best to admire deer from a distance and let them forage for their own food.

What Do You Do If You Encounter Opossums?

Opossums are timid creatures and will usually avoid confrontation. If you see one, keep your distance and observe quietly from afar.

Don't try to approach or touch the opossum, as they may feel threatened and could bite or scratch in self-defense. Remember, they're wild animals and should be treated as such.

To prevent opossums from being attracted to your campsite, make sure to store your food and garbage in secure containers properly.

If you accidentally come into proximity with an opossum, slowly back away and give them space. By respecting their boundaries, you can peacefully coexist with these fascinating creatures.

What Do You Do If You Encounter Foxes, Coyotes, and Wolves?

These magnificent creatures are a natural part of the wilderness, but it's important to respect their space and behavior.

Here are three essential tips to help you navigate these encounters:

  • Stay calm and avoid sudden movements: Sudden noises or movements can startle these animals and potentially lead to a defensive response. Keep your cool and maintain a relaxed demeanor.

  • Give them their space: Maintaining a safe distance from these wild animals is crucial. Keep at least 100 yards away and never approach or attempt to feed them. Remember, they aren't domesticated pets.

  • Make noise if necessary: If a fox, coyote, or wolf approaches too closely, make yourself look bigger by raising your arms and shouting firmly. This can help deter them from getting any closer.

Watch Out For Ticks

Ticks are small arachnids found in outdoor environments, including campsites. When you're out in the wilderness, enjoying the freedom of nature, it's important to be aware of these tiny creatures.

Ticks are known to carry diseases such as Lyme disease, so it's crucial to protect yourself. Wear long sleeves and pants, and use insect repellent that contains DEET.

After spending time outdoors, thoroughly check your body for any ticks that may have latched on. Pay special attention to areas like behind the ears, in the armpits, and in the groin area.

If you find a tick attached to your skin, use tweezers to carefully remove it, making sure to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible.

Keep Mosquitoes Away

Protect yourself from mosquito bites while camping by taking preventive measures.

Mosquitoes can be a nuisance, but with these simple steps, you can enjoy your outdoor adventures without worrying about itchy bites:

  • Wear protective clothing: Opt for long sleeves, pants, and socks to minimize exposed skin.

  • Use insect repellent: Apply mosquito repellent containing DEET or picaridin to exposed skin and clothing.

  • Stay away from standing water: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so empty any containers and don't camp near puddles or pools of water.

By following these precautions, you can explore the great outdoors with the freedom to roam without the annoyance of mosquito bites.

Now You Know What To Do During Wildlife Encounters While Camping

When camping with wildlife, it's important to be mindful of what attracts them and the dangers of getting too close.

Keep wildlife safe by maintaining a distance and knowing how to handle encounters with different animals.

Don't forget the pesky ticks and mosquitoes that can bother you, too.

Stay safe, and enjoy your camping adventure!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Safely Camp in an Area With a High Population of Bears?

To safely camp in an area with many bears, remember to secure your food and trash to avoid attracting them. Keep a safe distance, make noise to alert them of your presence, and carry bear spray for protection.

What Should I Do if I Come Across a Cougar While Hiking or Camping?

If you come across a cougar while hiking or camping, stay calm and try to appear larger. Make noise, maintain eye contact, and slowly back away. Do not run or turn your back.

How Should I React if I Encounter a Bison During My Camping Trip?

If you encounter a bison while camping, stay calm and keep your distance. Bison can run faster than you, so slowly back away and find a safe place to observe from afar.

What Steps Should I Take if I Unexpectedly Encounter a Mountain Goat While Hiking?

If you unexpectedly encounter a mountain goat while hiking, remain calm and give it space. Avoid sudden movements, maintain eye contact, and slowly back away. Do not approach or feed the goat.

What Precautions Should I Take if I Come Across a Moose While Camping in the Wilderness?

If you encounter a moose while camping, keep your distance and avoid sudden movements. Give the moose space to retreat if it feels threatened. Remember, respect for wildlife ensures everyone's safety.

13 Ways to keep animals out of the Garden

How to Keep Animals Out of the Garden: 13 Proven Ways

Keeping animals out of your garden is a common problem for garden lovers. Deer, squirrels, and even your pets can mess up your yard, so finding solutions to keep them out is important.

We’ll share 13 easy ways to protect your garden, from using garlic and pepper to installing motion-activated devices and electric fences. You’ll also learn how herbs can keep animals away and how simple items like soap and catnip can help.

Did you know wind chimes can help, too? We’ll discuss how these noise-makers and other simple ideas can keep your vegetable patches and flower beds peaceful and animal-free.

Ready to learn more about animal-proofing your home’s garden? Let’s begin.

What Animals Should You Watch Out for in Your Garden?

A deer with light brown fur is grazing on lush green plants in a grassy area, offering a prime example of why learning how to keep animals out of the garden is crucial.

Many animals, including deer, rabbits, and groundhogs, can damage your garden. You can identify them by the tracks they leave in your yard.

Here are some of the common animals that can harm your garden:

  • Cats – Cats may use garden beds as litter boxes. Their digging can also disrupt plant roots and soil structure, potentially damaging your plants.

  • Dogs – Some dogs have a strong prey drive and may chase and kill small wildlife in the yard, damaging your garden in the process.

  • Raccoons – Raccoons often raid vegetable gardens and fruit patches, feeding on corn, berries, and various fruits.

  • Squirrels – Squirrels can cause damage by digging holes, uprooting plants, and chewing on different parts of the plants.

  • Deer – Deer leave hoof prints and nibble on plants, often causing significant damage.

  • Rabbits – Rabbits leave tiny tracks and snip off plants at ground level.

  • Groundhogs – Groundhogs dig holes and leave pellets, disrupting the soil and plant roots.

  • Birds – Birds will peck at crops, causing damage to fruits and vegetables.

  • Chickens – Chickens or ducks may eat vegetables and fruits, scratching up the soil and plants as they forage.

It’s important to remember that wild animals can also threaten your garden if you live near wildlife. Opossums, skunks, foxes, coyotes, and snakes all love to eat seeds and plant roots. Rats love vegetables too, so it’s important to learn how to keep rats away from vegetable gardens.

Understanding which animals are causing damage helps you protect your garden more effectively. You can take the right measures to keep your garden safe and thriving by identifying the troublemakers.

What Are the Best Ways to Keep Animals Out of Your Garden?

You’ve worked hard on your garden, so it’s important to protect it from animals that might ruin your efforts. Here are some easy ways to control the spread of pests and keep animals out of your garden.

1. Use Natural Repellents 

You can animal-proof your garden naturally by using items like citronella oil spray, garlic, cayenne pepper, and other things you might already have at home. Making a spray from these ingredients can also help keep insects away.

Here’s a simple way to make an insect-repellent spray for your garden:

1. Gather the Ingredients – You will need citronella oil, garlic, and a few other items.
2. Mix the Ingredients With Water – Put everything in a blender with some water and blend until smooth.
3. Strain the Mixture – Remove any solid bits so you only have the liquid left.
4. Adjust the Thickness of Your Mixture – Add more water if the mixture is too thick.

Use your homemade spray on your garden every week. You can spray it around your outdoor space if you prefer, instead of on the plants directly.

You can also try using hot sauce as a repellent for a different approach:

1. Mix Hot Sauce With Water – Put hot sauce and water in a spray bottle.
2. Shake the Mixture Well – Make sure the mixture is well-mixed.
3. Spray the Mixture on Your Vegetables – Use the spray on your vegetables to keep animals from eating them.

You can also keep animals away from your favorite plants by planting things that they like more. This tactic not only diverts pests but also adds diversity to your garden, which can improve soil health and attract beneficial insects.

2. Use Artificial Repellants 

Keeping animals away from your garden is a common challenge for many of us. In addition to natural repellents, here are some artificial methods to help protect your garden from unwanted visitors:

  • Commercial Repellents and Insecticides – Repellants and insecticides from brands like Raid, Off!, and D-Con can be effective. They work by either killing bugs or creating a barrier that pests don’t like. Always follow the instructions carefully to keep your garden safe.

  • Rubber Snakes and Plastic Forks – Some people have had success with using rubber snakes and plastic forks to scare off animals. However, these methods might not work for everyone or every type of pest.

  • Cages – Cages around garden beds can stop animals from reaching your plants. This method is particularly effective for protecting young seedlings and vulnerable crops from birds and small mammals.

While strong chemicals can sometimes negatively affect people, wildlife, and beneficial insects, they can still be an effective solution for your garden when used correctly. It’s important to choose the right products and always read the labels carefully to ensure safe and effective use.

Remember, every garden is different. You might need to try a few methods to see what works best for you.

Natural Armor Animal & Rodent Repellent Spray. Repels Skunks, Raccoons,

3. Set Up Fencing and Chicken Wire

Protecting your plants from animals is important for maintaining a healthy garden. One effective method is to use fencing, which acts as a barrier to keep out unwanted visitors like deer, rabbits, and groundhogs. 

Setting up a sturdy fence is a great way to defend your garden. You can build a wooden fence yourself or with assistance — it’s a solid choice for keeping out larger animals.

It’s essential to select the appropriate fencing type. Here are some suggestions:

  • Use welded wire or hardware cloth for small animals like rabbits.

  • Consider a plastic fence that’s 7.5 feet tall, with wire mesh at the bottom, to keep deer away.

  • Placing chicken wire at the fence’s base can prevent animals from digging underneath.

Securing chicken wire with stakes or weights is effective against smaller animals. Along with choosing the correct fence type, this approach provides a robust defense against wildlife intruding into your garden.

AMAGABELI GARDEN & HOME 35Panels Decorative Garden Fences and Borders

4. Install Electric Fencing 

Electric fencing is an effective way to keep animals out of gardens. Electric fencing works by shocking the animal with electricity. This causes the animal to jump back.

5. Install Motion-Activated Frightening Devices 

These motion-activated frightening devices scare away animals when they detect motion. Some of these devices release sounds, while others send vibrations through the air.

Here are some effective motion-activated devices for keeping animals out of your garden:

  • Motion-Activated Sprinklers – Motion-activated sprinklers have a sensor that detects animal movement and sprays water to scare them away. This is safe and works well against many garden pests like deer, raccoons, opossums, dogs, and cats.

  • Noise Makers – Noisemakers on garden stakes make loud sounds when animals brush against them. The sudden noise scares away skittish animals.

  • Scarecrow Sprinklers – Make a scarecrow sprinkler yourself! Connect a motion detector to a hose splitter. Attach a sprinkler and a hose to a scarecrow. When the detector sees movement, it turns on the sprinkler, spraying water from the scarecrow.

  • Owl Decoys – Scare birds away from gardens using plastic owl decoys. These owls have moving heads and flashing eyes when birds get close, scaring them off.

Havahart 5277 Critter Ridder Motion Activated Animal Repellent and Sprinkler

6. Place Bird Feeders 

Bird feeders or bird seeds are an alternative food source for birds. They also provide food for other animals including squirrels and mice.

Attracting birds to your yard can be a good thing too. Birds can help control pests like aphids and caterpillars.

Consider these tips when setting up bird feeders in your garden:

  • Place feeders 6 feet off the ground and away from climbable objects to deter cats.

  • Set feeders at least 6 feet high and use squirrel-proof models or baffles to keep squirrels out.

  • Use pepper-treated suet pellets or sprinkle red pepper on the ground to discourage rates.

Set up a bird feeder at the ends of your garden, so animals stay on the outskirts.

Squirrel Buster Standard Squirrel-proof Bird Feeder w/4 Metal Perches, 1.3-pound

7. Place Bars of Soap Around the Garden 

A rectangular bar of green soap is mounted on a stick in a garden, one of the methods on how to keep animals out of the garden.

Bar soaps are another deterrent for animals. The strong smell of the soap can keep away animals like deer, rabbits, mice, and some insects.

Many gardeners have found success in deterring deer and groundhogs by using Irish Spring bar soap. Its strong scent is thought to repel these animals. Here are some methods they recommend:

  • Grate the soap or cut it into cubes and scatter it around the garden.

  • Hang the soap above the plants.

Soap works best for keeping animals out but may not work well if they are already in the garden. Use it with other things like fencing or motion-activated sprinklers for best results.

Animals may think twice about walking into your garden if you place a bar of soap near the edges of your garden.

This Is Why You Should Put Irish Spring Soap In Your Garden!

8. Grow Herbs in the Garden

Vibrant green mint plants growing in moist soil, one of the methods on how to keep animals out of the garden naturally.

Herbs attract beneficial insects to your garden, but they also discourage herbivores like rabbits and deer. There are herbs that humans like that pests and animals don’t like them at all.

Here are some herbs that you can grow to keep pests away from your garden:

  • Lavender – Deters mice, mosquitos, and other common pests.

  • Rosemary – Keeps deer, mice, and rats away.

  • Mint – Has a strong scent that can deter pests.

  • Oregano – Plant around the garden to keep animals out.

  • Garlic – Garlic helps keep moles, rabbits, and other pests away.

9. Cover Your Garden With Netting or Garden Fabric

Netting keeps bugs and small animals out of your garden, but it may not stop large animals like raccoons and deer because they’ll be able to move them more easily.

How to install Netting or Garden Fabric:
  1. Hang netting or fabric over garden hoops or frames.

  2. Secure edges with landscaping pins, clips, or weights.

  3. Leave slack for plant growth.

  4. Temporarily remove for garden access or harvesting.

Use garden fabric if it’s a smaller area or specific plants you want to protect.

Netting or bird netting can protect young plants from animals. It can be very helpful for stopping squirrels from digging up your garden beds.

It’s important to remember that what works can depend on your situation and how determined the animals are. You might need to try different ways and mix them to find what works best to keep animals out of your garden.

AlpineReach Garden Netting 7.5 x 65 ft Heavy Duty BirdPlant Covers Freeze Protection 10 ft x 30 ft Floating

10. Plant Catnip 

A black cat with bright green eyes lies surrounded by lush greenery and clusters of small purple flowers, offering a prime example of why learning how to keep animals out of the garden is crucial.

Catnip plants are easy to grow from seeds, which you can purchase online or at local nurseries. Since catnip is part of the mint family and can be invasive, it’s a good idea to plant it in containers or designated areas to control its spread.

You can use catnip to attract cats away from your garden by placing it in pots or bowls in other locations.

While catnip is known to repel certain insects like mosquitoes, its effectiveness varies. Some gardeners report success, but others haven’t seen a noticeable decrease in mosquito activity.

11. Place Prickly Mats Around the Garden

Prickly mats, featuring upward-facing spikes, can be placed around your garden to deter animals. When animals, particularly cats, step on these mats, the discomfort should discourage them from entering.

Consider various methods to protect your garden from cats:

  • “Cat scat mats” are made of blunt plastic spikes, making it uncomfortable for cats to walk on them.

  • Create dog hair smudge sticks by winding dog fur onto lavender twigs and placing them in the ground to deter cats.

  • Laying down straw or rosebushes can also help prevent cats from using the garden as a litter box.

OCEANPAX 6.5ft Scat Mat for Cats with Spikes, Prickle Strips

12. Scatter Coffee Grounds Around Plants

A person's hand is scattering coffee grounds into the soil using a pot, one of the methods on how to keep animals out of the garden.

Some small animals and bugs will avoid gardens that use coffee grounds. The smell of coffee grounds repels them.

Place them around plants where you want to keep pests away. Used coffee grounds can be used to deter pests like slugs, cats, and ants.

Keep the following in mind when using coffee grounds in your garden:

  • They can be added to compost or incorporated into the soil to improve its structure and drainage.

  • While coffee grounds contain some nitrogen and micronutrients, they are not a primary source of plant nutrition.

  • It’s advisable to use coffee grounds in moderation and balance their application with other nitrogen sources, like composted animal manure or grass clippings.

13. Use Wind Chimes

Wind chimes can deter animals due to the noise they produce, which animals typically avoid. They can be effective as long as you don’t have nearby neighbors who may be bothered by the sound.

Other options similar to wind chimes include:

  • Creating loud noises such as banging pots and pans, playing loud music, or using wind chimes to startle rodents and keep them away from your property.

  • Using high-pitched noises like ultrasonic pest repellers can also be effective in deterring rodents.

UpBlend Outdoors Wind Chimes for Outside - Deep Tone Wind

Other Experts Tips

Now that we’ve covered animals you don’t want in your garden, let’s discuss those that can actually benefit it. 

Here are tips on how to attract the animals you want in your garden:

  • Worms – Good for soil health. Attract them with compost and mulch.

  • Butterflies – Important pollinators. Plant nectar-rich flowers and provide sunny spots.

  • Birds – Some birds help with pest control. Use bird feeders and provide shelter.

  • Lizards – Keep harmful insects away. Create a habitat with rocks and plants.

  • Spiders – Control unwanted insects. Avoid pesticides and provide hiding places.

Keep Animals Out of the Garden Final Thoughts

Protecting your garden from animals involves various methods. You can use natural repellents like garlic and pepper or set up barriers such as fences and electric fences.

Certain plants like herbs can also repel animals. Understanding which animals are causing problems is important to finding the right solution.

Beneficial animals like worms and birds contribute positively to your garden’s ecosystem. Using different tricks and thinking about the good animals, you can have a happy garden with fewer animal problems.

Keep Animals Out of the Garden FAQs

1. How Do I Keep Animals Out of My Garden Without a Fence?

You can use various methods to deter animals from your garden even without a fence. Natural repellents like garlic, pepper, or vinegar can be sprayed around the garden perimeter.

You can also plant strong-smelling herbs like lavender or rosemary can also help keep animals away.

2. Will Vinegar Keep Animals Away From My Garden?

Vinegar can act as a repellent for some animals due to its strong odor. Mixing vinegar with water and spraying it around your garden can deter animals like deer, rabbits, or cats.

3. How Do I Know if Animals Are Causing Problems in My Garden?

Look for signs like tracks, nibbled plants, or holes in the ground. These can indicate the presence of animals like deer, rabbits, or squirrels.

4. Will Motion-Activated Devices Harm Animals?

No, motion-activated devices are designed to scare animals away without causing them harm. They usually emit sounds or spray water to deter animals from entering your garden.

Here are some other articles that you might be interested in:

How to keep wildlife out of your Yard

Not everyone likes Wildlife Adventures just outside your door.

deer standing in someone's front yard

I’ve battled every backyard invader imaginable, from garden-munching deer to trash-raiding raccoons and squirrels. These unwelcome guests don’t just damage property — they can spread diseases and attract other pests.

Through years of experience, I’ve found that deterrence is the most effective and humane solution. It’s about making your yard less inviting, not about harming wildlife. Let me share some field-tested strategies for homeowners to help you reclaim your outdoor space and keep those critters at bay.

Scare Tactics

You can frighten small animals away from your yard without harming them. Strategically place deterrents that use sound or movement to startle animals.

Motion-Activated Sprinklers

Motion-activated sprinklers detect animals with a smart motion sensor. When triggered, they spray water, scaring animals away. Position the sprinkler to cover prime targets such as vegetable gardens. The unexpected spray of water startles animals without harming them.

The video below shows this type of solution in action:

Noise Makers

Attach noise makers to garden stakes and place them around your yard. These devices emit sudden loud sounds when disturbed by animals brushing against them. The irritating noises scare skittish animals away.

Scarecrow Sprinkler

For a budget option, make your own scarecrow sprinkler. Connect a motion detector to a garden hose splitter. Attach a sprinkler head to one splitter outlet and a hose to the other. Run the hose to a scarecrow or other large decoy. When the motion detector is triggered, it will turn on the sprinkler temporarily, making the decoy appear to come alive and spray water.

Physical Barriers

Fencing, netting, and prickly plants are physical barriers that keep animals out by preventing access.



Prickly Plants

Install wildlife-proof fencing around your entire yard or garden area. For deer, the fence should be 8 feet tall. Bury the bottom one foot of fencing to prevent animals from digging underneath. Choose galvanized wire fencing with openings smaller than the animals you want to exclude.


Apply odor and taste repellents to plants and areas where you have wildlife problems. Reapply frequently, especially after rain. Repellents may lose effectiveness over time as animals become accustomed to them.

Here are three common repellent options:

Area Repellents

Contact Repellents

Granular Repellents

Use an area repellent to treat your entire lawn or garden. Available products contain putrescent egg solids or predator urine to create odors that deter foraging animals. Some brands are nontoxic if used as directed.

Today’s Homeowner TipMake sure you read the label before purchasing repellents, as each one typically targets a specific type of animal. For example, the best skunk repellent is likely not the best chipmunk repellent or opossum repellent.

Remove Food Sources

Without sources of food and shelter, most animals will stop visiting your yard. Make your landscape as unappealing as possible.

Clear Brush and Debris

Keep your yard free of brush piles, fallen fruit, and other potential food sources. Trim back overgrown areas and remove vines from fences. Eliminate places where animals hide and feed.

Manage Compost

Your backyard compost bin attracts skunks, raccoons, and rodents looking for an easy meal. Knowing the dos and don’ts of composting goes a long way toward preventing unwelcome pests. Use secured compost bins, and never compost meat, dairy, or oily foods. Keep compost bins away from gardens and the house. 

Secure Trash

Raccoons, opossums, and bears all raid trash cans.

Purchase trash cans with tight sealing lids that keep pests out. Only set cans out right before pickup. Storing them in garages also denies access. Manage waste properly so your yard isn’t a buffet for wild animals.


Harvest Produce

Pick all garden fruits and vegetables quickly. Fallen, rotting produce draws unwelcome guests. Be diligent about harvesting your garden to eliminate a food magnet. Removing tempting food is a simple way to prevent pests.

Common Problem Species

Different regions face unique challenges when it comes to wildlife intrusion. Here are some of the most common problem species and specific strategies to deal with them.


Deer can decimate gardens and landscaping overnight. They’re particularly fond of tender shoots and flowers.

  • Use tall fencing (at least 8 feet high)

  • Plant deer-resistant vegetation like lavender, boxwood, and daffodils

  • Apply deer-repellent sprays containing predator urine or egg solids


These cute but destructive pests can quickly multiply and ravage your vegetable garden.

  • Install chicken wire fencing, burying it at least 6 inches deep

  • Use raised beds with barriers underneath

  • Plant rabbit-deterrent plants like marigolds or chrysanthemums around your garden


Known for their intelligence and dexterity, raccoons can be particularly challenging to keep out.

  • Secure trash cans with bungee cords or weights

  • Remove outdoor pet food at night

  • Install motion-activated lights near potential entry points


These agile climbers can wreak havoc on bird feeders and attics.

  • Use squirrel-proof bird feeders

  • Trim tree branches away from your house

  • Cover potential entry points with metal flashing

Groundhogs (Woodchucks)

These burrowing animals can damage foundations and create tripping hazards.

  • Install L-shaped buried fencing around gardens

  • Remove brush and woodpiles that provide cover

  • Use castor oil-based repellents around the perimeter of your yard

To minimize damage caused by the animals described above, you’ll need to use a variety of methods and keep trying. What works for one animal might not work for another, so be prepared to adjust your strategy.

Final Thoughts on Keeping Animals Out of Your Yard

Controlling wildlife that invades your yard takes diligence, but the effort is worthwhile to protect your landscape. No single technique is foolproof, and using multiple methods improves your chances of success. 

Consistency is key — regularly maintain fences, refresh repellents, and eliminate food sources. If you stick with the program, you can gain the upper hand on deer, rabbits, raccoons, and other pesky animals. With the right DIY prevention plan in place before damage starts, you can have a yard that’s safe from annoying critters. 

That said, if you have neighbors who also have animals in their backyards, your DIY efforts may not be as successful. If you have an animal problem, I suggest contacting a pest control company to handle the situation.

Fears of animals- wildlife rescue tips- Teach animal safety

Know Before You Go

What do you know about the place you are going to visit? If you go online or call the park ahead of your visit, you’ll be able to find out about the regulations for the park’s use. The Kids to Parks Day website has a list of resources by state, lists of adventure activities for outside and the best park adventure apps.

5-Steps for Saving Wildlife


Additional resources may be found at the following websites:

These are downloadable apps for your smartphone that can often provide timely assistance:

  • Animal Help Now, a website and downloadable app that "leverages digital technologies to immediately connect people involved with animal emergencies with the most appropriate time- and location-specific resources and services."

  • Wild Help "a free mobile app to find help for a wild animal, fast"

Listings for Wildlife Rehab by state:

 How to teach animal safety to your children

Animal Safety with Kids

Kids and animals go together like peanut butter and jelly. There are so many amazing benefits of raising kids around animals, including teaching them about responsibility, empathy, compassion, patience, and love. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t safety concerns for both the child and the animal. Today, Leslie Alvis, Ohio homesteading mom of four (and daughter of vets) is here to address all your potential concerns regarding animal safety and children. In this post, Leslie addresses what the safety risks are around animals, how to teach children to handle and approach animals, how to choose the right pet for your family and take care of it, as well as issues regarding pet hygiene and allergies. This post is full of amazing info, so saddle up! 

hero image

The bond between children and animals

I believe children are born with an interest in living, wiggling, breathing creatures. The animals that surround us are delightful and exciting. Children are drawn to them, many times fearlessly. I’ve watched my toddlers walk up to a huge cow and reach out their hands to a bovine head that’s as big as their whole body. I’ve watched them clutch tiny critters that could bite or scratch. The magnetism between children and animals seems to be almost universal. And there are a multitude of benefits included in letting our kids build relationships with animals.

As parents, though, safety concerns about our kids and animals sometimes loom large. Animals can be big. They can bite and kick and scratch, more unpredictably than a toddler. We all have heard horror stories of dogs hurting children. And animals aren’t really all that hygienic. They can trigger allergy problems, carry diseases, and spread parasites. Now that I think about it, there are a lot of ways an animal can potentially harm a child! So, how do we encourage our kids’ natural love for animals while helping them learn animal safety? We’re here to help. 

girl and horse

Always around animals

I’ve always been around animals. Both of my parents are veterinarians. They met in veterinary school and had pets before they had children. Many of my earliest memories involve animals—from pet mice to vet calls on Standardbred horse farms. I grew up in my dad’s veterinary clinic, helping mop floors, “assisting” him with exams and surgeries, and being exposed to all kinds of animals. We always had dogs and cats in our home, and often livestock outside as well. I was raised to love all animals and yet also to have a healthy respect for safety around animals. I knew very well that a dog could bite or a steer could drag me.

My husband also grew up with all kinds of pets. As newlyweds, we picked up our first puppy on our way home from our honeymoon. Animals have continued to play a bigger and bigger role in our family life as we are building our country homestead. We now have to think through animal safety from a parental perspective. How can we teach our own children to interact with animals safely? What are the guidelines we grew up with that have guided us through all kinds of animal relationships?

Kids and pets

Research proves that animals have a wonderful effect on children. I love how this article highlights the many benefits of having pets with kids. Animals do bring some safety risks, but there are so many incredible benefits and lots of ways to make the right choice for your family. If one kind of animal concerns you, there are literally dozens of other kinds of pets—from goldfish to horses, with every size and color and texture you can imagine.

girl and kitten

Risks vs. benefits of animals

I look at kids’ safety with animals in a similar way to risky play, like tree climbing and swinging. Are there risks involved? Sure there are. But the benefits to my children are greater than the risks. Animals are used for therapy because their love and acceptance are invaluable to people of all ages, especially children. Caring for animals teaches children responsibility, gentleness, and so much more. In my mind and experience, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

girls and pets

Basic child safety tips around animals

With that said, I’d like to cover some basic animal safety with kids. Please understand that I am not a doctor or a veterinarian. You should always seek out the advice of your medical professional if you have any medical concerns for your child. But here are some common-sense, general guidelines to help you allow your children to be involved with animals while still being safe.

Probably the most major area of animal safety with kids is teaching them how to treat animals correctly. Unfortunately, animals can be unpredictable. They are limited in their intellect and may respond by instinct when they are annoyed or feeling threatened. Amazingly, many animals instinctively treat children with great patience and gentleness. However, especially if an animal has been provoked or mistreated (in the past as well as the present moment), you cannot guarantee that it won’t nip or scratch a child. But there are things you can teach your kids that will help them know how to interact with animals safely.

girl and horses

Treat animals gently

The first thing you need to do to ensure your child’s safety with animals is to teach your child to treat every animal with kindness and gentleness. All animals deserve to be respected as living creatures. They should be handled gently and spoken to with calm voices. And animals generally will respond to gentleness with gentleness. If your child can move slowly and speak softly, he/she will avoid many problems with animals.

girl and kitten

Go soft and slow

Although this behavior doesn’t always come easily to kids, it is a good discipline for them to learn. We try to reinforce it with our little ones, especially with new pets or other people’s animals. Any time kids get excited, they tend to forget to move slowly and speak softly. I try to be watchful for this behavior, and for the animal’s response to it. “Look, sweetie, the dog is hiding because you’re being loud and it’s scaring him. He’s not used to you. Try to talk really softly and see if he comes out.” It’s a good learning experience for children to realize that their behavior has an impact on animals, and to see how an animal will respond to loving and gentle behavior.

girl and horse

Animals are different

Every individual animal is unique. It’s really important to teach kids to be respectful of how an animal responds to them. Maybe you have a dog in your home, and it’s used to your kids’ boisterous ways. (We do! Our dog is 100% accustomed to every bit of childish noise and behavior. They can shout and lie on top of him and brush his fur and he puts up with it all.)

But then you go to someone else’s home, and their dog is terrified of all the commotion. In that situation, it’s our job as parents to teach our children how to calm down and respect that animal. This is both important as a rule of kindness, as well as for animal safety. Any animal who is ill at ease is much more likely to snap at a child.

boy and dog

Different kinds of animals

Not all animals like to be treated the same or respond the same way to people. If you’re familiar with animals, you realize that a dog and cat are not created equal. A dog may love a vigorous tummy scratch, while a cat may hate it and scratch the person administering it. And there are even differences between the same types of animals – what doesn’t bother one dog may severely upset another. Just like people, animals are all unique and come with their own personalities, likes, and dislikes. This is a good lesson for kids to learn. 

There are different guidelines for how to safely handle cats, birds, horses, and dogs. Not only their size, but also their temperament demands different treatment. If we want to teach our kids safety around animals, we have to teach them how to safely interact with different species.

girl and cows

Safety with other peoples’ pets

If you have a cat in your home, you’ve probably already taught your children how to be safe and gentle with their own pet. When you go to a friend’s house and they have a pet, take time to ask them how that animal likes to be treated. Ask them what their rules are for interacting safely with their pet. Make sure your child is listening and paying attention to this conversation.

Those guidelines will give your child an excellent place to begin getting comfortable with a new kind of animal, whether it’s a pet bird, a hamster, or a large animal. Following the owner’s instructions will also help keep your child safe around an unfamiliar animal.

girl and calf

We have extended family members who have horses, so I try to make sure my kids are learning from their aunt and grandma how to approach, pet, groom, and ride each horse. My parents own beef cattle, and at their farm, I remind my children to listen to Grandpa’s instructions around the cows. Another aunt has pet birds, large and small. She’s wonderful at letting the children interact with the members of her aviary, but I have to remind them to listen and be respectful that each bird behaves differently. One small parrot may let them pet or feed her, but the other will bite if they reach their fingers out to her. As long as they listen to their aunt’s instruction, both they and the birds are safe.

kids and horses

Safety with a new pet

When you’re getting a new pet, especially a kind of animal you haven’t had before, it may bring up some new safety concerns. How do we teach our kids how to be safe with an animal we don’t know much about? Thankfully, there are as many resources available as there are pets! When we got our son a bearded dragon, we knew nothing about lizards.

We turned to the library and the internet to help educate him. We checked out several books and found some YouTube channels for him to watch. Not only did he learn how to properly care for his new pet, but he also learned how to handle and interact with it safely.

Now we’re doing the same thing for our seven-year-old, who persistently begged for a parakeet for her birthday. Having knowledge about their unique pets makes them comfortable with their animals and they feel a strong sense of responsibility to handle their charge with care and safety.

bearded dragon

Consider your pet’s history

If you are bringing a new pet into your home, you should make sure the animal has been treated well before coming into your family. If you’re buying a young animal from a breeder, ask if the pet has been socialized and is used to children. You can also ask them for pointers on helping your new pet and your kids adjust to each other.

Although rescuing animals is a wonderful mission, there are some safety concerns when you’re adopting a rescue animal into a family with small children. Many times rescue animals have been mistreated in the past and have triggers that a child can innocently set off. If you choose to adopt an animal from a shelter or rescue, talk to the workers about your family situation. They may be able to help match you with an animal whose temperament or history will work for a family with children. Depending on your children’s ages and maturity, they may also be ready for the challenges of caring for a previously mistreated animal.

girl riding horse

Kid-friendly breeds

Some breeds of animals are just more tolerant and better for families with kids. Others can be more high-strung and irritable. When you’re looking for a pet, do some research about what breeds might best fit with your family. This article highlights some of the most family-friendly dog breeds.

From dogs to chickens to cows, there are major temperamental differences from breed to breed. I once raised a steer for a 4-H project who remained unmanageable his entire life. We learned later that his breed was known for being skittish and wild. He simply was the wrong breed for a kid to work with, and I never succeeded in gentling him. I’ve even learned that some chicken breeds are better for kids than others. You can do a google search for the best kid-friendly breeds of any animal you might be considering. 

girl and hen

Respect an animals’ space

One of the animal safety rules my parents instilled in us was that you should never, EVER get in a dog’s face. Even though I knew that very well, as a little girl, one time I started messing with my beloved pet dog, getting right in her face, and she bit me. Although she was a trusted, tolerant pet, she had had enough. I was pushing her buttons, and she let me know it. I wasn’t very old, but that lesson has stayed with me throughout my entire life. Stay out of an animal’s face, and respect its space. Even a very tolerant pet may snap at a child if it’s had enough foolish behavior.

And along those same lines, never tease an animal. Sometimes kids don’t realize that an animal cannot understand teasing. Not only is it cruel, but it could be dangerous. An animal who is being teased and tormented is very likely to forget its training and instinctively respond to unkindness with irritation.

girl and kitten

Safety with strange animals

There’s a world of difference between a pet you’re familiar with and a strange dog you meet walking down the road. It’s really important to teach children to maintain a cautious, respectful distance. Never, ever, run towards an animal you don’t know! Approach slowly and with caution. If the animal is with its owner, always ask the owner if you may pet it before reaching out to the animal.

Dogs roaming free without an owner probably scare me more than any other kind of animal. My parents always taught us that if a strange dog came running up to you, you should try to “make like a tree.” Stand still, holding your arms perfectly still by your sides. Don’t scream or run away. As a kid, I never had to use this advice, but as an adult, I still remember it. Your best defense against an aggressive dog is to show no fear and remain calm. 

Safety tips when approaching strange dogs with kids

Most of my experiences with strange dogs have come in my years as a mom, when a barking dog has run out aggressively as I walk with my kids, a stroller, and our own dog. In these circumstances, I’ve found myself turning into Mama Bear. I don’t become a tree—I go on the offense. My children are always scattered up and down the street on bikes, and usually, I have one in the stroller. I know our huge dog (who’s a big baby normally) would fight a dog if it attacked us, and I’m terrified of my kids being caught in the middle of a dogfight, or getting harassed by an aggressive dog. With invisible fences, it can be very hard to know how close a dog will get to you when they come charging. And it’s oftentimes not for the faint of heart. 

In this situation, I find myself yelling at the strange dog in the fiercest tones I can muster, “GO HOME! NO! GO HOME!” It actually works. If I can find and grab a stick quickly, I wave that, also. Although I’ve been nipped at a couple times, none of the kids have ever gotten hurt and our dog always acts perplexed at the stupidity of an animal that would come charging out to attack us. Oftentimes, the loud noise, yelling and barking attract the attention of the homeowner, who will let the dog in. 

girls and dogs

Hygiene and animal safety

As a mom, one big concern I have about my kids’ safety with animals is hygiene. Let’s face it—animals can be filthy. They can carry some nasty stuff. And my kids aren’t always the cleanest, either! But teaching them some basic hygiene goes a really long way.

A good hand-washing will eliminate those harmful bacteria and parasites. My parents drilled this into me my whole growing-up years: WASH YOUR HANDS. If you’ve been petting the dog, wash your hands. When you’re coming in from the barn, wash your hands. After you’ve changed your pet’s water, wash your hands. It’s so basic, but it really solves a lot of problems.

girl and bunny

Kid hygiene

Now, I know my kids forget stuff. And this hand-washing thing worries me when they’re handling animals. It was one thing when most of our animals were outdoors animals. It seemed easier to have them wash as they came inside, or before meals. But, this took a whole new level of importance when my son got his bearded dragon. Anyone who reads anything about bearded dragons (or other lizards) will come across the dreaded word “salmonella.” That freaked me out! Fortunately, in all his own research, my son learned the great importance of hand-washing, both for his own health and his lizard’s. So he took charge of the hand sanitizing and carefully supervised every hand that touched his pet, before and after. 

boy and bearded dragon

Hand washing for the win

Hand-washing reached a pinnacle of significance when we adopted some kittens this spring. We found them in my dad’s hay barn and their parents were feral cats. The kittens were too little to deworm or vaccinate yet. And we were holding and feeding those kittens all the time. So, I instilled in my children a great horror of the diseases they could bring upon themselves if they forgot to wash their hands after handling the kittens.

I must have done a thorough job of terrifying them because they religiously washed their hands (and still do). And no one caught anything dreadful from the kittens, who have now been appropriately dewormed and vaccinated. That eases my mind quite a lot. I still consider hand washing important, but at least I know we’ve eliminated some of the health problems our cats could pass on to our kids.


Pet hygiene

That brings me to the other side of this hygiene topic: pet hygiene. If you are bringing pets into your home, it’s really important that you cover some basic disease/parasite prevention measures. Your vet will help you know what to do and when, but most pets need regular vaccinations and deworming.

A good flea/tick prevention medication is also important for not only your pet’s health, but to protect your children from being exposed to fleas and ticks from your pet. Thankfully, all these products are readily available and do so much to keep your pet healthy and free from diseases. In turn, your pet is a safer companion for your kids.

One more thing I’d like to address is that very few viruses pass between humans and animals. If your dog is throwing up, or your cat’s eyes are runny, you need to care for the pet’s health—but you don’t usually need to worry about your children catching what the animal has. Proper vaccination and deworming, along with good hygiene practices, will eliminate most of the things you can catch from a house pet.

Along with hand-washing, other important hygiene habits would include not kissing your pets on the mouth, not letting them drink from your cup or the toilet, and keeping their litter box/bathroom area clean.


What about animal allergies?

Unfortunately, sometimes allergies are a major animal safety concern with kids. Many parents think their children can’t have pets because they have allergies. This is definitely an obstacle, but it may be possible to overcome! Not all pet dander is created equal. A child who cannot tolerate cat hair may be perfectly fine with a dog. Many kids with allergies can still live with a non-shedding animal, such as the dogs described in this list. A bird might not work for a child with dust allergies, but maybe an outdoor rabbit or even a tank of goldfish would be okay.

Talk to your child’s doctor if you have concerns about allergies, and see if they can help you come up with some kind of animal companion for your child.

girl and dog

Animals are amazing

Pets enrich our children’s lives in so many ways, and it’s worth the extra work on our part to safely give them the companionship, responsibility, and unconditional love of an animal friend. If we can educate our children on the proper way to handle and interact with animals, we can open the doors for a lifetime of happy and healthy relationships with pets. 

How to learn to like nature when you are not a outdoorsy person

How to Embrace the Outdoors when You’re Not OutdoorsyI

Getting outside and enjoying nature doesn’t come easily to everyone. Some people are more comfortable inside. Others are intimidated by nature and think that to be “outdoorsy” you have to be climbing mountains and own expensive hiking boots. But, anyone can be outdoorsy – it just takes a mindset of enjoying and appreciating the outdoors. Today, Tiana Kubik, Creative Team member and Chicago mom of two, is here with some advice on how to embrace the outdoors when you’re not outdoorsy. She’s sharing some really fantastic tips for how to get yourself more comfortable and confident spending time outside with your kids. We hope this inspires you to try some new things and want to learn to embrace the outdoors. 

How to Get Outside and Embrace the Outdoors with Your Kids when You are Not Outdoorsy

Not outdoorsy

Some parents introduce a love of nature to their kids because they were raised outside and love spending time outdoors immersed in all things nature. However, some of us went our whole lives avoiding the woods until we had children. Maybe we didn’t necessarily love (or hate) going outside, but it wasn’t a priority. Maybe we just always felt more comfortable indoors? For whatever reason, it was our children who introduced (or reintroduced) us to the beautiful connection we can have to the earth. We’ve grown to appreciate nature, but it doesn’t come naturally. Does this sound familiar? 

What does it mean to be outdoorsy

There is no one all-encompassing definition of what it means to be outdoorsy. I think that being outdoorsy just means that you enjoy the outdoors, in whatever capacity you want that to include. Maybe it means that you enjoy sitting around a campfire, telling stories and roasting marshmallows. Maybe it means that you like taking walks in the park, listening to the birdsong, and feeling the breeze. Or maybe it means you love to camp, fish, hike, kayak, climb, ski, bike, or run outside. Being outdoorsy can mean whatever you want it to mean. It’s embracing nature and enjoying spending time outside. 

Learning to embrace nature

The good news is that you don’t have to be typical “outdoorsy” to get outside with your kids and enjoy nature. You don’t have to be into mountain climbing or thru-hiking. You don’t have to like bugs or own a bunch of fancy gear. All you need is an appreciation for the beauty of nature and what nature can do for you and your kids. 

The benefits of getting outside are undeniable. We can all agree that playing outside is great for children. We tend to downplay how important it is for adults as well. Spending time outdoors reduces anxiety, improves overall health, and helps anyone feel more connected to the world and community.

You can seek nature experiences for your kids, but you can also take it to the next level and seek nature experiences with your kids. This can happen even if you are not outdoorsy or a natural-born nature lover, even if you are itching just thinking of walking in the woods with bugs, even if the thought of hiking is exhausting. You can work to overcome those negative associations and embrace the wonder of the world with your kids. Here are some tips on how.

How to become more outdoorsy

Find inspiration through education

Inspiration and education tend to go hand in hand. If you’re not outdoorsy, it may just be because you don’t know much about nature or the amazing things going on right outside your door! The more you know about nature, the more you can learn to appreciate and respect it. The beginning of overcoming any fear or limitation is wanting to overcome that restriction. So, if you think the outdoors are horrible, you have no motivation to push you out of your comfort zone.

On the flip side, if you are flooded with inspiration on how beautiful the world is and how much people enjoy it, your FOMO (fear of missing out), will motivate you to explore ways to obtain the experiences and views that others say are not to be missed. 

After you are motivated to get outside, learning about nature and the earth will snowball your motivation and lead you to take concrete steps to engage in nature. 

1. Documentaries

Documentaries are a great family activity for inspiring and educating. Often these documentaries can lead to philosophy shifts and encourage everyone to engage more with the earth. A documentary can motivate you to be eco-friendly and do simple things around your house to be more sustainable. A documentary can inspire you to travel, raise awareness about topics, and give you a glimpse into other cultures. The wonderful thing about documentaries is that you don’t have to wish you were in a location. You can set goals and plan to visit them.

Some of our favorite documentaries to inspire a love of nature and travel?

  • DisneyNature Series — This is a stunning and heartwarming “Time in the life of…” series for a ton of different animals (penguins, elephants, butterflies, and so many more).

  • Down to Earth with Zac Efron – This is a fantastic journey around the world with Zac Efron (yup, THAT Zac Efron). He takes you on trips to explore sustainable and innovative communities across the globe.

  • National Geographic – Available on Disney+, NatGeo has an extensive library of documentaries on everything in nature, from animals to the ocean to space exploration!

2. Books

Books are another great source of information for learning to love and appreciate nature. The options are endless between kid-friendly storybooks and books focused on adults. Either way, reading about nature, animals, and topics such as sustainable living, will leave a lasting impression that will push you closer towards a goal of getting out there.

Want some recommendations for books about nature? Here are some of our curated book lists for nature books for kids:

3. Make friends

“Just go make new friends!” I know easier said than done, but this truly is the best way to be inspired. Find friends with children of similar ages and interests as yours that love being outdoors. Not only will this inspire you to get out, but you will also have buddies to be your co-conspirators. If they already adore the outdoors AND they adore you, they will naturally want to be a resource for you. You can all explore and learn together and from each other about nature and be more willing to try new things.

You can find friends from your kids school or daycare, from local mom groups on social media, from apps, from visiting local parks or playgrounds, or attending outdoor events. Making new friends as an adult can be hard, but it’s worth it! Sometimes you just have to put yourself out there and give it a try. 

4. Social media

Curating your social media feeds to include accounts that are living the life you are working towards is a great way to stay inspired and learn a lot about the real deal of that lifestyle. For getting outdoors, Instagram and Youtube have the most prominent communities and wealth of information for living, traveling, or just playing outside with kids. Not only will you be able to follow accounts to get an accurate snapshot of what life is like for them, but you will also have constantly NEW inspiration with minimal effort. Follow accounts that will introduce you to guides, tutorials, challenges, and resources to help you in your journey to embrace the outdoors.

Tips for not outdoorsy parents on how to get comfortable being outside
There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.” Scandanavian saying

Prepare for the experiences you want

Being prepared will play the most significant part in becoming outdoorsy and having successful outdoor adventures with your kids. That means not only being prepared physically with the right gear and snacks, but being mentally prepared and having realistic expectations.

Going back to inspiration and education, you can find the best ways to prepare for any outdoor adventure. It is also essential to consider what you are concerned about and prepare yourself for that experience. For example, if the mosquitos love to feast on you, being prepared with repellent, anti-itch, Benedryl, etc., will make your experience much more enjoyable and less irritating. 

Preparation extends beyond the “things” you will need. Making sure that you are physically and mentally ready is also vital. Here are some considerations for preparing for a successful outdoor experience with your kids.

1. Mental preparations for getting outside

Sometimes the first step to becoming more outdoorsy is a mental mindset shift. Overcoming mental blocks, changing negative associations to positive, and healing unhealthy associations will take some work and isnt’ always easy or quick. The amount of work and time depends on your experiences and how deep the associations go.

But, just because you may have had past experiences that made you dislike or uncomfortable in nature doesn’t mean you’re doomed to be a homebody the rest of your life. The following activities can help you promote a healthy and positive connection to the earth and help you get more comfortable being outdoors.  

  • Grounding – Grounding is the act of connecting your physical body with the earth. The act of grounding (also called earthing) is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. Meaning, when you physically touch the ground electrical charges are transferred from the earth – providing positive effects to your body. In simple terms – go outside, take your shoes off, and make direct contact!

  • Yoga – Practicing yoga is about physical and mental grounding. Some benefits will help you physically, however, yoga teaches you to control your breathing and connect your mind to how your body moves. This can be enormously helpful when engaging in outdoor activities.

  • Meditation – Much like yoga, learning to be more aware and present will prepare you to take in and love all that nature has to offer, especially when you reach the point in a hike where cell phones are no longer working. 

  • Sit spotting – Similar to meditation, sit spotting involves the natural world around you and it becomes incorporated into your mindful meditation. The idea of sit spotting is simple: find a special place in nature and then become comfortable with just being there, still and quiet. In this place, nature will surround you, soothe you, entertain you and seep into you. Sit spotting gives you a personal and intimate place in nature which will soothe, comfort and relax you, as you get to know the location.

  • Therapy – Depending on your past experiences, level or fear/dislike, and negative associations with the great outdoors, therapy might be an excellent option for working through mental blocks and creating strategies to shift the narratives you hold about nature.

how to become outdoorsy

2. Physical preparations for getting outside

Physical ability to sustain outdoor activities is usually a huge deterrent for most adults. If you are physically uncomfortable or in pain, of course you’re not going to enjoy the activity. Eliminating any physical discomfort can help you reframe your mindset around spending time outdoors. For example, if you are preparing for a longer hike or adventurous and physical outdoor activities (like downhill skiing or climbing), you can train your body so that you can approach these activities relaxed and ready to enjoy the time in nature with your children. Here are few ways to help eliminate the physical discomfort around being outside:

  • Start taking frequent walks. Choose to walk instead of driving. The the stairs instead of the elevator. Move your body more every day.

  • Take on elevations. Start gradually adding some higher elevation hikes to what you’re already doing. Increase the elevantation and difficulty very slowly. 

  • Strength training can help you in a variety of ways. Not only will it make you feel more confident in your abilities, but will be beneficial when your toddler decides mid-hike that they no longer want to walk.

  • Increase your water intake. This is an easy one that you can do well before you go outside. Hydrate ahead of time while you have easy access to bathrooms while your body adjusts.

3. Medical preparations for getting outside

Slightly different from physical preparation, medical preparation is necessary for anyone that has a medical issue that is keeping them from getting outside. This preparation is very specific to what medical needs you have. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your plans and concerns before making any changes to your medical regime. A doctor can help give you suggestions on how to manage the issue outdoors, prepare you for various scenarios and help you get more comfortable getting out of your comfort zone.

For example, if you are prone to allergic reactions or dehydration, your medical fears about what could happen might be keeping you from spending time outside. Talk to your doctor to see if there are options for you to find some relief or even underlying causes to treat.

dad, two kids and dog sitting on the rocks at sunset with a boat in the distance

4. Having the right outdoor gear

Having the right gear can really help a “not outdoorsy” parent feel more comfortable and confident being outside. Where your budget allows, purchase high-quality durable items and find room for items on your wishlist. Having the right equipment, and the gear that makes you feel good will make the experience of the outdoors feel more like an extension of who you are.

While a lot of what you need will depend on where you are going, here are some quick gear items to think about adding to your outdoor gear stash for nature adventures with kids:

  • Waterbottles

  • Weather-appropriate clothing – for travel or hikes, layers will keep you prepared to change at a moment’s notice. This includes rashguards, hats and sunglasses for outdoor play in the summer, as well as wool layers, hats and gloves for wintertime play. 

  • A great camera or phone with a great camera

  • For younger children, a compact baby carrier so that you can walk but be prepared to hold them and keep your arms free.

  • A great backpack for ALL the water, diapers, and snacks!

5. Setting realistic expectations for outdoor activities

Setting realistic expectations about getting outside with your kids might be the hardest part of the adventure, but it will set you up for the best experience. Going into any activity that you previously found difficult and expecting to love it is not realistic. Shifting your mindset can be a gradual experience and it may take a bit of time. Start by taking notice of the things that you liked, enjoyed or appreciated during the activity. Focus on the good and try to hold on to those feelings and let everything else go. 

The goal is to curate love and embrace nature as a beautiful part of your life. There is time to let that love grow, and if you are frustrated because you didn’t love it, you are less likely to try it again. It’s ok not to love it. But do try to appreciate the good and be willing to try again. The more you do something, the easier it will become and you may just find yourself enjoying the activity. 

So, go into a new activity open-minded but know this relationship will grow over time and not need to be an instant connection.

How to spend more time outside with your kids when you're not outdoorsy

Now, go play outside!

Once you’ve addressed the ideas and issues discussed above, it’s time to get outside and learn to embrace nature and the outdoors. There’s so much out there waiting for you. So many adventures to be had and memories to make. Let’s get started embracing nature and becoming more outdoorsy. 

1. Create a plan and stick to it 

Start planning your experiences. Make a list of the things you’d like to do. Include realistic things that you can do now that are comfortable and easily accessible. But, also include a few things that are stretch goals that you’d like to be able to do someday. Those will keep you motivated to keep going.

For each outdoor adventure you take, get yourself comfortable with the outing before you ever leave the house. Map out where bathrooms are, think about any snacks and meals, consider what gear and clothing you’ll need. Then do it! Eventually, you will find things won’t take as much planning, but being over-prepared ensures that you won’t run into as many unexpected problems.  

2. Start small and work your way up to bigger adventures

If you’re not outdoorsy, but want to spend more time in nature, taking baby steps will ease you in and create a snowball effect for embracing the great outdoors. It will also help you narrow down which experiences you really like and which ones are just not for you.

For example, before you go camping for a whole weekend, do an under-nighter outside. Sit by a fire, cook outdoors, sing songs and tell scary stories, all with the expectation that you are going home at the end of the night. (This can also be done in your backyard.) Once you are comfortable with that, try camping overnight somewhere familiar and close to home (so you can bail in the middle of the night, if you need to).

Same with hiking. Start with a walk in a flat nature preserve. Then seek out longer hikes with more inclines. Just like setting realistic expectations, you are building a foundation and nurturing your relationship with nature. Start small and build the trust over time. Jumping into something well beyond your comfort zone is dangerous and a sure-fire way to make you never want to try that activity again. 

two kids on a boat with binoculars - best outdoor activities and adventures for kids

3. Say yes to adventure

As adults, we often find that saying no to non-preferred activities becomes a habit. Particularly, if you are not outdoorsy, saying no to a hike, canoe trip, or camping weekend will come out without even considering the experience. But sometimes there are opportunities to get outside all around you if you just start looking for them and saying “yes” when they come up. Friends are more likely to start asking you to do outdoor things if you make a habit of saying “yes!” to experiences you previously said no to. The more you agree to being outdoors, the easier those yesses will come and the more opportunities will arise. 

4. Move your favorite activities outside

Do you love to read? Are you a fabulous cook? Do you enjoy working out? Is your home filled with plants? Do you paint or draw? Start with the things you love and enjoy and slowly shift them outside. Ttaking the things your family already does inside to the outdoors will add a whole new level of excitement and help you get more comfortable being outdoors. Piggybacking things you already enjoy to unknown experiences will give you a head start knowing you will enjoy it.

How to hold yourself accountable for spending more time outside

Creative ways to hold yourself accountable

If you’re intimidated by the outdoors or need some additional motivation to get outside, one of the best things you can do is to find ways to hold yourself accountable to your outdoor goals. Sometimes this means enlisting help! Here are some ways that you can help hold yourself accountable to your goals of getting outside more often with your kids. 

1. Tell your kids

Nobody on earth will hold you more accountable than your kids. They are watching you. They probably want to go outside! Make it a family goal to get you to love the outdoors as they do. Let them call you out when you aren’t meeting your goals. Let them show you how much they love the outdoors and how much fun they’re having. They will be empowered as human beings and will be your best cheering section when you show them how much you want to embrace changes.

2. Use a tracker

If you’re someone that loves seeing your progress or finds comfort in trackers and lists, consider using a fitness tracker, step tracker, or even just a calendar for goals you want to reach. Create a goal that you can reach and find tangible ways to measure your outside time. Having concrete goals will keep you accountable while you are forming a new habit. And make sure to celebrate when you hit that goal! 

3. Do it with friends

There’s nothing like having a friend to get you through some of the initial hurdles and make it less scary. Find friends with similar goals and friends who are natural-born outdoorsy people. Set up playdates with mom friends outdoors and let the kids explore together. Picnics, hikes, and camping are all great activities to do as a group.  Take turns checking out new parks, new trails or new activities. Or you could even start your own forest playgroup with some local like-minded friends!

4. Start a social media account or a blog

Small or large following, having a social media account is a fun way to keep people updated with what you are doing and hold yourself accountable. Post a photo and caption about all of your adventures and create an online community of people to cheer you on! Share your experience and what you learn. Not only will it help motivate you to continue trying new things and getting outside, but you may also inspire others to do the same! 

5. Challenges and paid activities

Spending money is one of the most potent tools we have to help hold us accountable. There has been a lot of research on how paying for something gives us a sense of obligation. Sign yourself up for a paid challenge to get outside more. We have a great one that’s designed for parents of little kids with 7 themed days of fun (and easy) outdoor activities called The Wildhood Challenge. Paying for a curated experience will motivate you to follow through and help you be prepared for a great experience.

Enjoy the transformation to becoming outdoorsy

So, are you feeling “outdoorsy” yet? We hope these ideas and advice will help get you over any hurdles you might have to embrace the outdoors and get more confident and comfortable outside. Bookmark this post and refer back anytime you need some extra motivation or encouragement.

Now, take a deep breath and get ready for a new, nature-loving you. Find those adventures that feed your soul and bring your family closer together. The kids will love having you present in their world and you will love feeling on your way to becoming outdoorsy. 

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Help kids overcome fear of creepy insects, snakes & more

Helping Kids Overcome Fear of Insects, Snakes & Creepy-Crawlies

Slugs, snakes, and spiders…oh my! The fear of insects, snakes, worms, butterflies, bees, spiders and other so-called creepy crawlies* is very common for young children. It’s also pretty common in adults! However, a phobia like this can keep your child from spending time in nature and playing outdoors, both of which are extremely important for children. Today, we’re here with some tried and true tips, tricks and methods to help kids (and parents) overcome fears of insects, snakes, bees, worms and other creepy crawlies.

How to help your child overcome their fear of bugs, insects, snakes & other creepy crawlies

* Slugs, ladybugs, beetles, roaches, lizards, snakes, leeches, crawdads, worms, centipedes, caterpillars, crabs, butterflies, lightning bugs, bees, spiders, dragonflies, salamanders, mosquitoes, flies, moths, ants, wasps, crickets, frogs, snails, roly-polies, stinkbugs, grasshoppers, cicadas, praying mantis, etc. For the sake of brevity, we’re lumping together all kinds of animals into this giant category. And no, we don’t really think they’re creepy.

How to help your child overcome their fear of bugs, insects, snakes & other creepy crawlies

Fear is normal

Fear is a normal part of any child’s development. Kids can develop a fear following an experience, like a scary bug landing on them, or can develop them as a result of their creative imagination. Things like dogs, storms, masks, the dark, or an automatic toilet flusher are all common fears. It makes sense, these things are unpredictable. Research has suggested that somewhere around 90% of young children have a specific fear.

Fear of bugs, insects and creepy crawlies is completely normal. What’s not normal is taking that fear to the extreme. For example, a child refusing to go into their bedroom because there was once a spider in there. Refusing to play soccer because there might be bugs in the grass. Hysterically panicking in the car because a bee, moth or fly is in there (which could cause an accident).

helping kids overcome fear of bugs

how to help your child overcome their fear of insectsFear of insects in kids

Fear of insects and other creepy crawlies can be one of the most stubborn fears to deal with. Almost all humans have some degree of aversion to these animals, but when a child has a phobia that leaves them hysterical, panicked or screaming in fear, it can become more than just disruptive. These fears can be dangerous and last through adulthood if not addressed early. If you have a child that’s scared of bugs or insects, it’s best to start helping them deal with that fear as early as possible.

Regardless of whether or not your child has a ‘normal’ fright of bugs and creepy crawlies, or something more extreme, there are things parents can do at home to help their kids work through it.

acknowledge your child's fear of insects, bugs and creepy crawlies


tips for getting over your fear of bugs, insects and creepy-crawlies


Understanding the fear

A child’s panicked reaction to bugs stems from two causes: (1) young age and (2) lack of understanding. Adults who suffer from phobias are usually aware that their fear is irrational, but continue to be scared in spite of what they know to be true. Children’s fears, on the other hand, can often be attributed to simple inexperience – they become scared because they don’t have complete or accurate knowledge of the thing that scares them. For a child, overcoming a fear happens as the child matures and gains knowledge over the situation. With patience and knowledge, you can help your child overcome fear of insects, bugs and other creepy-crawlies.

how to help get over your child's fear of snakes


fear of bugs and insects in children is normal


Acknowledge the fear

Fear of insects and other creepy crawlies is real and normal. A child’s fear should never be ridiculed, taunted or dismissed. Do not talk your child out of the fear or force your child to confront the object of her fears head-on right away. The best way to initially overcome the fear is by acknowledging the fear while remaining calm yourself. Assure your child of your protection and support. When your child sees and feels that you take their concerns seriously, they feel closer to you and are more ready to work through the fears.

Help overcome fear of insects

We’ve put together a comprehensive list of tips, tricks, techniques, and advice for parents to help their child overcome fear of insects, bugs, snakes, reptiles and other creepy-crawlies. We hope the following list is helpful for anyone dealing with a scared child and managing their fear.

fear of bugs is normal for children - here are tips to help


Keep your reactions in check

Perhaps the most important thing you can do as a parent is model accepting/tolerant behavior of bugs for them. The fear of insects or other creepy crawlies is one that is commonly conditioned by parents and immediately sets them up to continue the cycle. If your child has seen you run screaming from the room with arms flailing at the sight of a spider, it’s natural that they are going to be terrified too.

Parents are the protectors and the ones that teach children what’s dangerous and what’s not. Children catch anxieties from adults like they catch a common cold. Any little bit of anxiety you show may be amplified tenfold by them. So, as hard as it might be for you, try to keep from squirming and panicking to yourself. If your child sees you reacting in a calm, deliberate way, then she/he will be able to copy your behavior when ready. Getting your reactions under control is probably the most important thing you can do to help your child overcome their fear.

advice for helping kids that are scared of bugs, snakes and other creepy-crawlies


helping kids overcome fear of animals and insects


Don’t flee

When a child starts to panic over a bug, offer them comfort where they are. Resist the urge to remove them from the situation (i.e. take them inside) and “out of harm’s way.” Instead, sit beside them and help soothe their distress. Try not to facilitate their urge to flee. By picking them up, you may inadvertently reinforce the idea that there’s a reason to be afraid or that they’re in danger where they are. Help them overcome their fear of insects and bugs in the present location by remaining calm and demonstrating that there’s nothing to be afraid of.

tips for helping kids with fear of insects


Explain that bugs are helpers

One of the things that can make bugs so scary for kids is that their motives seem difficult to decipher. They buzz, fly or jump around seemingly at random. They fly by a child or land on them suspiciously. Teaching them about the benefits of bugs and the purpose they serve may help diffuse the nervousness. Explain how bees are busy at work trying to collect nectar from flowers to make honey and pollinate flowers. Talk about how ladybugs eat tiny bugs and help plants grow. Teach kids that worms aerate the soil and help make dirt. Explain that these animals aren’t gross, they’re good guys! The more you can help your child see bugs as helpers, the less scary they’ll be to children.

tips for overcoming a child's fear of insects, bugs and animals


tips for conquering fears of insects, bugs, snakes, reptiles and creepy-crawlies


Use humor

Help a child overcome their fear of insects by using humor. When a bug or insect gets too close to your child, turn it from a scary experience into a funny one. Say something like “Silly grasshopper! He hopped into the wrong place!” or “Crazy bee, doesn’t she know you’re not a flower?” or “What’s that frog doing? Maybe he thinks you’re a princess!” Give calm, reassuring statements that make the antics of bugs seem humorous so the child comes to realize the bugs isn’t out to do them harm.

helping kids deal with their fear of bugs


how to help your child get over their fear of bugs and insects


Talk about size

It may help some children overcome fear of insects by pointing out the age-old wisdom that “bugs are more afraid of you than you are of them.” Ask your child to consider the bug’s perspective for a moment. Imagine how you might feel if you came across a creature that was as tall as a giant! That’s what we are to bugs. Ask your child who is bigger and stronger, him/her or the bug? Putting your very large child in a bug’s shoes may help them realize just how tiny bugs can be.

Best tips and advice for helping children overcome fear of animals, insects and reptiles


Inspire empathy

Similarly to talking about size, inspire empathy for the insect by telling your child how much bugs have to worry about. Bugs are in constant fear of being hurt or stepped on by humans or eaten by other insects, small rodents, and birds. Bees will die after having stung someone, so they have no desire to sting you.

best advice for overcoming fear of bugs


creative ways to help your child overcome a fear of bugs, insects and creepy-crawlies


Empower them with info

Help your child overcome fear of insects, reptiles and other creepy crawlies by arming kids with lots of information on bugs. Developing a better understanding of insects, spiders, and other bugs goes a long way toward helping make them less scary. Talk about why bees might sting or why a snake might bite. Discuss how they can lower the odds of being stung or bitten: standing still when a bee buzzes around or lands on them, not prodding or messing with a snake, avoiding areas where these particular bugs or animals congregate. Such knowledge helps a child feel empowered, and the more control they feel, the less afraid they’ll be.

Books like the Children’s Guide to Insects and Spiders1001 Bugs to Spot and The Big Book of Bugs allow kids to learn all about bugs in the comfort of their own home before encountering them again outside.

tips for helping kids not be afraid of bugs and insects


tips on how to help kids that are afraid of bugs, insects, snakes and other animals


Find a favorite

Talk to your child and see if there are any bugs or insects that your child likes or is interested in? Butterflies, lightning bugs, caterpillars, dragonflies, daddy long legs and ladybugs are a few relatively well-loved (and relatively not-scary) insects to start with. Find out what these are and learn more about them together with your child. Search for them together and study them. Show them how harmless they are and then use this knowledge to talk about similarities with other insects.

helping kids face their fear of insects, bugs and creepy-crawlies


Counteract the negative

Some creepy crawlies (like spiders, snakes, and leeches) get a bad reputation from humans. They are seen as evil, scary, sinister and out to get us. Throughout books, fairytales, and movies they are depicted as the bad guys and are frequent stars in horror scenes. Try to balance this negative perspective with more positive information and examples. Find a book or show where the insect is the hero (e.g. Charlotte’s Web, The Very Hungry Caterpillar). Teach your child all the cool facts about what that particular type of bug does (maybe it eats pesky mosquitos or is a vegetarian).

helping kids overcome fear of worms


tips for helping kids manage fear of creepy-crawlies


Address misconceptions

Sometimes a child’s fear is based on misconceptions they’ve heard or untrue ideas they’ve gotten into their head. Children can pick up a lot of bad information about bugs and other creepy crawlies, either through television, stories or other kids at school. If your child is verbal enough to talk to you about their fears, ask your kid what they know about the particular bug and what specifically scares them. Ask if there any experiences your child had with a particular bug she/he can tell you about?

Counteract some common myths with fact. For example, spiders do not crawl in your mouth while you’re sleeping. Mosquitos will not suck out ALL your blood. Most snakes aren’t venomous. Bee stings (other for those who are allergic to bees) may cause itching or irritation, but seldom significant pain. Snails don’t have teeth. Frogs won’t give you warts.

learn how to help your child handle their fear of bugs, insects and animals


helping your child overcome fear and gain confidence around animals


Manage pain expectations

Some fear of insects and other creepy crawlies stems from a child’s fear of pain. Kids tend to obsess over certain pains disproportionately (shots, bee stings, etc.). Oftentimes kids will end up psyching themselves out, exaggerating how bad the pain will be. You may help dispel some of the fear by helping a child put the pain into perspective. Yes, getting stung by a bee might hurt for a minute, but so does falling down and scraping your knee. Yet, this doesn’t keep you from walking, running, or riding your bike. A mosquito bite may itch, but so does wearing that scratchy princess dress.

tips for parents of children who are afraid of reptiles, insects, snakes and creepy-crawlies


helping kids get over their fear of snakes, bees and insects


Watch and learn

Watching an insect and seeing what it does is a great way to expose your child to it without it being an overwhelming experience. Find a flower garden or tree and observe the insects that come and go. Find an anthill and watch the ants march in a line. Try going to the insect house at a local nature center or zoo and watch them do their job. Encourage your child to observe the bugs in their habitats and ask the staff questions. They might also see other children who are excited by bugs. Seeing others act calmly around the insects may further reduce their stress and help them overcome fear of insects.

how to help your child get over their fear of worms, bees and other insects


educating your children to help overcome their fear of animals



When children care for something, they develop empathy towards it, which can go a long way towards relieving anxiety about ALL bugs and creepy-crawlies. A good way to help kids overcome fear of insects is to have them take care of a bug and observe it. Roly-polies, beetles, crickets, and ladybugs are good candidates for observation. Although snails aren’t insects, they’ll cohabit peacefully with these bugs and are also fun to observe. Or start a wormery with your kids where they can take care of them and help them grow. Have your child make a home for the insect based on the type of habitat they live in (this may require a little bit of research). Have your child feed and care for them.

If your child is literate, encourage them to keep a journal of any interesting things the bug do. If they’re preliterate, discuss these things with them at an opportune time: What do they like to eat? Where do they spend most of their time? And so on. The nice thing about this project is that it’s easily disposable once it serves its purpose and the kids grow tired of it. Just take the habitat outside and conduct a ceremony to set the bugs free.

how to help your child overcome their fear of spiders, bees, snakes and other animals


tips for helping a child manage fear of snakes, spiders, bees and other creepy-crawlies


Model appropriate reactions

In addition to not panicking when you see a spider or other “scary” insect, make sure you are modeling the calm and empathic behavior you want to see if your child. The actions of others speak incredibly loudly for any child trying to overcome fear of insects.

For example, say you spot a spider in your kitchen. Show your child how to calmly place a small clear jar on top of it, and then slide a stiff piece of paper under the jar. The spider sits on top of the paper. Now you can safely slide your hand under the paper and lift the jar. Carry it out of the room and release the spider outdoors. Handling its removal this way allows your child to see that you are not afraid, it’s not bad (and doesn’t need to be killed) and that you have compassion for it and want it to be in the “right” place.

tips, advice and books for helping children manage fear of insects

@court_boucher via @solace_farm_homestead

Immersion therapy

Once your child is over their initial fear of the particular type of bug or creepy-crawly, ask them if they’d like to touch or hold one. Do not force the child to confront their fears in this way from the beginning or you may traumatize them. However, once they know more about the insect, understand that the bug can’t/won’t hurt them and have dispelled some of the common misconceptions, they might be curious enough about it to want to see it up close.

There is nothing like a hands-on experience to help a child make a connection when learning. The same can be true for making the connection between a bug and it’s harmlessness. Model the behavior first by letting your child see you hold the animal and how to be calm and gentle. Offer it to them, but if they’re unwilling or not ready, don’t press it. Give it some time and ask again in a few weeks/months.

How to help your child overcome their fear of bugs, insects, snakes & other creepy crawlies


Be patient

Overcoming a fear is not going to happen instantly or overnight. This is something that you’ll need to work on together over time. Let your child set the pace. They are likely inundated with cues and misinformation from media and other kids that bugs are “gross” and “scary.” But with knowledge and patience and constructive bug interactions, your child’s fears should ease over time.

How to help your child overcome their fear of bugs, insects, snakes & other creepy crawlies


For children who are allergic

If your child is allergic to bees, wasps or other insects, then their fear isn’t entirely irrational. They should have a certain degree of anxiety around these insects, but they also need to be able to manage the situation safely without panicking. Often excessive fears arise because of a traumatic memory. Maybe it’s from the first time they were stung or a parent or sibling’s reaction to a bee.

In order to decrease your child’s panic, talk through the situation and assure them they will be fine. Remind them that their epi-pen is close and will help them breathe should they get stung. Talk about how you’ll both manage the situation. You might also consider telling them that sometimes people outgrow allergies, so it’s possible they won’t have any reaction at all if they get stung. Talking about these things is often enough to turn down the fear dial to a level they can manage.

tips for helping kids with allergies overcome fear of bees


When to get help

The takeaway here is that regardless of what your child is afraid of, fear is completely normal for children and parents can play a large role in helping their kids work through it. But sometimes it is appropriate to seek additional help. A rule of thumb for any fear is that if it’s upsetting the entire family or getting in the way of family functioning, then it’s probably time to get help. The best place to start is with your family’s pediatrician, but he or she may recommend a referral to a child psychologist.

How to help your child overcome their fear of bugs, insects, snakes & other creepy crawlies


How to help your child overcome their fear of bugs, insects, snakes & other creepy crawlies


Do you have a child that scared of creepy crawlies?
How are you handling it?

Special thanks to all the talented members of our amazing Instagram community who let us feature their incredible photos in this post. We are so unbelievably lucky to have such a wonderful online community of parents, kids, photographers and creepy crawlies!


Backyard Wildlife Rescue

How to Help Injured Animals

Wild Birds

Injured bird who has been receiving care from a licensed wildlife rehabilitator

If you've found an injured bird in your yard or while out and about, quick action can mean the difference between life and death. It's important to assess the situation to know how to intervene — and whether that's even necessary.  Read more Here

This article will cover:

How to Find a Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator Near You-How to catch an injured bird
How to handle a wild bird
Wildlife Rescue: Safety PrecautionsHow to transport a bird to a wildlife rehabilitator

Your goal is to get the bird to a rehabilitator as soon as possible, ideally within an hour. On the drive, keep the box with the bird in it out of the sun and air-conditioning. 

Wildlife Rescue:

How to Help Orphaned or Injured Animals


Baby cottontail rabbit at wildlife rehabilitation center

Wildlife rescue requires a person to be able to assess the situation to determine whether they need to intervene to help a wild animal. In some cases, intervening might do more harm than good — for example, removing healthy baby animals from their mother just because they seem to be abandoned (but aren't). 

On the other hand, not helping a young orphaned animal might mean certain death for that animal. A wild animal who does need to be rescued must be taken immediately to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, and the rehabilitator can help you determine whether and how you should intervene.

Here are some basics to know about wildlife rescue for various types of wild animals.

How to help baby squirrels and chipmunks

Before picking up a young squirrel or chipmunk who appears to be orphaned, stand at a distance (so you don’t deter the mother from returning) for at least a half hour and look for the baby’s mother. She might reappear momentarily. Even if the mother does not reappear, you should leave the baby alone if they appear lively, active, and not in any distress.

However, if the mother does not reappear after an hour and the baby runs toward you, appearing oddly friendly as if they're insistently asking for something, the baby might have been separated from the mother and is potentially starving. In this case, the animal will need to be rescued. Likewise, if the baby is clearly injured or very cold and still, then the animal definitely needs help right away. Call a licensed wildlife rehabilitator immediately for guidance.

What to do if you find a fawn

Fawns generally do not need rescuing unless you have actually seen a dead doe nearby. A doe will leave her fawn alone for many hours every day. Fawns' instincts lead them to lie absolutely still, and if a person tries to pick them up they will appear to be paralyzed. This often leads the person to assume that a fawn is injured and needs help. However, this is a mistake: The fawn does not need help. Leave the fawn alone, and leave the area immediately.

How to help wild baby bunnies

Young cottontails who appear to have all their fur, are at least 8 inches long, have their eyes open, and are able to hop don't need to be rescued. They've already left the nest and are able to survive on their own. If you find such a bunny sitting in the road, you can coax them well off to one side of the road for their safety.

However, if the young cottontail is clearly injured — look for bleeding; whether the bunny's eyes are closed; and whether the bunny seems cold, listless, or unable to move — the animal should be taken to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator immediately. You should also take a wild bunny to a rehabilitator if they've had any encounter with a cat (even if the injury seems minor) or any other accident, such as getting oil on their fur.

If the young cottontail seems very small, their eyes are not yet open, they seem to be too young to hop, or they might have been removed from the nest by a cat, then the bunny will need to be rescued and taken to a rehabilitator. Often, a small baby cottontail who needs to be rescued will be lying down, not sitting as if ready to hop, and they will often feel cold or appear to be in shock.

What to do with orphaned bear cubs

Do not "rescue" the cubs of large carnivores, such as bears, wolves, coyotes, bobcats, and cougars. Intervening with them is likely to be very dangerous for you as well as for the cubs. If you see a dead mother and you see a cub nearby, carefully note the location of the animals and call your state wildlife department. If you know of a licensed wildlife rehabilitator near you who cares for large carnivores, you may call the rehabilitator instead. 

Bear cubs frequently wander alone at some distance from their mother. A person removing them from the area is essentially kidnapping them. If the mother bear reappears suddenly, she will be very angry, very dangerous, and very likely to attack. This is also true of other large carnivores. If you see a young cub who seems to be alone, leave the area immediately and contact a state wildlife officer or a wildlife rehabilitator.

The wildlife officers will determine how to relate to the cub according to their own policies. In most cases, the cub is not really orphaned at all and the cub’s mother will reappear. If the cub is genuinely orphaned, wildlife officers will be able to take the cub to a wildlife rehabilitator in some cases. In other cases, this will not be possible and the cub might have to be euthanized. A genuinely orphaned young cub cannot survive alone in the wild.

How to help orphaned baby opossums

Many opossums are injured or killed on the roads, and if the opossum is a mother she can have small baby opossums still alive in her pouch. Opossums are marsupials, and they have pouches like kangaroos. If you come across a dead or injured opossum, contact a wildlife rehabilitator immediately for assistance. Time is of the essence to rescue any baby opossums who are still alive.

What to do if you find baby raccoons or skunks

Some states have laws against rehabilitating skunks and raccoons. So call a wildlife rehabilitator before rescuing these young mammals, and ask for advice about what to do.

In many cases, when young skunks and raccoons are found their mother has been trapped and relocated. Relocating these animals is usually illegal, and it is always unkind because the adult animal might not survive relocation. If you feel that a particular skunk or raccoon living in your area is a problem, ask a wildlife rehabilitator how to relate to the animal.

What to do if you see a young beaver

If you come across a small young beaver who’s in water and seems too young to be on their own, contact a wildlife rehabilitator to ask for advice before rescuing the animal.

What to do with an injured bat

If you come across an injured bat, contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator for guidance. There are even wildlife rehabilitators who specialize in bats. An injured bat can sometimes be moved by placing a piece of cardboard under them and then using that to lift the animal into a cardboard box. In rare cases, bats carry rabies, so do not touch the bat with your hands. If someone has touched the bat, keep a record of that person’s name and contact information to give to the wildlife rehabilitator.

How to help an injured bird

If you've found an injured bird who seems to be having trouble flying, contact a wildlife rehabilitator for instructions on how to proceed. The bird might in fact be a young fledging who's just learning how to fly and doesn't require any intervention. However, if the bird truly is injured and requires assistance, the rehabilitator can offer advice on how to move the bird into a cardboard box for transport. 

General wildlife rescue tips

  • As a general rule, a wild adult animal who is not moving away from you is either ill or injured.

  • Do not attempt to rescue large animals by yourself, even if you come across an animal caught in a trap. Contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, and keep an eye on the animal from a safe distance.

  • Don't ever approach injured coyotes, bobcats, wolves, cougars, bears, or any other large carnivores. They will become frightened and will likely attack. Stay at a safe distance watching the animal, and call a rehabilitator or state wildlife officer.

  • In the case of large injured wild animals, the options for helping them effectively are often very limited. It’s good to be aware of this when contacting a wildlife rehabilitator or officer. Don’t insist that the animal be kept alive if the animal will not be releasable back into the wild; it might not be the kindest outcome for the animal.

  • If you find a small animal who's injured, contact a wildlife rehabilitator before moving the animal. The rehabilitator often can guide you through moving and transporting the animal to a facility that can help. Be aware, though, that even very small animals might bite, and some might carry diseases.

A final word of advice: While helping wildlife is an act of kindness, it’s important to know that deciding to rescue and transport any wild animal is entirely your own choice. There are certain risks of disease or injury, and no one other than yourself is liable for any harm or injury that may be incurred — neither Best Friends Animal Society nor any licensed wildlife rehabilitator.